
  1. WTO对我国农业管理体制的影响与改革模式研究

    Studies on the Agricultural Administration System and Reform Model with WTO Rules in China

  2. 本文重点分析了WTO与我国政府农业管理体制的冲突点,整理了对传统农业管理体制改革和调整的思路,提出了建立现代农业管理体制的基本途径。

    This paper makes an analysis of the conflicts between WTO and the agricultural management system , and puts forward some proposals on how to reform and adjust the traditional agricultural management system and how to set up a modern agricultural management system .

  3. 论入世后我国现代农业管理体制的构建

    On Construction of Modern Agricultural Management System after China 's Entry into WTO

  4. 适应加入世贸组织新形势,改革现行农业管理体制,发挥体制机制的竞争优势;

    Accommodating the new situation of WTO , reforming the current agricultural management system ;

  5. 苏联对农业管理体制改革的新尝试

    New trials in restructuring the Soviet agricultural management

  6. 实行农业管理体制创新。

    Implementing the system innovation of agricultural management .

  7. 现行的西部地区农业管理体制已不适应现代经济的发展。

    Active western system of area agriculture management is incommensurate already the development of modern economy .

  8. 文中还对农业行政管理体制创新进行了国际比较和实证分析。

    It compared the new system with international system and analyzed with instance .

  9. 匈牙利农业经济管理体制改革的成就和经验

    The achievements and experiences of the system reformation of agricultural economic management in Hungary

  10. 农业银行管理体制商业化改革进程中面临的问题与困难。

    The problems and difficulties in the course of commercializing reform of agricultural banks .

  11. 三是完善农业决策管理体制,强化农业部门的综合管理职能。

    Perfecting agricultural decision management system , strengthening the synthetical management function of agricultural department .

  12. 一是构建了我国农业行政管理体制创新的模式。

    A new model which is suitable for the national agriculture administration management system reform .

  13. 我国农业行政管理体制创新研究新形势下中国渔业行政管理体制改革初探

    Study on the Innovation of Agriculture Administration System in China ON REFORMATION OF FISHERY ADMINISTRATION IN NEW POSITION

  14. 深化农业科技管理体制改革,建立农业科技创新的长效机制;

    Deepening the reform of management structure and constructing the long effect mechanism of agricultural scientific and technological innovation ;

  15. 三是改革农业科研管理体制,促进技术研发与生产的紧密结合;

    Third , the agricultural technology management system should be reformed to promote the joining of technological R & D with production ;

  16. 本研究对我国农业行政管理体制改革实践提供了有价值的观点和素材。

    Therefore , this study report provides valuable standpoints and materials for the implementation of the innovative reform on the current system .

  17. 建立新型的农业科技管理体制,使管理模式更加适应现代农业发展的要求;

    The new management system should be established under their new development directions to be suited to the requirements of agricultural modernization .

  18. 只有经过长期的、不懈的改革尝试,滨海农业行政管理体制才会不断朝着适应市场经济与现代农业发展要求的方向演进。

    Only through long-term , unremitting attempts can agricultural administration system in Binhai meet the requirements of developing the market economy and the modern agriculture .

  19. 明确现代商业银行的性质及其管理基本制度,是农业银行管理体制商业化改革的前提,它规定着农业银行管理体制商业化改革的方向和内容。

    It is the prerequisite banks to understand the nature and basic system of modem commercial banks . It also gives us direction for commercializing reform of agricultural banks .

  20. 我国传统的农业行政管理体制实际上是一种集权离散型管制一审批模式,这种模式既缺少效能也容易产生制度漩涡。

    The traditional authoritative style is a kind of " control-examine " mode bureaucratic system . This mode is not only short of efficiency , but also brings system whirlpool .

  21. 同时,还要全面地改革和完善农业经济管理体制,充分发挥政府在农业发展中的引导、支持和推动作用。

    In the meantime , we should carry out all-round reformation and perfect agricultural economy management system , and make full use of government guide , support and motivation in the agricultural development .

  22. 我国尚未建立起有效的农业灾害风险管理体制,农业保护与支持缺乏力度,如此如何能应对WTO开放条件下全方位的农业市场竞争?

    It has not established effective risk management of agricultural flood , Chinese agricultural conservation and holding are short of strength , and how to cope with all agricultural competition in WTO ?

  23. 我国农业灌溉用水管理体制研究

    Study on Agricultural Water Irrigation Management System in China

  24. 农业专业实验室管理体制的改革

    On the Management System Reform of Agricultural Laboratory

  25. 制度建设的研究主要集中在水权制度和农业水资源管理体制等方面。

    The research about the institution construction is concentrated on water right and water resource management .

  26. 第三部分论述十三世纪英国庄园农业生产的管理体制、方法、行为及诸经济管理思想产生的影响。

    Part Three : The management system and methods adopted by the manorial agriculture , together with the economic thoughts of the managers , produced a series of results .

  27. 庄河市农业技术推广经费管理体制研究

    The Fund and Management System of Agricultural Technique Extension

  28. 当前我国农业推广体系的管理体制和运行机制存在两个突出问题:一是体制不顺,机构庞杂。

    The current agricultural popularization system management system and operational mechanism has two outstanding problems : one is the system not , institutions confused .

  29. 探索渠灌区节水农业综合示范区管理体制和运行机制,形成一套相对完整的节水农业技术集成和发展模式,形成与市场经济接轨的示范区建设、运行与管理机制;

    To form a set of correspondingly intact integration and development mode of water-saving agricultural technology . Then the constructing , running and managing system of demonstration zoon , which contracts with the market economy , will be formed .

  30. 所有这些增量路径都受到农业科学技术、农业管理体制、农业市场机制、农业信息化四大动力机制的匡束,既具有增量优势,又铸成增量失措。

    All these routes should be restrained by four dynamic mechanisms such as agricultural science and technology , agricultural management mechanism , agricultural market mechanism and agricultural information , which possess both " incremental advantage " and " incremental loss " .