
  1. 本部分首先运用SWOT分析法对农户小额信用贷款的市场化运作可行性进行了研究,然后通过实例对可持续性进行了分析。

    First I , with SWOT , made a study of its feasibility , then I , with the living examples , made an analysis of continuity .

  2. 农户小额信用贷款信用评级探究

    Probe into the Credit Degree Appraisal of the Micro - Credit for Farmer

  3. 第一部分是对农户小额信用贷款的制度性研究。

    Part I The study of its system .

  4. 第二部分是对我国农户小额信用贷款的政策性进行研究。

    In my study , I drew the conclusion that the petty loan on credit is policy .

  5. 农村信用社推广农户小额信用贷款的实证研究对农户小额信贷需求、安全性、盈利性和信用状况的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Unsecured Micro Credit to Rural Household in Rural Credit Cooperative An Empirical Study of Rural Household Micro Lending

  6. 通过研究,得出农户小额信用贷款带有一定的政策性,但由于是农村信用社发放和管理,所以不是严格意义上的政策性贷款的结论。

    But , strictly , it is not a conclusion ofa policy loan because it is the rural credit cooperative that hands out and manages it .

  7. 主要分析与论述小额贷款的起源和我国农户小额信用贷款的制度,比较了中外农户小额信用贷款的异同。

    I present you the origin of the petty loan and the system of the petty loan on credit for the farming household in our countryside .

  8. 中国农户小额信用贷款的设计汲取了上述运行机理,同时充分发挥了非正式制度(社会资本)在农户小额信用贷款运作中作用。

    RCCs-MC in China learns from above mechanism of microfinance , and utilizes the informal institution ( social capital ) sufficiently in the mechanism of RCCs-MC . 5 .

  9. 在国外,农户小额信用贷款诞生于20世纪70年代,孟加拉乡村银行的成功拉开了其在国际范围内全面发展的历史帷幕。

    The Rural Micro Credit ( Hereafter RMC ) started in 1970s abroad , and the success of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh drew the curtains of comprehensive development in an international range .

  10. 本研究的主要结论:第一,中国的农村信用社农户小额信用贷款的开展作为中国正规金融机构小额信贷的开端,必将在中国的农村金融领域发挥重要的作用;

    Main conclusions of this paper are as follows : 1 . As the beginning of the commercialization of microfinance in China , RCC-MC will perform an important function in rural finance .

  11. 为了鼓励和支持三农政策的进一步实施,国家积极推进全国商业银行开展农户小额信用贷款业务,以此缓解农民资金需求难的问题。

    In order to encourage and support the policy of " agriculture , countryside and farmers ", our government actively promotes part of commercial bank take small loan business to farmers , in order to alleviate this problem .

  12. 而我国自1999年下半年推行的农户小额信用贷款,就是最符合现阶段我国农村实行的联产承包责任制特点的一个信贷品种。

    The petty loan on credit for the farming household , which has been carried out since the second half of 1999 , is the best one that is keeping with household contract responsibility system being practised in our countryside .

  13. 接着从理论上介绍了农户小额贷款信用风险评价的基本相关理论,了解农户小额信用贷款的特点以及农户小额贷款信用风险的形成因素。

    Secondly , theoretically introduces farmers microfinance credit risk , understand the basic theory and characteristics of peasant households micro credit loans credit risk factors .