
  • 网络pharmacy trusteeship
  1. 社区卫生服务药房托管前后经济运行状况分析

    Research on Pharmacy trusteeship of the Economic of Community Health Service

  2. 药房托管社区卫生服务机制的研究与实践

    Study and Practice on Pharmacy Trusteeship Community Health Service Mechanism

  3. 对南京市药房托管模式的初步分析与评价

    Analyzing and Evaluating the Pharmacy Trusteeship Mode in Nanjing

  4. 略论药房托管的性质

    Brief Discussion on the Nature of Drugstore Trusteeship

  5. 主要论述药房托管的基本操作模式及其对医院产生的影响。

    This paper mainly talk about practice pattern of drugstore trusteeship and its impact on hospital .

  6. 药房托管的法律性质初探

    On Legal Property of Pharmacy Trusteeship

  7. 如此大规模推行“药房托管”,在全国尚属首次。

    So large-scale carry out " drug-store mandatory ", still belong to in the whole nation first .

  8. 药房托管机制的发展和完善要靠政府、医疗机构和药品经营企业各方面共同努力,引入新思路,新理念,创造良好的托管环境。

    Further development and improvement depend on the joint effort of the government , medicinal organizations and drug retail enterprises .

  9. 全国各地纷纷出现的药房托管模式,是对医药分离政策要求的一种应对。

    A nationwide appearance of drugstore trusteeship mode one after another is a way to cope with the separation policy of outpatient drug department from the hospital .

  10. 药房托管不能停留在药品流通和药品供应阶段,受托医药企业还应为医疗机构提供药学咨询和药学管理服务。

    Drugstore trusteeship cannot just be retained in the stage of drug demand and supply . It should also provide medical consultation and pharmaceutical management services for the medicinal organizations .

  11. 该文就从经济学的视角,用实证分析等方法研究药房托管这一模式,发现问题并找到问题的原因,有针对性的提出解决问题的方法。

    The aim of this thesis is , form the perspective of Economics , to study on the mode of pharmacy trusteeship and to find out the solution of the problems .

  12. 或许正因为这个原因,山东省平阴县在进行医药卫生体制改革实践时,选择了药房托管模式。

    Perhaps because of this reason , the Shandong Province Pingyin County has chosen " the pharmacy trust " the pattern . when carries on the medicine health organizational reform practice .

  13. 因此,作者指出,药房托管是医药分开的过渡性的好办法,应当在各地公立医院全面推开,并需要政府来推行。

    Thus the author point out : Chinese drugstore trusteeship is a transitional good way ; it should be open in the public hospitals and need the Government to carry out .

  14. 本文旨在以平阴县药房托管的实践为例,从应用角度研究新医改中医药分开的路径问题。

    This article aims to the practice of Pingyin County " Drugstore trusteeship " and studies the path of the separation of medical problems from the point of application of new medical reform .

  15. 药房托管原为管理学的概念,但若要放置于经济学的领域进行分析,可发现药房托管的理论基础是委托代理理论,医院是委托方,医药公司为代理方。

    If we place it in the field of economics to analysis , we will find that the Pharmacy Trusteeship is based on the theory of Entrusted Agency . The hospital is the entrusting party while the pharmaceutical company is the agent .

  16. 最后,作者对药房托管的经验教训进行了总结,同时也分析了药房托管中存在的一些问题。

    In the end , it can reach the ideal state of the separation . Finally , the author has carried on the summary to the pharmacy trust experience lesson , simultaneously has also analyzed some questions which in the pharmacy trust exists .

  17. 药房托管作为新医改的试行举措之一,旨在解决人民群众看病难看病贵的问题,在建立初就备受关注。

    Pharmacy Trusteeship , as one of the new " Medical Reform " pilot initiatives , is designed to solve the problem that medical treatment is difficult and expensive for the masses . It is being closely watched in the earliest time of its establishment .

  18. 但随着药房托管的实施,其运行过程也在现行制度下暴露了一些诸如变相药品加成、供药不及时等问题,从而不能最大限度的达到试行目的。

    However , with the implementation of the Pharmacy Trusteeship , its operation process has revealed some problems , such as drug addition , the delay of medicine supply , and so on . All of these have lead to the influence of the maximum experimental purposes .