
  • 网络GANDALF;Gandalf the White;Gandolf
  1. 他堪与史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)和比尔·盖茨(BillGates)并驾齐驱,就像甘道夫指引着精灵和霍比特人,他们也指引着那些创造了现实世界“绿洲”中的谷歌(Google)和Facebook等组件的那些人们。

    He is the peer of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates , and a Gandalf for the elves and hobbits who made Google , Facebook and the other components of our present-day Oasis .

  2. 甘道夫(伊恩·麦克凯伦[IanMcKellen]饰演)从囚困中脱身,返回舞台中央,凯特·布伦切特(CateBlanchett)和克里斯托弗·李(ChristopherLee)也加入进来,为影片增色。

    Gandalf ( Ian McKellen ) makes his way back to center stage from imprisonment , with Cate Blanchett and Christopher Lee swooping in to lend supporting gravitas .

  3. 同性恋婚姻在冰岛合法化之前,J.K.罗琳就发过推文称,她希望邓布利多和甘道夫他们俩能够结婚。

    Just before gay marriage was legalised in Ireland , JK Rowling tweeted that she hoped the two wizards would be able to get married .

  4. 为了拯救同伴,甘道夫毫不畏惧,在卡萨都姆(khazad-dum)桥上独自一人面对怪兽。

    To save his companions , Gandalf stands alone , fearlessly , on the bridge of khazad-dum and faces the monster .

  5. 同性恋婚姻在冰岛合法化之前,J.K。罗琳就发过推文称,她希望邓布利多和甘道夫他们俩能够结婚。

    Just before gay marriage was legalised in Ireland , JK Rowling tweeted that she hoped the two wizards would be able to get married 。

  6. 灰袍巫师甘道夫赶到艾辛格寻求我的建议。

    And Gandalf the Grey rides to Isengard seeking my counsel .

  7. 你没看到他们的表情吗,甘道夫?

    Come on , Gandalf . Did you see their faces ?

  8. 我好想再看到高耸的山脉,甘道夫!

    I want to see mountains again . Mountains , Gandalf !

  9. 我很像灰袍甘道夫。

    Yeah , I 'm a lot like Gandalf the Grey .

  10. 甘道夫,这些决定不能只取决于我们而已,

    Gandalf , these decisions do not rest with us alone .

  11. 甘道夫,我们可以穿过摩瑞亚矿坑。

    Gandalf , we could pass through the Mines of Moria .

  12. 魔多,甘道夫,是往左还是往右?

    Mordor , Gandalf , is it left or right ?

  13. 求求您了甘道夫先生不要伤害我!

    Please , Mr Gandalf , sir , don 't hurt me .

  14. 我想再去看看山川高山甘道夫!

    I want to see mountains again Mountains , Gandalf !

  15. 别这样甘道夫你看到他们的表情了吗?

    Come on , Gandalf Did you see their faces ?

  16. 是甘道夫吩咐的他说了什么?

    It 's just something Gandalf said . What did he say ?

  17. 我们已经完成了甘道夫要我们做的事对吧?

    We did what Gandalf wanted , didn 't we ?

  18. 甘道夫,你想带领他们越过卡兰拉斯山。

    So , Gandalf , you try to lead them over Caradhras .

  19. 抱歉,甘道夫,我不能签。

    Sorry , Gandalf , I can 't sign this .

  20. 甘道夫和怪兽搏斗,牺牲了生命。

    Gandalf fights the monster , but sacrifices his life .

  21. 甘道夫,佛罗多和山姆还有希望吗?

    Is there any hope , gandalf , for Frodo and sam ?

  22. 灰袍巫师甘道夫没能越过这里的边界。

    Gandalf the Grey did not pass the borders of this land .

  23. 我们该在山里直到甘道夫会合。

    We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us .

  24. 再见到你真是太棒了,甘道夫!

    It 's wonderful to see you , gandalf !

  25. 你们不能带武器见希优顿王,灰袍甘道夫。

    I cannot allow you before Theoden king so armed , Gandalf greyhame .

  26. 你要将之卖给维塔甘道夫?

    You wanted to sell them to Vidal gandolfo ?

  27. 你知道我在说的是什麽吗,甘道夫。

    You know of what I speak , gandalf .

  28. 甘道夫先生,您要的小杯红酒。

    Mr. Gandalf ? A little glass of red wine , as requested .

  29. 我答应甘道夫要保护你们安全。

    I told Gandalf I would keep you safe .

  30. 抱歉,甘道夫先生什么事?

    Excuse me , Mr. Gandalf ? Yes ? -