
  • 网络The Enchanted;Tangled
  1. 三百个演员,苦苦地争夺一个角色但凭借全面的才华,她赢得了这个角色,她将在迪斯尼的电影《魔法奇缘》中扮演一位童话公主。

    But the moment came and she won the role known as the princess in the Disney 's film Enchanted .

  2. 这位《魔法奇缘》的影星在2001年地表演课上遇见Legallo,经过一年的友谊,他们开始约会。

    The Enchanted star met Legallo in an acting class in 2001 , and after a year of friendship , they began dating .

  3. 四场“深海主题”、两场“魔法奇缘”、一场“难忘之夜”。那一夜我可是喝到一点都记不得

    Uh , four " Under the Seas , " Two " Enchanted Evenings , " and one " Night to Remember " that ... I cannot remember for the life of me .

  4. 艾米·亚当斯可能因饰演影片《魔法奇缘》、《虐童疑云》和《布偶电影》中的单纯形象而为人熟知,但她和她过去的工作却不总是那样酷。

    Amy Adams may be known for playing the innocent characters in movies like " Enchanted , " " Doubt " and " The Muppets , " but she her past job wasn 't all that sweet .

  5. 我们都知道现在的孩子们离真实童话越来越远了,因为伴随他们成长的都是像《怪物史莱克》系列和《魔法奇缘》这样变了样的童话故事,而并非真正的童话。

    And it 's a knowledge that contemporary children are getting further and further away from , because they have grown up with more subversive fairy tales , such as Shrek series and Enchanted , than actual fairy tales .