
  • 网络county level finance;county-level finance
  1. 振兴县级财政要树立市场观念,转变用财观念,明确县级方向,强化管理,建立健全县级财政财源建设的项目与资金管理体系。

    The paper puts forward some countermeasures to increase county level finance : establishing the concept of market , stressing main tasks , strengthening management , building and improving the projects of financial sources , and fund controlling system as well .

  2. 由于中国实行重工业优先发展的战略,工业发展较快,建国后工商各税就成为县级财政的重要来源。

    Because china implements the strategy of giving priority to the development of the heavy industry , the industry develops much fast , various industrial and commercial taxes becomes the important origin of the county-level finance after the foundation of the nation .

  3. 对推进新疆县级财政体制改革的思考

    Speculations of Promoting Fiscal System Reform on County Level in Xinjiang

  4. 我国县级财政困难的成因及对策研究

    Study on Causes and Strategies of County Financial Difficulties in China

  5. 但从实际情况来看,县级财政支出还存在许多问题。

    However , there are still many problems of county-level expenditure .

  6. 摆脱黑龙江县级财政困境的思考

    Thoughts on Extricating Heilongjiang Counties from the Financial Embarrassment

  7. 云南省县级财政困难分析

    An Analysis of County Financial Difficulty in Yunnan

  8. 从县级财政看政府间财政转移支付制度的改革与完善

    See the State a Finance Alienation System from the County Class Finance of Reform with Perfect

  9. 第三部分研究湖北省农村养老保险需求及县级财政状况。

    The third part is the Hubei province rural old-age insurance demands and county financial situation .

  10. 县级财政法定支出问题研究正确磨削,避免烧伤也是必要的。

    Research on Mandated Expenditure of County Budget proper grinding to avoid scoring is also mandated .

  11. 市、县级财政有困难的,省级财政也要通过转移支付予以补助。

    Provincial financial departments will also subsidize those cities and counties in financial straits through transfer payments .

  12. 吉林省省管县框架下的县级财政运行研究

    Research on the Fiscal Operation of the County Level Based on the Province Governing in Jilin Province

  13. 县级财政拓展税源难之浅析&基于江苏某县的实证分析

    Analysis of Issues on Local Tax Base Expansion Based on Empirical Analysis of a Town in Jiangsu Province

  14. 共享税部分更多地照顾县级财政的需要。

    The portion of shared tax will provide more benefits for the needs of fiscal bureaus of counties .

  15. 第二部分阐述农村养老保险、县级财政支出相关理论。

    The second part describes the theories of old-age insurance in rural areas , the county finance expenditure .

  16. 论文还选取贫困地区的县级财政定量分析了财政赤字对公共支出结构变动的反作用。

    The paper also uses quantitative method to research the influence which county deficit reacts to public expenditure structure .

  17. 我国自1994年实行分税制财政体制以来,县级财政有了相对独立的地位。

    Since 1994 when China implemented the tax sharing system , the county finance had a relatively independent status .

  18. 地方财政特别是县级财政对艾滋病防治资金的投入数量应该明文确定并予以量化。

    The financial inputs in HIV / AIDS of local governments especially county governments should be specifically identified and quantified .

  19. 其次,完善县级财政资金报账制度,加大对资金的监督、审计。

    Second , improve the reimbursement system of county-level financial capital , to increase oversight of the funds , and audit .

  20. 得出了这样一个中心观点:县级财政困难的成因,是由我国渐进式的分税制改革的制度缺陷造成的;

    It elicited an heart standpoint that the difficulties of county public finance were resulted in the disfigurements of separate tax system .

  21. 此外,县级财政还会产生广泛的社会效应和政治效应,会直接冲击到我国和谐社会的建设。

    Additional , county finance has a wide social effect and political effect , which also directly affected our harmonious society construction .

  22. 需要众多的学者从不同视角、方法、工具进行不断的创新,丰富县级财政可持续发展研究内涵。

    More scholars are expected to create more in different angles , methods , instruments to enrich sustainable development researches of county finance .

  23. 但目前有关县级财政与社会主义新农村建设的关系的讨论和文章较少,也未见专著与论述。

    At present , there are few academic articles or works about the relation between the county finance and the new rural reconstruction .

  24. 县级财政是一个地方经济的综合反映,是保证县级政府履行其职能的分配工具。

    County-level finances are a comprehensive reflection of local economy and a distributional tool that guarantees that a county government can fulfill its functions .

  25. 分别从四个方面论证县级财政困难的重要原因来自于县级基本财力保障机制的不足。

    Were confirmed at the county level from the four major reasons for financial difficulties to ensure basic funding from the county-level mechanisms are inadequate .

  26. 县自治的推行及县自治财政的运作对民国时期的县级财政与县政职能产生了深远影响。

    County and county self-government self-government finance the implementation of the operation of the county Republican finance and functions of county government had a profound impact .

  27. 本文通过对明清至民国时期吴江县级财政的研究,探讨了近代县级财政逐渐建立的过程。

    Based on the Ming and Qing to the Republic of Wujiang county finance studies to explore the gradual establishment of the modern process of county finance .

  28. 本文的目的是考察不同的县级财政体制对县域经济增长的影响及其作用机制。

    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of different fiscal systems on economic growth in county-level , province-county and prefecture-county so to speak .

  29. 但是,地方财政尤其是县级财政的发展仍有一定的缺陷,对政府更好的履行职能产生了一些制约。

    However , local governments , especially the development of the county finance is still some defects on the Government to better perform its functions had some constraints .

  30. 在本文结尾,提出了几点建议,希望论文的研究成果能在县级财政可持续发展研究领域中起到抛砖引玉的作用。

    In the end , the paper gave some suggestions and hopes that its results can encourage more valuable ideas on the sustainable development research of county finance .