
  1. 加大VCT市场营销、促进VCT服务质量、建立健全云南省VCT网络是实现我国VCT目标、落实国家四免一关怀政策的要求;

    Strengthening VCT social marketing and improving VCT service quality and VCT network in Yunnan province are necessary for getting to the goal of VCT and carrying out national policy of four frees one care .

  2. 论四免一关怀的意义与现状

    On the significance and consequence of the policy Four Frees and One Care

  3. 为制定山东省艾滋病防治策略和更好落实国家四免一关怀政策提供依据。

    To provide scientific evidence for carrying out the policy of " Four Free and One Care " .

  4. 佛山市疾控中心有关人员提醒艾滋病患者和家属,政府承诺的艾滋病“四免一关怀”政策一直在兑现。

    Foshan CDC to remind the persons living with AIDS and their families , the Government 's commitment to AIDS " Four Frees and One Care " policy has been fulfilled .

  5. “四免一关怀”政策是指:佛山市及五区疾病预防控制中心为市民提供艾滋病免费咨询检测;

    " Four Frees and One Care " policy refers to : the District of Foshan City and five for Disease Control and Prevention Center to provide free AIDS counseling and testing ;

  6. 当地政府落实了国家四免一关怀政策,学校内外进行了反歧视教育、生活技能培训及关怀与支持活动。

    Local governments have implemented national policy ( four free and one care ) and sponsored anti-discrimination education , life skill education and care and support activities , which has strongly promoted the development of AIDS prevention .