
  1. 结合黄河下游现行测量条件,指出:①河道输沙量测验的相对中误差为1.7%~2.5%,能满足了解河道输沙情况的要求;

    Considering the existing observation condition of the lower Yellow River , it points out that ( I ) the relative measuring error of channel sediment discharge is 1.7 % ~ 2.5 % , which can meet the requirements of channel sediment discharge ;

  2. GPS相对定位中系统误差的影响

    The Effects of The Biases in GPS Observations on Relative Positioning

  3. 相对点位中误差及其在工程测量中的作用

    Relative Mean Square Error of a Point and its Action in Engineering Survey

  4. 本文详细讨论了在测定河外星系与定标星的相对位置中的误差累积效应,并给出了相应的数值估计。

    In this paper , the effects of error accumulation in determining the relative positions of galaxies with respect to the reference stars are discussed in detail and the corresponding numerical estimates are also made .

  5. 定性分析了相对位置确定中的误差。

    Error of relative positioning is analyzed qualitatively .

  6. 并分析了相对湿度预测模型中误差产生的原因。

    And discuss the reason of the error in the predicting model of the RH .