
  1. 基于职业素质培养的高职普通文化课改革思考

    The Reform Thoughts of Higher Vocational Fundamental Courses Based on Professional Quality Training

  2. 在课程内容的确定上,分别从普通文化课和专业课的角度出发作出分析;

    About the curriculum contents , the thesis make an analysis from the angle of the common cultural lesson and professional lesson ;

  3. 普通文化课在中等职业学校中一直处于尴尬位置,它在中央文件中是需要加强发展的内容,在实际教学中地位却不受重视。

    The Academic Curriculum in vocational education is always in an awkward position , which has attached great importance of Central Committee Documents but is of little value to the actual education .

  4. 我国的高中会考是国家承认的省级普通高中文化课毕业成绩考试。

    High School Graduate Test in our country is a provincial test admitted by the country .

  5. 毕竟,难道这些活泼可爱的孩子们不满足于半天搞普通教育的文化课,半天搞表演、唱歌、舞蹈等舞台训练吗?

    After all , what lively children wouldn 't settle for spending only half the day doing ordinary school work , and acting , singing or dancing their way through the other half of the day ?

  6. 它是检查、评价普通高中教学质量的一种手段,也是考核普通高中学生文化课学习是否达到必修课教学大纲规定的基本要求的重要手段。

    It is designed to inspect and evaluate the teaching achievements of high schools , and is also a key measurement to the requirements of high school students ' obligatory courses under the syllabus .