
  • 网络phase contrast;Phase-contrast
  1. 硬X射线相位衬度成像技术的动物实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Medical Application of Hard X-Ray Phase Contrast Imaging Techniques

  2. X射线相位衬度成像是近十多年来发展起来的一种新的成像方法。

    X-ray phase contrast imaging is a relatively recent technique that has heralded rapid advances during the last decade .

  3. 硬X射线相位衬度成像在医学影像学中的应用

    Application of the hard X-ray phase-contrast imaging in the medical imageology

  4. 医学X射线相位衬度显微成像的原理与应用

    Principle and Application of Medical X Ray Phase Contrast Microimaging

  5. 对全息测量下的X射线相位衬度断层成像问题提出了一种新的重建算法。

    A new algorithm for phase contrast X-ray tomography under holographic measurement was proposed .

  6. 介绍了硬X射线(类同轴)相位衬度成像的工作原理及其实验研究结果。

    The principle and experimental results of hard X-ray phase-contrast imaging are presented in the paper .

  7. X射线相位衬度CT

    X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography

  8. 光栅成像法可以采用常规x射线管实现相位衬度成像,与其他方法相比,更具有实际应用的可能。

    The grating-based methods seem more promising than others in realizing practical phase-contrast imaging systems by using conventional x-ray tube .

  9. 医学相位衬度〔简称相衬〕显微CT成像将是医学显微影像学的未来发展方向。

    It is concluded that the medical phase contrast micro-CT is a new developing technique of the medical imaging in the near future .

  10. 本文综述了硬X射线相位衬度成像的概念、成像原理、成像特点和临床应用情况。

    This review describes the concept and principle of the hard X-ray phase-contrast imaging , and its imaging features and the condition of clinical use .

  11. 衍射增强成像(DiffractionEnhancedImaging)作为一种X射线相位衬度成像技术,近年来已成为X射线成像研究领域中的一个热点。

    Diffraction Enhanced Imaging ( DEI ) which is one of X-ray phase-contrast imaging techniques has been one of up-to-date subjects in the X-ray imaging field .

  12. 对比了相位衬度与吸收衬度的成像结果,阐明了相位衬度在硬X射线细胞成像中的显著优势。

    Comparison between phase contrast and absorption contrast was made , indicating the obvious advantage of phase contrast for cellular imaging at hard X-ray energy range .

  13. 近年来X射线相位衬度成像技术作为一种新的成像方式凭借其空间分辨率高的优势已经成为生物、医学以及材料科学等领域一种新的独具本领的研究工具。

    Recently the technique of phase contrast imaging has become an useful and special tool in biology , material science etc. due to its high resolution .

  14. X射线相位衬度成像是一种新型的X射线成像技术,通过记录射线穿过物体后相位的改变对物体进行成像,可以提供比传统的X射线吸收成像更高的图像衬度以及空间分辨力。

    The X-ray phase-contrast imaging method , which images the object by recording the phase change after X-ray passing through the object , is a new X-ray imaging technique .

  15. 基于北京同步辐射装置(BSRF)开展了同轴X射线相位衬度计算机X射线断层摄影术(CT)研究。

    To develop the in-line X-ray phase-contrast computerized tomography ( CT ) method based on synchrotron radiation in Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility ( BSRF ) .

  16. 结合相位衬度成像和纳米CT等新技术,分析了X射线显微技术应用于细胞成像的优势、现状和前景。

    The new techniques in X-ray microscopy such as Zernike phase contrast and nano-CT were introduced . The advantages , current situation and potential of X-ray microscopy in cellular imaging were analyzed .

  17. X射线相位衬度成像对弱吸收物质有着独有的高密度分辨率,在医学、生物学、以及材料学上显示出良好的应用前景。

    X-ray phase contrast imaging always provides high density resolution when images weakly absorbing material , which shows wide prospect of application in many fields such as medicine , biology and material science .

  18. 在提高软组织成像的衬度分辨率方面,相位衬度成像技术是国内外关注的热点。据报道,软组织的X射线相位衬度的分辨率约为常规X射线CT吸收衬度分辨率的1000倍。

    Because the phase contrast resolution of X ray in soft tissues is about one thousand times higher than that of the absorption X ray method , so the phase contrast imaging is becoming the hot spot of the medical imaging .

  19. 本文以北京同步辐射装置产生的同步X射线束为光源,应用衍射增强成像(DEI)技术,对人和动物脏器的软组织进行相位衬度成像。

    In this paper , the synchrotron X ray source at BSRF was used to investigate the microstructure of lung , liver and kidney by means of the DEI phase contrast micro-imaging method .

  20. 结果表明:相位衬度显微成像可清晰显示肺泡、肾小管、肝小叶等微细的组织结构,其空间分辨率可达20微米,这些在常规X射线CT吸收衬度成像是看不见的。

    Results indicated that the microstructures of lung alveoli , renal tubulous , liver lobules etc , which could not be seen by conventional absorption X ray method but could be revealed clearly by phase contrast imaging method . The spatial resolution reached about 20 μ m.

  21. 结论DEI从相位衬度角度进行成像,是一种有望开发运用于临床的先进成像技术。

    Conclusion DEI is an advanced imaging technique which images by phase-contrast , and it is hopeful for exploitation and the clinical medical application .

  22. 目的:目前的常规X线医学成像是通过吸收衬度成像,但分辨率不够高,由于DEI采用相位衬度机制而不是依赖于物体的吸收,故适合弱吸收组织尤其是软组织成像。

    Purpose : At present , the conventional medical X-ray imaging is imaged with absorption contrast , the resolution isn 't enough high , however , DEI images by the phase-contrast , not the absorption imaging mechanism , which is adapt to weak-absorption tissue imaging , especially the soft issue .

  23. 电镜中相位衬度原理及对高聚物样品衬度的改善

    Phase contrast principles in TEM and its applications in contrast improvement of polymers specimens

  24. 目的探讨同步辐射相位衬度成像在形态学研究中的应用前景。

    Objective The purpose of this study was to explore the application of synchrotron radiation X-ray phase-contrast imaging in morphology .

  25. 然而,此类射线源往往造价昂贵且体型巨大,这是相位衬度成像方法走向实际应用的主要障碍。

    However , such x-ray sources are often expensive , which is the main obstacle for the phase-contrast-imaging methods to application .

  26. 近年来光栅成像的出现,克服了以往相位衬度成像的缺陷,同时也使相位衬度成像向锥束成像发展成为可能。

    Grating imaging overcomes the limitations of above imaging methods and enables phase contrast imaging to develop into the form of cone-beam imaging .

  27. 经过这些处理的裂殖酵母细胞,在8keV下的相位衬度模式中,显示了良好衬度,足以解析细胞超微结构。

    Taken at 8 keV phase contrast mode , the fission yeast cells prepared by these procedures displayed sufficient contrast for examining celluar ultra-structures .

  28. 提出了提取相位衬度传递函数制作振幅滤波器方法和利用光栅及像全息制作相位滤波器的方法。

    Ways are put forward for making amplitude filters by picking out the phase transfer function and for making phase filter by grating and hologram .

  29. 本文拟从同步辐射血管造影、支气管成像、断层显像、相位衬度显像等多面阐述同步辐射在医学成像中的应用。

    This paper will review these applications from some aspects as follow : the synchrotron radiation angiography , bronchial imaging , tomography , phase-contrast imaging , et al .

  30. 目前国际上还没有关于这种成像方式的锥束重建算法的研究,但随着理论研究的深入与光栅制作工艺的提高,光栅成像必将应用于锥束扫描且成为主要的相位衬度成像方式。

    At present , there has been no cone-beam reconstruction algorithm based on this imaging pattern . However , grating imaging will be applied in cone-beam scanning and become a main phase contrast imaging method as long as theory is deeply investigated and the technique of fabricating grating is developed .