
  • 网络sports car;Front-engined Rear-wheel drive Sports car
  1. 我的目的并不是对那些有钱人表示同情:让孩子从私立学校退学、或是亏本卖掉运动跑车无疑让人痛苦,但是多数人从一开始就从未享受过这些特权。

    My aim is not to sympathise with the well-off : while no doubt it stings to take the kids out of private school or to sell the sports car at a loss , most people never enjoyed such privileges in the first place .

  2. 的WRX将成为一个非常不同的设计,新翼豹的自身的运动跑车。

    The WRX will become a sport coupe of its own with a very different design from the new Impreza .

  3. 2014年最佳引擎榜单的其他入选者还包括宝马5系豪华轿车和紧凑型雪佛兰科鲁兹(Cruze)所使用的涡轮增压柴油发动机,保时捷Cayman双座运动跑车的水平对置2.7升6缸发动机以及大众汽车捷达紧凑车的1.8升4缸涡轮增压发动机。

    Other engines cited among 2014 " s best include turbodiesels in the BMW 5 Series luxury sedan and the compact Chevrolet Cruze , the horizontally opposed 2.7-liter six-cylinder in the Porsche Cayman two-seat sports coupe and the 1.8-liter turbo-four in the compact Volkswagen Jetta sedan .

  4. 这些新贵一族大多喜好超级新潮的生活方式,比如安装能将运动跑车传送至客厅里的私人电梯,吧台里配备价值数千美元一杯的饮品。

    This new breed of nouveau riche tends to favor a lifestyle of supernova toys , with private elevators hauling sports cars into their living rooms and bar drinks costing thousands of dollars each .

  5. 他为他孩子的生日买了一辆运动型跑车,真是浪费钱。

    He celebrated the birth of the baby by buying a sports car . He 's got more money than sense !

  6. 另外两部汽车分别是奥迪S5双门式轿车和奥迪Q7运动型多功能跑车,它们都出现在了电影里。

    Two other vehicles , the Audi S5 coupe and the Audi Q7 SUV , also make an appearance in the film .