
  • 网络Adu;A-Do;freddy adu;ANDY;I Do
  1. 美国的天才“如风少年”阿杜在透露出他已经和切尔西和曼联进行洽谈之后表明他希望明年夏天他会在转会市场上有大动作。

    American whizz kid Freddy Adu is hoping for a big move next summer after revealing he is in talks with Chelsea and Manchester United .

  2. 阿杜《雷霆万钧》凯文-杜兰特作为2006年NBA最佳新秀,进入联盟不久就成为了俄侅拉荷马雷霆队的绝对核心。而2012年对于这位来自德克萨斯大学的超级巨星来说是格外忙碌的一年。

    The 2006 NBA Rookie of the Year , Kevin Durant is currently the backbone of the Oklahoma City Thunder : 2012 was a busy year for the superstar from the University of Texas .

  3. 阿杜:一天不踢球我就过不下去。

    Adu : I did not go one day without playing .

  4. 忒阿杜勒带着一个富有阅历的人的那种镇静态度回答说

    Theodule replied with the composure of a man of bronze

  5. 留下来,我的小忒阿杜勒,我求你。

    Remain , my little Theodule , I beseech you .

  6. “妙极,”忒阿杜勒对自己说。“礼拜堂!

    " Capital ," said Theodule to himself .

  7. 我的父亲,今天早晨忒阿杜勒要来向您请安。

    Father , Theodule is coming to present his respects to you this morning .

  8. 阿杜环礁是几乎完全覆盖着芭蕉树和盛开的灌木丛。

    Addu atoll is almost completely covered with banana trees and bushes in bloom .

  9. 是的,我从一个音乐网站搞到了阿杜的最新歌曲。

    Yes , I 've got the latest songs of Adu from a music website .

  10. 阿杜人极为特立独行,说话都和首都人不同。

    The Addu people are fiercely independent and speak differently from people in the capital .

  11. 以下是投票结果。阿杜

    Here are the voting results .

  12. 恰巧,那位忒阿杜勒中尉所属的团队调来巴黎驻防了。

    It chanced that the regiment to which Lieutenant Theodule belonged came to perform garrison duty in Paris .

  13. 阿杜:她说不要去,你知道,她那是为我们着想。

    Adu : She said no , you know , and she was looking out for our well-being .

  14. 在阿杜的首个商业广告中,百事公司让他和足球史上最优秀的球星贝利,同台竞技。

    In his first commercial Pepsi has paired Freddy with the best soccer player in history : Pele .

  15. 那时犹大离开自己的兄弟,下到一个名叫希辣的阿杜蓝人那里住下了。

    About that time Judah parted from his brothers and pitched his tent near a certain Adullamite named Hirah .

  16. 这里有一段文章,是休谟于1775年写给他在阿杜巴拉一位朋友的书信。

    Well here is a passage from a letter from a gentleman to his friend in Adumbral that Hume wrote in1775 .

  17. 阿杜说,他们全家在华盛顿特区附近住下来后,有一天他的父亲抛弃了他们,于是日子便更难熬了。

    Life got even harder , after they settled near Washington D.C.Freddy says his father just abandoned the family one day .

  18. 加斯普和诺瓦克也质疑阿杜是否做好了精神和身体上的准备来加入一支像曼联这样的球队。

    Kasper and Nowak also cast doubts on Adu 's mental and physical readiness for a team as big as United .

  19. 1998年,阿杜的父母参与了美国驻加纳大使馆的签证抽签,阿杜街头足球的日子从此结束了。

    Freddy 's street soccer days ended in1998 after his parents entered a visa lottery at the US embassy in Ghana .

  20. “约会地点在外边,”忒阿杜勒说,“可以看到那小姑娘了。”

    " The rendezvous is appointed outside ," said Theodule . " Let 's have a look at the lass . "

  21. 我们好象曾提起过,忒阿杜勒是吉诺曼姑奶奶心疼的人,她疼他,是因为她瞧不见他。

    We think we have said that Theodule was the favorite of Aunt Gillenormand , who preferred him because she did not see him .

  22. 知情的人都说阿杜不仅能成为美国,而且能成为整个狂热的足球世界里最优秀的球员。

    People who know say that he could develop into the best player not just in America but in the entire soccer mad world .

  23. 吉诺曼先生把一个已开始要作的手势停下来,转身瞪眼望着那长矛兵忒阿杜勒,对他说

    M.Gillenormand paused in a gesture which he had begun , wheeled round , stared Lancer Theodule intently in the eyes , and said to him

  24. 记者:是什么让每一个懂得足球的人看阿杜踢球时都赞不绝口?

    Interviewer : What is it in his play that makes everybody who knows what they are talking about say " oh , wow " .

  25. 而你,至少,你叫忒阿杜勒!

    Marius ! what an ugly name ! what possessed them to name him Marius ? While you , at least , are called Theodule .

  26. 忒阿杜勒再次拥抱她,她因为自己的脖子被他军服上的金线边微微刮痛了一点而起了一阵快感。

    Theodule kissed her again , and she experienced the joy of having some of the skin scratched from her neck by the braidings on his uniform .

  27. 因此,亚尔阿杜阿总统必须找到确保人民(比如三角洲的)真正地得到这一大笔资金的途径。

    So the president will have to find a way of ensuring that the huge sums of money available actually reach the people-for instance , in the delta .

  28. 内容是休谟向阿杜巴拉大学申请道德拉哲学教授的职位,但是阿杜巴拉的神职人员对他非常反感。

    The context of this was that Hume was applying for a chair in moral philosophy at Adumbral and the clergy at Adumbral was very much against him .

  29. 汉斯·阿伯特没有再用他的昵称阿杜,而是使用他父亲在正式信件中使用的同样的姓和名。

    Hans Albert was no longer signing off with the affectionate nickname Adu , but with the same initial and last name that his father used on formal letters .

  30. 阿杜:是的,而且挺难过的。我刚来到的时候甚至连个球都没有。我连个足球都没有,日子很难熬。

    Adu : Yes and sad , I didn 't even have a ball when I first came I didn 't even have a soccer ball , so it was hard .