
  1. 比如,我住在安徽省肥西县三河镇清平中心学校。

    I live in Qingping Central School in Sanhe town , Feixi County , Anhui province .

  2. 贫困历史老镇的商业步行街设计&以抚顺市新宾满族自治县上夹河镇商业步行街设计为例

    Shopping pedestrian mall design in poor historical town

  3. 西吉县苏家河镇在一次滑坡中整体被埋。

    Sujiahe , a town in in Xiji County , was completely buried under a landslide .

  4. 研究区位于吉林省抚松县北东部,行政区划属抚松县露水河镇管辖,尚未有人对该区域内的金矿床进行研究。

    The study area is located in the northeast of Fusong county Jilin province and Administrative division of Lushui town . It was not yet study on the regional gold deposit .

  5. 抚松县露水河天祥土特产有限公司,位于吉林省抚松县露水河镇,地处长白山腹地。

    Tianxiang souvenirs Limited , located in the town of Lushuihe Fusong County , Jilin Province , is located in the hinterland of Changbai Mountain .