
  • 网络activate the spleen;activating the spleen;activate spleen-energy;move the spleen
  1. 结果运脾治疗对胸腺组织结构有较显著的恢复作用,可提高Ig、SOD的含量。

    Results Activating the spleen could significant repair the tissue structure of thymus and improve Ig , SOD .

  2. 运脾除湿中药对妇科腹部术后患者GASVIP的影响

    Effects on GAS and VIP in Gynecological Patients After Operation by Herbs of Strengthening the Spleen and Eliminating Dampness

  3. B组(治疗组):在西医糖尿病合并冠心病常规治疗的基础上加服运脾降糖通脉方,水煎服,每日一剂,分早晚两次服用。

    Group B ( in western medicine treatment group ) : diabetic coronary heart disease on the basis of conventional treatment with unclogged arteries take shipped spleen glucose-lowering square , the water frying uniform , daily , morning and evening twice a dose of drug .

  4. Meige综合征病机为肝脾功能失调,治疗强调疏肝运脾、化痰理血。

    It is argued that Meige 's syndrome results from liver and spleen disharmony and its treatment concentrates on discharging liver and regulating spleen , resolving phlegm and regulating blood .

  5. 方法病因模拟法制作幼龄厌食大鼠模型,用宝宝乐治疗,放射免疫检测技术测定下丘脑、胃窦部及外周血胃泌素、-βEP和CCK的含量,与单纯运脾复方儿宝颗粒对照。

    Methods Juvenile rat model of anorexia was established by imitating the major cause of infantile anorexia and treated with Bao Bao Le Liquid . The gastrin β - EP and CCK-8 concentration in hypothalamus , antrum pyloricum and peripheral blood were examined by radioimmunoassay .

  6. 目的证实运脾中药复方儿宝颗粒降低厌食大鼠下丘脑腹内侧核(VMN)神经元对外周传入信号的敏感性。

    AIM : To explore the role of Yunpi , a traditional Chinese prescription , in reducing the sensitivity of the VMN neurons to the peripheral afferent signal in anorexia rats .

  7. 设立不同剂量中药组,通过炭墨推进、结肠转运实验探讨芳香运脾化湿法对D-IBS模型鼠肠动力的调节作用;并筛选药物最佳浓度。

    Set different concentrations medicine group , through charcoal , colonic transshipment ink into the aromatic operation experiment of spleen wet D-IBS model of dynamic adjustment function rat bowel , and screen the optimal concentration of drugs . 4 .

  8. 运脾方对小鼠血清溶血素抗体生成作用的影响

    Study of Yun-Pi Prescription on Serum Hemolysin Antibody of Mice

  9. 运脾法治疗儿童厌食症56例

    Treatment of Infantile Anorexia by Nourishing Spleen in 56 Cases

  10. 运脾推拿法治疗小儿厌食症的研究

    Study on Activating Spleen Therapy of Massage for Anorexia

  11. 运脾化湿法治疗小儿轮状病毒肠炎的临床研究

    Invigorating Spleen for Eliminating Dampness Treatment of Pediatric Clinical Study of Rotavirus Enteritis

  12. 调肝运脾法治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征的临床研究

    Clinical Research of Treating Diarrhea IBS by Applying the Method of Tiao Gan Yun Pi

  13. “运脾汤”治疗运动障碍型功能性消化不良40例

    Treatment of40 cases of functional indigestion due to motor disturbance with " spleen-activating decoction "

  14. 结论:运脾治疗对脾虚大鼠免疫生化物质有显著的提高作用。

    Conclusion : The recovered spleen functions could evidently increase the immune biochemical substances in spleen-deficiency rats .

  15. 研究运脾汤对胃动力的作用并初步探讨其作用机制。

    Effects of Piyundan on Gastrointestinal and Immunologic Function in Normal and Deficiency of Spleen 's mice ;

  16. 目的:观察运脾方对脾虚大鼠消化功能的作用。

    Objective : To observe the effect of Yunpi recipe on digestive function of spleen deficiency rats .

  17. 结论:本方法可用于小儿运脾合剂的质量控制。

    CONCLUSION : The method can be served as a quality control for pedo spleen energy activating Misture .

  18. 结论运脾方能够改善脾虚大鼠小肠吸收功能,并呈量效关系。

    Conclusion Yun-Pi Prescription could improve the small intestinal absorptive function of splenic asthenia rats with dose-effect relationship .

  19. 运脾法对幼龄厌食大鼠胃窦和结肠中一氧化氮的调节作用

    Regulatory Function of Activating the Spleen to Nitric Oxide in Infant Anorectic Rat 's Gastric Antrum and Colon

  20. 前言:“运脾法”是调整小儿脾胃功能的重要法则。

    Spleen regulation is an essential method for regulating the functions of the spleen and stomach of the children .

  21. 运脾调中推拿法配合点刺治疗小儿腹泻40例

    Treatment of 40 Cases of Diarrhea in Children with Massage by Activating Spleen and Regulating Middle Energizer and Pricking Method

  22. 结果运脾方能明显增加脾虚大鼠的食量和体重,增加D-木糖的排泄率。

    Results Yun-Pi Prescription could increase body weight and food intake , improve excretory rate of D-xylose in splenic asthenia rats .

  23. 运脾固表法防治小儿反复呼吸道感染的肠道微生态机制研究

    Mechanism Study on Intestinal Microecology of Children Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infection Prevented and Treated with Method of Activating Spleen to Solidify Superficial

  24. 结论:运脾中药能调节幼龄厌食大鼠胃窦和结肠中紊乱的一氧化氮水平。

    Conclusions : TCM herbs with activating the spleen can regulate nitric oxide standard in infant anorectic rat 's gastric antrum and colon .

  25. 结论:运脾温阳法是治疗小儿迁延性腹泻的有效法则。

    Conclusion : The method of transformation and transportation of spleen and war-m yang is an effective principle in treating infantile persistent diarrhea .

  26. 结论:运脾复方能调节摄食中枢和饱中枢神经元的自发放电,促进动物摄食。

    These findings suggest that Yunpi Fufang could modulate the relation between LH and VMH of the model which increased the feeding of model .

  27. 结论:1.运脾开胃冲剂能明显改善小儿脾失健运型厌食症的仄食状况,有效提高血锌含量,临床取得较好的疗效。

    Granule for activating spleen and improving appetite can ameliorate the symptom of children anorexia in dysfunction of spleen in transport and has a better clinical curative effect .

  28. 目的:以运脾法选药组方,组成运脾方,并与西药锌制剂对照治疗,观察对儿童厌食症的治疗作用。

    Objective : Select herb according to method of activating the spleen , compose Yunpi Recipe , observe the treatment effect on infantile anorexia ( IA ) comparison with zinc preparation .

  29. 观察运脾方不同剂量对脾虚大鼠的耐力作用,探索治疗儿童厌食症的有效方药运脾方临床治疗效果的作用机理。

    To observe the effects of Yun-Pi Prescription of different doss on endurance of rats with splenic asthenia and to explore the mechanism of Yun-pi Prescription in treatment of children apositia .

  30. 目的:评价具有运脾温阳功效的中药颗粒剂治疗小儿迁延性腹泻的临床疗效,为中医治疗小儿迁延性腹泻提供新思路。

    Objective : In order to provide the new method of treating child persisting diarrhea , evaluated the clinical curative effect of the granules of the TCM , which has the function of activating spleen and warming yang .