
  • 网络polyurethane varnish
  1. 利用石英晶体微天平(QCM)为主要手段,研究了水汽在醇酸清漆和聚氨酯清漆涂层中的扩散传输行为。

    Absorption and desorption of water vapour in alkyd and polyurethane varnish were studied by quartz crystal microbalance ( QCM ) .

  2. 防金属重污染水性双组分聚氨酯清漆的研究

    Research on a water-borne two-component polyurethane varnish for heavy-duty metal protection

  3. 双组分聚氨酯清漆乙组分中水分的快速测定方法

    Minute water determination in the hydroxylic constituent of Pu clear coatings

  4. 聚氨酯清漆在塑料件涂装中起微泡问题的研究

    A Study of De-bubbling of PU Varnish as Plastics Coating

  5. 含羟基叔氟微乳液的合成及水性双组分聚氨酯清漆的制备

    Synthesis of Hydroxyl Tertiary Fluoro Microemulsion and Preparation of 2K Polyurethane Clear Coatings

  6. 丙烯酸聚氨酯清漆的层间附着力丙烯酸助洗剂的合成

    Adhesion Between Coatings Layers of Acrylic Polyurethane Clear Finish

  7. 在光泽度的变化上,硝基清漆涂饰处理对光泽度的提高较醇酸清漆和聚氨酯清漆慢;

    For gloss increasing , Alkyd and Polyurethane Varnish are faster than Nitrocellulose Varnish .

  8. 双组分聚氨酯清漆的研制

    The development of a two-component PU clear coatings

  9. 介绍了碳酸二甲酯在热塑性丙烯酸清漆、硝基清漆、醇酸清漆和聚氨酯清漆中的应用。

    The preparation of5 tri compound driers and their properties in alkyd varnish are introduced .

  10. 低污染预聚物聚氨酯清漆的研制

    Production of Low-polluted Prepolymer Polyurethane Varnish

  11. 对8种阔叶树材采用聚氨酯清漆进行透明涂饰处理,定量检测和分析三次涂饰过程中木材色度学特征的变化。

    Changes of color characteristics of wood during clear painting with polyurethane ( PU ) varnish for 8 hardwood species were studied .

  12. 以松香、蔗糖、聚丙烯酸酯及异氰酸酯预聚体等为原料,合成了一种单组分聚氨酯清漆。

    Acrylic rosin sucrose polyurethane ( ARSPU ) was synthesized from rosin , sucrose , ethylene glycol , butyl acrylate and isocyanate prepolymer .

  13. 与现有的聚氨酯清漆相比,该聚氨酯清漆具有粘度低、固体分高、性能好、价格低等特点。

    Compared with the common polyurethane varnish , the new varnish is featured by its low viscosity , high solid , good performance and low price , etc.

  14. 探索了利用膨胀石墨蠕虫作为填料,以聚氨酯清漆作为粘结剂的新型涂料的防静电性能。分析了膨胀石墨蠕虫的膨胀体积、填料含量、涂层厚度与电阻率的关系。

    The paper made an approach to the new antistatic coatings based on expanded graphite worm filler and urethane varnish binder and analysis of the relationship of their expanded volume , filler content , film thickness with the resistivity .

  15. 环氧聚氨酯绝缘清漆的研制

    The research of epoxy ethyl carbamate insulating varnish

  16. 用其配制的水性聚氨酯烘干清漆具有优良的耐水性和物理机械性能。

    The PU baking varnish prepared with above materials has excellent water resistance and physico mechanical properties .

  17. 巴士客车用丙烯酸聚氨酯罩光清漆的制备

    Preparation of Acrylic Polyester Finishing Varnish for Bus Carriage

  18. 双组分聚氨酯亚光清漆的工业化研制

    Study of industrialization of two-component polyurethane sub-gloss varnish

  19. 聚氨酯木器专用清漆

    Special polyurethane varnish for wood furniture

  20. 光固化聚氨酯型阴极电泳清漆的研究

    Study on UV Cured Polyurethane Cathodic Electrophoretic Varnish

  21. 水性聚氨酯-丙烯酸酯木器清漆的研究

    Research on Waterborne Polyurethane-Acrylate Varnish for Wood