
xiànɡ wèi tiáo zhì
  • phase modulation
  1. V型原子系统中相干布居俘获的相干相位调制研究

    Study on coherent phase modulation of coherent population trapping in V-type atomic system

  2. 对于不同的应用场合,SOA对相位调制的偏振相关性要求也不同。

    The requirements for polarization dependence of phase modulation are different in various applications of SOAs .

  3. 论文对基于连续相位调制(ContinuousPhaseModulation)的自适应跳频信道质量估计进行了研究。

    This paper mainly focuses on channel estimation of adaptive frequency hopping communication based on CPM ( Continuous Phase Modulation ) .

  4. 这两种方案分别利用了SOA的交叉相位调制和相位调制信号解调过程中的微分作用。

    The two schemes use the XPM in SOA and the demodulation of phase modulated signal respectively .

  5. 交叉相位调制对WDM系统性能的影响

    Influence of Cross phase Modulation on Performance of WDM Systems

  6. 相位调制PWM开关电源原理及实现

    The Principle and Realization of a Switching Power Supply by Means of the Phase Modulated PWM Technique

  7. 连续相位调制信号(ContinuousPhaseModulation)具有包络恒定、相位连续的特点,因此有较高的功率利用率和频谱利用率。

    Continuous phase modulation ( CPM ) is a kind of constant-envelope digital modulation schemes with continuous phase which provides good spectral - and power-efficiency .

  8. 研究了压电涂层PMMA纤芯塑料光纤中的相位调制。

    The phase modulation within piezoelectric coating PMMA core plastic optical fiber ( POF ) is demonstrated .

  9. 本文研究了光纤的色散特性、交叉相位调制效应对SC谱展宽的影响。

    The dispersion characteristic of the fibers and the cross phase modulation effect on SC generation are studied .

  10. 以半导体光放大器为非线性元件的全光开关中,由于SOA中交叉增益调制和交叉相位调制并存,会导致光开关各输出端口性能有所差异。

    For SOA-based all-optical switching , because cross-phase modulation and cross-gain modulation is co-exist in SOA , the properties of each output port is different .

  11. 连续相位调制(CPM)是一种恒包络调制方式。

    Continuous phase modulation ( CPM ) is a kind of constant-envelope digital modulation schemes .

  12. 为实现硅基底上的光波导MZ干涉仪的相位调制,采用了声光相位调制的方法。

    In order to modulate the phase of optical waveguide M-Z interferometer on silicon substrate , the method of acoustooptic phase modulation is proposed .

  13. 基于SOA附加双折射效应的交叉偏振调制,与交叉增益调制、交叉相位调制和四波混频等非线性效应一样,可以为SOA开拓出新的应用天地。

    Like other nonlinear effects such as cross-gain modulation , cross-phase modulation and four-wave mixing , cross-polarization modulation has opened up a new application field of SOAs .

  14. 自相位调制对超短脉冲在准周期Fibonacci光学超晶格中传输的影响

    Ultra-short Pulse Propagation through a Fibonacci Quasi-periodic Optical Superlattice Influenced by Self Phase Modulation

  15. 连续相位调制(CPM)信号是一类包络恒定、相位连续变化的调制信号。

    Continuous-phase modulation ( CPM ) signal is a kind of constant envelope , continuous changed phase signal .

  16. 在通讯中调幅调频(AM/FM)信号和其他相位调制信号均可以通过对信号的相位做多项式展开,利用有限阶的多项式相位信号(Polynomialphasesignal,PPS)来近似逼近。

    In communications , AM / FM signal and other Phase-Modulated signals can be expanded to the high polynomial phase signal ( PPS ) and be approximated by finite order PPS .

  17. CPM(连续相位调制)是近年来发展很快的一种高效的调制技术。

    Continuous phase modulation ( CPM ), an efficient modulation , has been developed very quickly in recent years .

  18. 本文将主要对交叉相位调制(XPM)效应的影响展开研究。

    This paper will discuss the effect of Cross-phase modulation ( XPM ) .

  19. 分析了全响应连续相位调制(CPM)信号和部分响应CPM信号简化状态格状图的最小平方欧氏距离。

    The minimum square Euclidean distance of the reduced state trellis is analyzed for full response CPM and partial response CPM .

  20. 基于相位调制偏振编码的QKD系统的偏振补偿技术

    The Technology of Compensating for Polarization in the QKD System on Polarization States Encoded by Phase Modulation

  21. 为了对该模型进行验证,文中采用了连续相位调制技术来搭建仿真系统,并在VC++6.0环境下用C语言实现了该系统。

    In order to validate the model , the technique of continuous phase modulation is applied to build the simulation system in the paper and the entire simulation system is achieved by C language under VC + + 6.0 development environment .

  22. 基于相位调制偏振态QKD系统的量子信道校正发送方案

    Study on Sending after Verify Scheme in Quantum Channel for Quantum Key Distribution System Based on Polarization Coding

  23. 提出了基于PCF自相位调制效应的全光再生的方案,理论和实验上论证了其可行性。

    All-optical regeneration based on self-phase modulation in PCF is proposed and the feasibility of this scheme is investigated both theoretically and experimentally .

  24. 我们研究使用连续相位调制(CPM)的系统,提供移动数据服务QPSK调制传输的远程医疗系统。

    We study the use a continuous phase modulation ( CPM ) system providing mobile data service withQPSK transmission for a telemedicine system .

  25. 基于量子测量的Fock态制备和自相位调制的影响

    The preparation of Fock states by quantum measurements in a Kerr media and the influence of self-phase modulation

  26. ASE是一种线性的幅度噪声,通过自相位调制转换成相位噪声。

    ASE adds linearly to the signal leading to an amplitude noise that is converted to phase noise through self-phase modulation ( SPM ) .

  27. 因此,从上世纪九十年代开始,频谱利用率高的多进制相位调制(MPSK)便成为了高速水下通信的研究热点。

    So , MPSK become research hot point of high speed underwater communication , because MPSK has higher frequency validity since 1990 's.

  28. 描述了利用光纤中的交叉相位调制(XPM)效应产生单周期化脉冲的基本原理。

    In this paper , principles for monocyclic pulse generation by crossed phase modulation in silicon fibers are introduced .

  29. 分别对基于半导体光放大器(SOA)的交叉相位调制(XPM)型和交叉增益调制(XGM)型波长转换器提出了改进的新方案。

    Improved schemes are present for wavelength conversion based on cross phase modulation ( XPM ) and cross gain modulation ( XGM ) in SOA .

  30. 该系统采用电光晶体作为相位调制元件,在零偏置下加载调制信号,经传感头输出光强信号中含有SPR相位差。

    This system use electro-optic crystal as the phase modulation device , with modulation signal in zero offset , then the output light contain the SPR phase signal .