
  • 网络operating railway
  1. 劈裂注浆法在运营铁路软土地基处理中的应用

    Application of fracturing grouting method to treat soft foundation of operating railway

  2. 运营铁路机车计算速度的选择

    The Selection of Computed Speed of Locomotive on Operating Railway

  3. DB仍运营铁路,调解悬而未决:招标一个新运营商是个漫长的过程。

    DB is still running the trains , pending mediation : tendering for a new operator is a long process .

  4. 下周位于下萨克森的一个法庭将商讨取消另一个合同,是关于DBRegio想要在不来梅附近运营铁路。

    Next week a court in Lower Saxony will deliberate on the cancellation of another DB Regio contract , to run trains around Bremen .

  5. 测定结果表明,已运营铁路沿线重金属铅和汞具有显著的规律性变化。在铁路一侧,铅和汞含量随距离变化呈现正态分布,其最高峰值出现在距铁路50m左右。

    The results showed that there was an obvious normal distribution of Pb and Hg and the maximum appeared in the 50 m beside the railroad .

  6. 运营铁路桥下复采技术研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Compound Mining Technique under Operation Railway Bridge

  7. 既有运营铁路上跨公路石拱桥的爆破拆除

    Exploding demolishment of the stone arch bridge above crossing road on working railway

  8. 运营铁路桥梁承载力和稳定安全度仿真分析方法的研究

    Study about Simulation Analysis Method in Bearing Capactiy and Stability Safety of Railway Bridge

  9. 公路隧道下穿已运营铁路隧道施工及安全监控

    Construction and security monitoring for a highway tunnel to under-traverse an operating railway tunnel

  10. 运营铁路隧道渗漏水与衬砌裂损病害分析与整治

    Analysis and Treatment to Disaster of Laking and Lining Failure in Railway Tunnels in Use

  11. 航测遥感技术在运营铁路管理上的应用卫星遥感与海洋地质调查

    Aerial Survey & Remote sensing Technology in Management of Railway Spacecraft Remote Sensing and Oceanographic Survey

  12. 超量动态塌陷区运营铁路桥梁综合整治施工技术

    Comprehensive Treatment and Construction Techniques for Operating Railway Bridge in Over - Subsidence / Dynamic Subsidence Area

  13. 在运营铁路隧道的病害中,渗漏水与衬砌裂损是主要病害中的两类。

    Leaking disaster and lining failure are two of the main disasters in railway tunnels in use .

  14. 这为运营铁路的郑州国际枢纽发展建设集团提出了不小的难题。

    This creates unique challenges for the Zhengzhou International Hub Development and Construction Corporation , which operates the rail line .

  15. 运营铁路的职能预计将由一个剥离的实体负责,该实体也许能像一家以盈利为目的的企业那样独立运作。

    The business of running the railways is expected to be hived off into a separate body , which may be run as an independent for-profit entity .

  16. 在我国运营铁路隧道中发生石油(液化气)运输车辆倾覆、燃烧(爆炸)等事件已有数起。

    The overturn and combustion ( explosion ) of the LPG ( liquefied petroleum gas ) carrier has happened for several times in the running railway tunnels in China .

  17. 铁路的安全运营是铁路行业永远放在第一位的主题。

    Safety is eternally a most-concerned topic of the railway system .

  18. 如何能在我国推广使用并确保安全及高效运营是铁路部门面临的一个急需解决的重要问题。

    It is an important issue being solved urgently for the railway transportation department in our country how the tilting train will be popularized and run safely and efficiently .

  19. 结合已投入运营的铁路情况,对车站道岔的选择及咽喉区布置进行分析,以便今后设计借鉴。

    The article analyzes the switch selection and throat arrangement by considering the railway lines which have been put in operation to provide reference for design in the future .

  20. 由于目前我国铁路上还没有通车运营的铁路专用钢桁梁斜拉桥,对于风与列车荷载作用下铁路专用钢桁梁斜拉桥竖向振动及疲劳研究较少。

    At present , there is no railway steel truss girder cable-stayed bridge opened to traffic in our country , therefore , research on vertical vibration and fatigue of steel truss girder cable-stayed bridge under wind and train loads is relatively few .

  21. 运营条件下铁路桥梁墩台基础加固

    Reinforcement of Railway Pier and Abutment Foundation During The Railway is in Operation

  22. 用因素分析理论分析铁路运营指标对铁路货运收入的影响

    Influence of Railway Operating Indices on Railway Freight Transport Revenue by Using Factor Analysis Theory

  23. 这里的铁路由非对称作战训练中心运营,建造铁路的总花费为9千万美元。

    Costing $ 90.1 million to build , it is run by the US Army Asymmetric Warfare Group .

  24. 随着我国客运专线的不断建成并投入运营,制约铁路的瓶颈问题将会消除。

    With Chinese Passenger Dedicated Line ( PDL ) establishing and operating , the " bottleneck " problem would be eliminated .

  25. 运营隧道作为铁路运营线路上的重要基础设施,其技术状态直接影响着铁路行车安全。

    The operation tunnels are critical infrastructure on the railway lines , and the technology of the operating tunnel directly impacts the traffic safety .

  26. 但是随着合资铁路的陆续建成并投入运营,合资铁路发展中的问题日益显现,总体情况并不容乐观。

    But with the building accomplished in succession and putted into operating , the problems in the development of joint-venture railway have floated gradually .

  27. 对于运营中的铁路病害基床,混凝土夯扩桩和混凝土夯扩桩与土工格室联合作用是高效快捷的加固处理方案,值得推广。

    For the ill subgrade in use , concrete rammed cast-in-situ pile and concrete rammed cast-in-situ pile combined with geocell are swift and high-efficient methods , worth popularizing .

  28. 台湾全岛到处都有便当,但几十年来,最受人喜爱的还要算是政府运营的台湾铁路管理局推出的台铁便当。

    For while bian dang are found everywhere on the island , none are perhaps as beloved as those made for decades by the government-run Taiwan Railways Administration .

  29. 我们为四类客户群提供先进技术、产品及服务:城市交通主管部门和运营商;铁路货运及城际客运运营商;铁路车辆及基础设施所有者。

    We offer leading-edge technologies , products and services to four distinct types of customers : urban transit authorities and operators ; rail freight and intercity passenger rail operators ; rolling stock and infrastructure owners .

  30. 文章对即将运营的青藏铁路工程建立了一个以成本-效能评价为总体评价法的国民经济综合后评价体系,其中又以模糊综合评价法对各效能因素进行了模拟评价。

    Based on the method of post-evaluation , with the help of the cost - efficiency system , the paper studies the signification of the Qing-zang railway project ; and evaluates the efficiency of factors by simulation with fuzzy evaluation .