
  1. 在受损福岛代核电站阿一在日本北部的危机,引发了人们的辐射危险的担忧。

    The crisis at the damaged Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Station in northern Japan has raised worries about radiation risks .

  2. 在日本的福岛代阿一核能源中心的危机提出了关于核能源产业未来的问题。

    The crisis at Japan 's Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear energy center has raised questions about the future of the nuclear energy industry .

  3. 阿一枪中的每个美利坚合众国国家敬礼,被称为“工会致敬”,是发射自力日中午,任何有能力的军事基地。

    A salute of one gun for each state in the United States , called a " salute to the union ," is fired on Independence Day at noon by any capable military base .

  4. 提后四19问百基拉、亚居拉、和阿尼色弗一家的人安。

    Tim . 4:19 Greet Prisca and Aquila and the house of Onesiphorus .

  5. 那个溺水的小阿被一个渔夫救了。

    The drowning child was saved by a fisher .

  6. 剑侠阿竹一路护送下山。

    O combined way down the escort bamboo .

  7. 只是,阿媚一个人在这,我能早点赶回来就好了。

    Only , Amy is here alone , I wish I could be back earlier .

  8. 在城市的另一边,阿蒂亚一家和布鲁图、塞维利亚躲在他们的别墅内,外面庞培的一群手下正愤怒的将石块、火把砸向大门。

    Across town , Atia and her family take cover in their villa with Brutus and Servilia , as an angry mob of Pompeians throw rocks and flames at their door .

  9. 只有在州能源官员的严令之下,夏威夷电力公司(HawaiianElectricCompany)才于最近匆匆批准了长期积压的太阳能系统使用申请,其中就包括阿卡米那一份。

    Only under strict orders from state energy officials did the utility , the Hawaiian Electric Company , recently rush to approve the lengthy backlog of solar applications , including Akamine 's.

  10. 阿专员是一个入门级的地位,烹饪行业。

    A commis is an entry level position in the culinary industry .

  11. 匈奴王阿提拉以一只苍鹰形像装饰他战斗的头盔。

    Attila the Hun decorated his battle helmet with the figure of one .

  12. 一年后,完颜阿骨打一成为女真军队的首领,

    As soon as he became chief of the Nuzhen federation a year later ,

  13. 同时阿提拉也是一个很迷信的人。

    Attila was famous for his superstitious beliefs .

  14. 阿憨需要一个“A”,我们需要钱参加研讨会。

    Han needs his " A , " and we need the money for that seminar .

  15. 英国国防部计划为驻阿英军配备一种新的保命装置防弹内裤。

    British troops in Afghanistan may soon be using a new item of protective gear blast-resistant underpants .

  16. 劳尔是奥西阿那另一个试图控制非法捕捞的环保组织的渔业专家。

    Lowell is a fisheries expert at Oceana , another environmental organization trying to curb illegal fishing .

  17. 伫台大今阿日有一场【员语文政策】研讨会,叫总统候选人艾提出语言政策。

    A workshop was held at NTU today to call on all presidential candidates to state their language policies .

  18. 在阿克伦,一家名叫美学漫步的戏剧公司曾经进行过这种卡车演出。

    In Akron , a theater company called the Wandering Aesthetics has been putting on these pickup truck plays .

  19. 和平交往既是阿以之间一种客观的实力均衡,又是人们主观的理性选择。

    The Arab-Israeli peace-choice not only is based on external strength equilibria but also is based on subjective rational choice .

  20. 位于俄亥俄州的黄溪安提阿学院是一所拥有社会行动广义历史的私立文科学院。

    Antioch College in Yellow Springs , Ohio , is a private liberal-arts school with a history of social activism .

  21. 对于受伤问题处理洋基很保守,就对于抽筋也可能让阿民休息一周。

    Knowing how conservative the Yankees are about injuries , even a cramp could sideline the staff ace for a week .

  22. 他问暗嫩说,王的儿子阿,为何一天比一天瘦弱呢。

    And he said unto him , Why art thou , being the king 's son , lean from day to day ?

  23. 做媒的是邻村的一名妇女,她嫁给了阿克沙伊的一个哥哥。

    The connection was made through a woman from a neighboring village who was married to one of Mr. Singh 's older brothers .

  24. 耶和华万军之神阿,那一个大能者像你耶和华。你的信实,是在你的四围。

    O LORD God of hosts , who is a strong LORD like unto thee ? or to thy faithfulness round about thee ?

  25. 阿笔记本是一个小型和轻型便携式电脑,其中大多数的特点,一个标准的笔记本电脑,但规模较小。

    A subnotebook is a small and lightweight portable computer , with most of the features of a standard laptop computer but smaller .

  26. 神原命定我们的工作来做我们的帮助的;所以读者阿,拒绝一个重担,就是拒绝一个新的生机。

    God means our tasks to be our helpers ; to refuse to bend our shoulders to receive a load , is to decline a new opportunity for growth .

  27. 亲爱的弟兄阿,有一件事你们不可忘记,就是主看一日如千年,千年如一日。

    But , beloved , be not ignorant of this one thing , that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years , and a thousand years as one day .

  28. 就如阿构建这一信息保障体系,文章从构建原则,五大内容体系,组织昙面与内容层面需要解决的关键问题,信息素养与信息保障效能的发挥等方面进行了研究分析。

    The author made a study on the architecture of this system from construction principles , five main contents , key problems in structure and content levels , and the social meanings of this system .

  29. 北约领导的驻阿部队的一名官员引述称,据估计,共有10名叛乱分子被击毙,阿富汗军队和警方共有5人阵亡,另外还有两名平民死亡,数十名平民受伤。

    An official from the NATO-led force in Afghanistan cited an estimate that 10 insurgents were killed , along with five members of the Afghan army and police , and two civilians . Dozens of civilians were wounded .

  30. 阿达珍是一名美国人,是北京国际学校的一名行政助理。她说解决争议太难了,“因为中国的法律和法律程序很少有翻译成英文的。”

    Ada Jen , an administrator at a Beijing international school who comes from the United States , said it is difficult to resolve disputes , " because few resources about Chinese laws and legal procedures are translated into English . "