
  • 网络sport nutrition
  1. 这位成长于纽约东汉普顿区,毕业于普林斯顿大学(Princeton)的作家曾是一家数据存储公司的销售人员,之后还开过一家运动营养品公司。2007年,他出版了《每周工作四小时》(The4-HourWorkweek)。

    The East Hampton , N.Y. - raised , Princeton-educated author once worked in sales at a data storage company before starting a sports nutrition supplement company and penning The 4-Hour Workweek in 2007 .

  2. 蛋白质,特别是肉类和豆类,成了流行的奥林匹克运动会需要的营养品。

    Protein , from meat and beans in particular , became the popular nutritional need of Olympic athletes .

  3. 运用当前运动生化的研究成果分析运动员的平衡膳食,阐明运动营养补充品的定义和使用,并对运动营养品的研究提出建议。

    By applying the present results of exercise biochemistry study the balanced diet of athletes was analyzed . The definition and application of sports nutritional supplement were expounded . And suggestions on the study of sports nutritional supplement were advanced as well .