
  • 网络equal thickness interference;equal-thickness interference
  1. 等厚干涉牛顿半环

    Equal thickness interference newton 's half-rings

  2. 提出了一种基于等厚干涉和CCD自动测量圆度误差的新方法。

    A new method of auto-measuring the roundness error based on equal thickness interference and CCD is proposed .

  3. MATLAB在等厚干涉中的应用

    The Application of Matlab to Optics

  4. 应用CCD摄像和数字电子技术,研制了新型光电等厚干涉实验仪,不仅能将等厚干涉图像放大显示在监视器屏幕上,而且还可对图像进行数字化读数测量。

    Applied CCD camera and digital electronic technologies , a new photoelectric experimental instrument for equal thickness interference is developed .

  5. 阐述了利用等厚干涉,通过线阵CCD图像处理系统自动测量圆度误差的测量原理。

    The principle of the measuring roundness error system used the equal thickness interference and CCD image-processing system is expatiated .

  6. 在钠光源照射下,利用CCD摄像机采集芯片和基准面之间的等厚干涉条纹。

    A sodium lamp illuminates the system , and the fringe patterns generated by the interference of the chip and the reference surface are captured by a CCD camera .

  7. 将空气劈尖产生的等厚干涉与CCD图像处理技术相结合,提出了一种测量连续空间直线度误差的新方法。

    With the combination of the equal thickness interference formed by an air wedge and the CCD image-processing technique , a new method is presented to measure spatial alignment error .

  8. 从等厚干涉的解释出发,推导出了二维空间的相干方程.基于空间相干方程,利用SLM产生了一个新的空间非相干光源。

    Based on the interpretation for the fringes of equal thickness , we proposed the two dimensional longitudinal spatial coherence function .

  9. 以光的等厚干涉原理为基础(1),用读数显微镜和砝码测量透明介质的杨氏模量,并用CCD显像技术提高了读环精度。

    With the light interference principle of equal thickness as the foundation , we measure Yang 's mould amount of transparent medium . On the other hand , we improve the precision by using CCD technology .

  10. 等厚干涉在锥角测量中的应用

    The Application of Interference of Equal Thickness in Cone Angle Measuring

  11. 利用等厚干涉测量He&Ne激光的波长

    Measuring wave length of He-Ne laser by equal thickness interference

  12. 等厚干涉中非等精度测量的不确定度分析

    Analysis of Uncertainty of Non-Weighted Measurement In Uniform Thickness Interference

  13. 摄像型等厚干涉实验仪器的研究

    Research of a video camera type experiment instrument for equal thickness interference

  14. 用等厚干涉测定液体折射率

    Measurement of refractive index of a liquid by film interference

  15. 透射光的等厚干涉及条纹分析

    Equal-thickness interference of transmitted light and analysis of the fringe

  16. 多项式回归在等厚干涉实验中的应用

    Application of polynomial regression in the equal thickness interference experiment

  17. 劈尖等厚干涉实验条纹不等间距的分析

    Analysis of the Different Fringe Space Lengths in the Experiment of Wedge-Shaped Interference

  18. 分段等厚干涉测量直线度方法误差的探讨

    Research on method error of split range equal thickness interference method measuring straightness error

  19. 无色光学玻璃折射率温度系数与平晶等厚干涉条纹

    Thermal Refractive Index Coefficients of Colorless Optical Glass and Equal Thickness Interference Fringe of Optical Flat

  20. 基于白光等厚干涉原理的光学球面曲率半径自动测量系统研究

    Studies of Auto Measuring System of Curvature Radius of Optical Sphere on White Light 's Equal Thickness Interference Principle

  21. 指出劈尖等厚干涉实验中随着膜厚的增加,条纹间距变大。

    In the experiment of wedge shaped interference , the fringe space becomes wider as the thickness of the membrane increases .

  22. 对牛顿环等厚干涉和薄膜等倾干涉条纹形状、干涉级次以及膜厚改变和复色光照射时的情况作了比较分析。

    The pattern of equal inclination interference of thin films and equal thickness interference of Newton rings were compared and analyed .

  23. 介绍一种观察透射光等厚干涉的新方法,该方法丰富了等厚干涉的内容。

    A new method of observing equal-thickness interference of transmitted light is introduced , and it will enrich the equal-thickness interference .

  24. 用激光照射牛顿半环来演示薄膜台阶的等厚干涉现象和测定薄膜厚度。

    Newton 's half ring is rayed by laser to demonstrate the equivalent thickness interference phenomenon of film step and measure film thickness .

  25. 采用白光等厚干涉的方法,可以充分利用白光等厚干涉零级条纹的高精度定位作用,提高测量精度。

    Measurement accuracy could be improved in the way of making full use of 0-class orientating of complex light 's equal thickness interference .

  26. 应用等厚干涉对精加工光学零件进行检验在偏差小于四分之一波长时遇到困难。

    It is a difficult problem to examine optical accurate elements by means of isothick interference with a tolerance of less than one fourth of a wavelength .

  27. 本文在基于白光等厚干涉的理论基础上,采用迈克尔逊干涉系统,进行光学球面的半径高精度测量。

    With Michelson interference system , curvature radius of optical sphere is measured , which bases on the theory of the complex light 's equal thickness interference .

  28. 用多项式回归处理等厚干涉的实验数据,可将等厚干涉的检测范围从球面拓展到任意二次旋转曲面。

    Applying polynomial regressive method to deal with the experimental data of equal thickness interference can extend the detecting range of this experiment from only spherical surface to arbitrary quadric surface of revolution .

  29. 依据等厚干涉原理,介绍用劈形薄膜表面上所产生的干涉现象即劈尖干涉测定液体折射率的方法,并给出测量结果。

    This article , based on the principle of inteference of equal thickness , introduces the interference phenomenon on the wedge-shaped thin film i.e.the method to measure liguid wedge , and gines the measured results .

  30. 研究了劈尖等厚干涉问题,对其光程差公式进行了严格推导,阐明了传统教材光程差公式成立的条件。

    In studying the interference of equal thickness in wedge films , the formula of difference of optical path is strictly deduced , and the tenable conditions of the optical path difference equation in traditional textbook is clarified .