
  • 网络focusing coil;focus coil
  1. 介绍了在电子枪设计过程中,主、辅聚焦线圈安匝数的一种计算方法,为设计线圈绕组的匝数和控制电路的输出电流提供了可靠的依据。

    In this paper a method which computes the ampere winding of main and auxiliary focus coil of the electron gun is introduced . It offers a reliable way to design the coil and control the output current of electric circuit .

  2. 通过分析研究DVD顺利控制的框架和控制器的优化算法,实现聚焦线圈的精确聚焦控制、层面的切换控制、信号错误的检测和聚焦缺陷的检测等功能。

    , is developed . Through the analyzing of DVD smooth control and optimize control arithmetic , the DVD focus servo control completes the focus coil 's accurately controlling , layer switch controlling , signals error detecting and focus faults detecting and other functions .

  3. 上述工作为确定聚焦线圈的设计方案和加速器的出束实验提供了可靠、丰富的数据。

    All provide a reliable reference for the design of focusing coil and beam test .

  4. 摄像管偏转聚焦线圈

    Deflecting focusing coil for camera tube

  5. 分析结果表明,串扰度与永磁铁和聚焦线圈的结构参数密切相关,合理选择结构参数可有效降低串扰度,可提高力矩器的动态性能。

    Good design of structure parameters can debase the cross interference and improve the driving performance .

  6. 海关集装箱检测用电子直线加速器聚焦线圈磁场设计与测试

    Magnetic field design and measurement of the focusing coils of an electron linac for custom container inspection system

  7. 介绍了在电子直线加速器粒子动力学基础上进行聚焦线圈轴向磁场的设计;

    The paper introduces a kind of design of axial magnetic field of focusing coil based on the solutions of simultaneous equations of particle dynamics in an electron linac .

  8. 提出了以平面和圆环面聚焦线圈阵列实现磁聚焦的方案。

    In order to get the magnetic field distribution with an ideal focusing capability , schemes of coil array in plane and torus shape are presented in this paper .

  9. 本文论述了电子显微镜、电子束曝光机、彩色显象管等真空电子设备或器件的磁偏转、磁聚焦线圈的磁场分布参数的实时自动测量,论述了自动测量的硬件系统和软件系统。

    This paper deals with the real-time automatic measurement of magnetic field distribution for magnetic deflecting / focusing coils of electronic microscope , electron-beam lithographic equipment , color picture tube , and other vacuum electronic apparatus or devices .

  10. 文章介绍和总结了该雷达出现的一些主要故障,这些故障集中在雷达发射机部分的射频驱动器、聚焦线圈电源、触发放大器、调制器、后充电调整器等部件上。

    Some major malfunctions that were often occurred in radar transmitter are discussed , which occurred mainly in the transmitter unit , such as RF driver , focusing coil power , activated amplifier , modulator , post-charge regulator , etc.

  11. 研究对象是应用电视中使用的偏转线圈。主要讨论M-M型聚焦偏转线圈中有关的设计和工艺问题,如隅角分辨率、图形畸变、校正磁铁、屏蔽等。

    With deflection coils as its study subject , this paper mainly discusses some aspects of design and techn-ology used in focusing deflection coils Type M-M , such as resolution in corners , pattern distortion , correc-tion magnet , shielding etc.

  12. 一种具有聚焦作用的线圈涡流问题解析解

    Analytical Solution of Eddy Current Problem Due to a Figure-8-shaped Coil Above a Conducting Plate

  13. 聚合物-聚电解质钻井液电磁聚焦组件;聚焦线圈系统;聚焦线圈系统

    Polymer-polyelectrolyte drilling fluid system focus-coil assembly

  14. 本文对电磁聚焦成像系统中带不饱和磁铁的聚焦磁场的逆设计进行了探讨,用约束优化方法&内罚函数法来设计能实现给定磁场分布的实际磁聚焦线圈系统。

    An inverse design with constrained conditions of focusing magnetic field with unsaturated magnet for electrostatic and magnetic imaging systems has been investigated in this paper . A constrained optimization method called interior penalty function technique has . been introduced and a universal programme has been drawn up .