
xiànɡ huǒ
  • minister fire
  1. 目的:探讨滋肾阴泻相火(简称滋阴泻火)中药对下丘脑促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)的合成、分泌及其调节机制的影响。

    Objective : To elucidate the effect of Chinese herbal medicine ( CHM ) for nourishing Yin and removing fire on the biosynthesis , secretion and regulative mechanism of gonadotropin-releasing hormone ( GnRH ) in hypothalamus .

  2. 肝肾阴虚,相火偏亢;

    Treatments base on nourishing the liver and kidney .

  3. 少阳相火当慎清

    Cautious Removal of Shaoyang Assitant Fire

  4. 北祁连山海相火山岩为弧-沟类型。

    Marine volcanic rocks are of arc-trench type in North Qilian Mountains , which consist mainly of basalts and andesites .

  5. 对肾阴亏虚、相火亢盛患儿,加用滋阴补肾清火类药。

    For pediatric patients with deficiency of kidney-Yin and hyperactivity of ministerial fire , drugs that nourishing Yin and the kidney and clearing heat and purging fire is added .

  6. 海洋平台T型相贯节点抗火性能研究

    Study on mechanical performance of tubular T-joints of offshore platform under fire

  7. 辽西四合屯地区中生代火山活动发育,广泛分布着火山作用形成的爆发相、溢流相火山岩。

    Volcanic eruption facies and flooding facies are extensively developed in the Sihetun area , west Liaoning .