
  • 网络pulse broadening;pulse spreading
  1. 对动态孤子,PSA亦表现出良好的抑制脉冲展宽效果,但脉冲的幅度经长距离传输后显著下降。

    For dynamic-soliton , PSA also has a good behavior of suppressing pulse broadening . But after long distance transmission , the amplitude of soliton pulse descends significantly .

  2. 随着光纤传输速率的提高,由偏振模色散(PMD)导致的脉冲展宽的问题将越来越严重。

    As the increase of the optical transmission speed , the problem of pulse broadening caused by Polarization Mode Dispersion ( PMD ) will be more and more serious .

  3. 基于FPGA的单稳态脉冲展宽电路的设计与实现

    The designing and implementation of monostable pulse-expanding circuit based on FPGA device

  4. 电光Q开关红宝石激光脉冲展宽的研究

    Study of Pulse Stretching in Electro - optical Q - switched Ruby Laser System

  5. 基于CPLD器件的单稳态脉冲展宽电路

    Based on CPLD device circuits of monostabillity pulse

  6. 光脉冲展宽的解析公式在高速WDM系统设计中的应用

    Analytical Formula for Optical Pulse Spreading with Application in the Design of High Speed WDM Systems

  7. 考虑脉冲展宽和限带接收的目标等效LCS计算

    Target Equivalent LCS Calculation Considering Laser Pulse Broaden and Limited Bandwidth Receiving

  8. 随后研究了PMD引起的脉冲展宽对接收机灵敏度的恶化以及对接收信号频谱的影响,得出了差分群时延与RF谱分量的关系。

    Then discussed the deterioration of receiver 's sensitivity caused by PMD and the effect of PMD on RF spectrum at the receiver ;

  9. 然后从偏振主态的概念出发,推导了一阶偏振模色散引起的脉冲展宽的均方值表达式,描述了PMD对信号的展宽作用。

    Second , in chapter 3 , an expression of PMD-induced pulse broadening was derived based on principal state polarization ( PSP ), which is the description for first-order PMD ;

  10. 偏振模色散(PMD)是光纤通信系统中由于不同偏振模式传播速度不同而引起的脉冲展宽现象,并由此限制光纤通信系统的码率和中继距离的提高。

    Polarization Mode Dispersion ( PMD ) causes pulse broadening because of the difference in speed between two polarized modes in optical fiber communication systems . It limits the upgrading of bit rates and span of relay distance .

  11. 分析了缺口提取电路中处理快速信号的隧道二极管单稳态电路原理,该电路可以将0.3ns的正脉冲展宽到4ns的ECL电平脉冲。

    A monostable multivibrator using tunnel diode is described , with which a positive pulse of 0.3 ns is stretched to a 4 ns ECL signal .

  12. 群速失配对CsLiB6O(10)晶体谐波脉冲展宽的影响

    Pulse Expanded and Delaying Effect of Second Harmonic Wave in CsLiB_6O_ ( 10 ) by Group Velocity Mismatching and Dispersion

  13. 利川半绝缘GaAs光屯导开关的超快光l匕11向应灯性,成功地应川下纳秒激光脉冲展宽试验中,证明了开关可厂泛应川在超快光电响应和光电反馈网络中。

    Taking advantage of the ultra-fast response characteristics of the devices , SI-GaAs PCSS 's are successfully applied to the broadening test of nanosecond laser pulses . Our tests show that the switches could be used in the ultra-fast photoelectric response and the photoelectric feedback net .

  14. 实验结果表明,优化后的ffner展宽器可以将脉宽为30fs的信号光脉冲展宽到545ps,展宽比为18167,满足OPCPA放大的需要。

    The experimental results demonstrate that an expansion of 30 fs to 545 ps pulse and a stretching ratio of 18,167 can be obtained by adjusting the key parameters .

  15. 光纤偏振效应导致脉冲展宽的解析模型

    Analytical Theory of Pulse Broadening Due to Polarization Effects in Optical Fibers

  16. 非线性色散光纤中脉冲展宽的分析研究

    Study on the Propagating Pulse Broadening in Non linear Dispersive Optical Fiber

  17. 高阶群速度色散导致脉冲展宽的研究

    Discussion on Pulse Broaden by High Order Group Velocity Dispersion

  18. 结果表明:群速度延迟使三倍频光脉冲展宽;

    The results show that group-velocity mismatch broadens the width of third-harmonic pulse .

  19. 自由空间光通信系统中光脉冲展宽问题的研究

    The research of pulse stretch in free-space optical communication

  20. 通过讨论本文给出了脉冲展宽与压缩的条件。

    The conditions of the broadening and compression for pulse wave are given .

  21. 光参量效应中低阶色散对超短高斯脉冲展宽的影响

    Influence of Low Order Dispersion in Optical Parametric Effect on Ultra-Short Gaussian Pulse Broading

  22. 分光镜法激光脉冲展宽器的研制

    Development of laser pulse stretcher using beam splitter

  23. 用作飞秒脉冲展宽器的新型多膜光栅的设计

    The design of a new multilayer blazed reflective grating used in broadening femtosecond lasers

  24. 低重复率亳微秒激光脉冲展宽器

    Nanosecond laser pulse stretcher at low repetition rate

  25. 光纤传输的脉冲展宽研究

    The study of pulse broadening in fiber

  26. 数字信号信道模型的模拟和多径效应脉冲展宽的测量

    Analog of Digital Signal Transmission Channel Model and Measurement of Impulse - Widening by Multipath Effect

  27. 单模光纤中的脉冲展宽

    Pulse broadening in single-mode fibers

  28. 脉冲展宽实验和10Gb/s系统眼图实验证明该模拟器性能良好。

    Experiments of pulse broadening and eye diagram of 10 Gb / s show that this emulator performs well .

  29. 本文理论分析了基于光子晶体光纤的超短脉冲展宽器设计。

    In this paper , we use photonic crystal fiber ( PCF ) to design large-ratio stretcher for ultra-short pulses .

  30. 脉冲展宽特性是激光回波的重要特性,其影响到回波接收信噪比和测距精度。

    As an important feature , the characteristics of echo stretching affects SNR of received laser echo signal and ranging accuracy .