
  • 网络agro-environment science
  1. 世界农业环境科学研究动态与展望

    Researching Trends and Prospect of Agro-environment Science in the World

  2. 分析、阐述了世界农业环境科学研究发展的趋势;

    Researching and developing trends of agro-environment science were analyzed and expounded ;

  3. 扼要概述了农业环境科学在国际上兴起与发展所经历的3个阶段,以及在我国所走过的5个相对独立的时期;

    Rising and developing processes of agro-environment science in the world and in China were tersely summarized ;

  4. 高等农业院校环境科学专业教学模式初探

    Study on Teaching Mode of Environmental Science Specialty in Agricultural University

  5. 有机肥科学合理使用一直是农业、环境科学、生态科学等所关注的问题。

    Reasonable and scientific use of organic manure has been concerned in agriculture , environmental and ecology science .

  6. 是生物遗传工程医学农业林业环境科学畜牧水产等生产和科研部门较理想的试验设备。

    Is the biological genetic engineering medicine Agriculture Forestry Animal Husbandry and fishery environment scientific production and scientific research departments ideal test equipment .

  7. 有机化合物质污染土壤的生物修复是近年来国内外农业、环境科学、生态学等领域的研究热点。

    Bioremediation of soils contaminated with organic compounds become a research hotspot in the domain of agriculture , environmental science , ecology and other areas of research in recent years .

  8. 综述了近年来农业、环境科学和食品科学中NO3~-、NO2~-同时测定方法的研究进展。

    A review on the recent progress of the research of simultaneous determination of NO ~ - _3 and NO ~ - _3 ions in agricultural , environmental and foodstuff sciences is presented in this paper ( with 37 references ) .

  9. 绿色象征着生命、健康和活力,也象征着农业和环境保护科学。

    The green symbolizes the life , health and vigor , as well as agriculture and environmental protection science .

  10. 研究结果为该地区农业环境可持续发展提供科学依据。

    The result will provide scientific basis for sustainable development of ( agricultural ) fragile environment in Fujian coastal area .

  11. 将这种协作方法应用到两个数据集的处理,一个来自亚利桑那Maricopa农业中心,一个来自日本国家农业-环境科学协会的Tsukuba试验基地。

    The synergistic method is applied to two data sets from Maricopa Agricultural Center , Maricopa , Arizona , and the experimental fields of the National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences , Tsukuba , Japan .

  12. 目前农业长期试验网络需要在区域尺度上加强农业、环境和生物科学的交叉研究;

    It is need to reinforce the multi-discipline research on agriculture , ecology and environment science ;

  13. 坡地土壤水分、养分迁移机制研究是土壤质量退化和农业非点源污染研究的核心内容,也是土壤侵蚀、坡地水文、坡地农业和环境科学等多学科交叉点。

    The transportation mechanism of water and nutrient in slope field is the key content of soil degeneration and non-point contamination research on agriculture , and the crossing point of soil erosion , slope hydrology , slope agriculture and environmental science .

  14. 探讨了该区域农业土壤元素背景值与世界土壤、地壳丰度和国内土壤元素背景值的差异,为开展农业环境科学研究提供依据。

    Soil background values of these elements in the area are compared with other soils from China and world as well as the earth crust abundance . This provides basis for the study of agricultural environment in this area .

  15. 从中国多年农业环境质量与评价工作入手,分析了农业环境质量评价的必要性及特点,探讨了农业环境质量评价的科学程序及与农业环境决策的关系。

    From many years of evaluation of agricultural environmental quality in China , the paper analyzed the necessity and character of evaluation of agricultural environmental quality , and relationship between scientific evaluation sequence of agricultural environmental quality and decision making in agricultural environmental quality .