
  1. 目前农村的中等教育体制改革,迫切需要培养合格的农业技术专业教师。

    At present , with the reformation of middle school educational systems , rural areas eagerly need qualified teachers of agricultural technology .

  2. 高职院校农业环保技术专业建设的改革与实践高职院校农林类专业实践教学的现状与对策

    Reform and Practice of the Specialty Constrution of Agro-environment Protection Technology Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges Current Situation and Countermeasures of Practical Teaching of Agriculture and Forestry in Higher Vocational Colleges

  3. 农业高等院校生物技术专业课程结构一体化研究

    Studies on Unifying of Course Frame of Biological Technology in Agricultural University

  4. 1982年,我从湖北省襄阳地区中等专业农业技术学校畜牧兽医专业毕业。

    I graduated from the Hubei-based Xiangyang secondary speicalized agricultural technology school with a major in livestock veterinary in1982 .

  5. 对笔者提出的农业高等院校生物技术专业一体化课程结构模式进行了论证。

    The guideline and construct fundamental for reforming of course frame of biological technology in agricultural university was brought forward .