
  • 网络Ah Sang;Judy;The Rose;A-sun;angel
  1. 英国报业协会(pressassociation)的消息称,厄瓜多尔大使馆的一名人士在电话里证实,阿桑奇周二进入使馆,正在请求政治庇护。

    According to the Press Association , a man speaking from the embassy said over the telephone that Mr Assange had arrived at the Embassy on Tuesday and was requesting political asylum .

  2. 伦敦金融城治安法庭首席法官霍华德里德尔(HowardRiddle)表示,只要符合某些条件,他愿意批准阿桑奇的保释申请。

    Howard Riddle , chief magistrate at City of London magistrates ' court , said he was willing to grant bail provided certain conditions were met .

  3. 厄瓜多尔在周二晚间发表的声明中表示,其暂时限制了驻英大使馆部分通信系统的接入,但表示暂停阿桑奇web访问的决定不会妨碍该组织的“新闻活动”。

    In its statement late on Tuesday , Ecuador said it had temporarily restricted access to part of its communication system in its UK embassy , but said the decision to suspend Mr Assange 's web access would not " impede " the organisation 's " journalistic activities . "

  4. 厄瓜多尔外长里卡多•帕蒂尼奥(RicardoPatiño)在新闻发布会上坐在阿桑奇身边,他强调阿桑奇的“人权应该得到尊重”。

    Sitting alongside Mr Assange at the press conference , Ricardo Pati ñ o , Ecuador 's foreign minister , stressed that the Australian 's " human rights should be respected . "

  5. 承接国内、国际、刑事以及监管法律案件的英国律师事务所KingsleyNapley合伙人、御用大律师迈克尔•卡普兰(MichaelCaplanQC)表示,一旦阿桑奇离开使馆,警方将必须逮捕他,并安排将其引渡到瑞典。

    Michael Caplan QC , partner at Kingsley Napley who practises in domestic , international , criminal and regulatory law , said police would have to arrest Mr Assange if he left the embassy and arrange for his extradition to Sweden .

  6. 瑞典否认对阿桑奇的调查与美国有关。

    Sweden denies that its probe has any link to the U.S.

  7. 英国政府表示,如果阿桑奇离开大使馆将马上逮捕阿桑奇。

    British authority says if he leaves he 'll be arrested .

  8. 然而,律师们提出,阿桑奇的法律选项有限。

    However , lawyers suggested Mr Assange 's legal options were limited .

  9. 美国白宫拒绝对阿桑奇的言论置评。

    The White House declined to comment on his remarks .

  10. 那些认识阿桑奇的人形容他是一个聪明、好争论、勤奋的人。

    Those who know him describe a clever , argumentative , driven man .

  11. 而今天的这个版本,我选得是阿桑的声音。

    The edition for today is by A Sang .

  12. 但阿桑奇得案子充分显示了这些夸夸其谈的虚伪。

    But the Assange case reveals such rhetoric is just so much hypocrisy .

  13. 美国司法部的一名发言人周二拒绝就阿桑奇置评。

    A U.S. Justice Department spokesman on Tuesday declined to comment on Mr. Assange .

  14. .来自全世界的媒体和阿桑奇的支持者都聚集在法庭外。

    Outside the court , media from across the world had d Assange 's supporters .

  15. 阿桑奇正躲避被引渡到瑞典的命运,在那里他将面临性侵犯的指控。

    The Wikileaks founder tries to avoid extradition in Sweden when he face sex allegation .

  16. 来自全世界的媒体和阿桑奇的支持者都聚集在法庭外。

    Outside the court , media from across the world had assembled alongside Assange 's supporters .

  17. 黑格还表示,英国可以按照1987年颁布的一部鲜为人知的法律,进入厄瓜多尔驻英国大使馆并逮捕阿桑奇。

    He also suggested the U.K. could use a little-known 1987 law to enter the Ecuadorian embassy and arrest Mr. Assange .

  18. 此举是一个弥天大错,因为它不仅美化了阿桑奇,而且还混淆了原因与症状。

    The move is a blunder because it glorifies Mr Assange , and also because it confuses a cause with a symptom .

  19. 但是麦克勒兰德说,他不知道有关美国已经要求澳大利亚吊销阿桑奇护照的报导。

    But , McClelland said he had no knowledge of reports that the United States has asked Australia to cancel Assange 's passport .

  20. 而一些与情报机构有联系的消息来源警告阿桑奇,说他会有危险,并建议他不要去美国。

    Some sources with links in the intelligence agencies have warned him he is in danger and advised him not to travel to the US .

  21. 不过,法官驳回了阿桑奇法律团队提出的论点,即阿桑奇的起诉是出于政治动机,他在美国不会得到公正审判。

    However , the judge rejected arguments from Assange 's legal team that his prosecution is politically motivated and he would not get a fair trial in the US .

  22. 在同意听取阿桑奇的情况下,英国最高法院对一名检察官的司法权威性是否具有重要的公共价值产生争议。

    In agree to hear in the Assange case , the British Supreme Court says the issue raised of great public importance whether a prosecutor is a judicial authority .

  23. 由于古怪的个人生活和神秘色彩,派头十足的“维基泄密”创始人朱利安.阿桑格看起来在努力饰演一个《007》中的大反派。

    With his eccentric personal life and air of mystery , the flamboyant WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange seems to be doing his best to impersonate a James Bond villain .

  24. 一位他在纽约时投靠过的熟人称,阿桑奇的心态是先假定“你是坏人,直到你能证明自己不是”。

    One acquaintance , with whom he stayed in New York , says his is a mindset that assumes " you are bad until you prove to him you are not " .

  25. 阿桑奇声称自己没犯任何罪,而且坚持说他与这两位女性的关系都是在双方自愿的前提下发生的。阿桑奇称厄瓜多尔的举动是一次“重要意义的胜利”

    Assange , who has not been charged of any crime and maintained that his relations with the two were consensual , on Thursday called the offer by Ecuador a " significant victory . "

  26. 之前阿桑奇的合作者,现在也在卫报工作的詹姆斯·保尔表示,其实怎么说阿桑奇本来也就是想把这些信息原原本本的报道出来的。曾经他就对媒体放出一些诱人内幕的口风。

    James Ball , an ex-ally now also at the Guardian , says Mr Assange intended to publish the bulk of the cables , unexpurgated , anyway , once he had released the juiciest ones to the media .

  27. 留意:自从我们上个报道关于欧洲-美国对阿桑奇的陷害,现在有报道说他的一个指摘者,安娜·阿丁,已经逃离瑞典现在藏于巴勒斯坦境内。

    Note : Since our last report on the EU-US frame-up of Assange it is now being reported that one of his two accusers , Anna Ardin , has fled Sweden and is now in hiding in the Palestinian territories .

  28. 厄瓜多尔外交部的一份声明表示,切断阿桑奇的互联网连接是一个“主权决定”,并补充说:“厄瓜多尔政府尊重不干涉他国事务的原则,不介入选举活动,也不支持任何特定的候选人。”

    A statement from the Ecuadorean foreign ministry said the unplugging of Mr Assange was a " sovereign decision , " adding : " The government of Ecuador respects the principles of non-intervention in the affairs of other nations , does not meddle in electoral campaigns nor support any candidate in particular . "