
  • 网络regenerated resin;regenerating resin
  1. 全氟磺酸再生树脂的微结构和热性能

    Microstructure and Thermal Properties of Perfluorosulfonic Acid Regenerated Resin

  2. 每摩尔交换基团所对应的PFSA再生树脂的质量(EW)达到1130,接近Dupont公司产品Nafion117的相应性能参数。

    Equivalent weight ( EW ) of the prepared PFSA resin attained 1 130 , which is close to that of Nafion 117 , the product of Dupont .

  3. 浅谈软水生产中用酸液再生树脂的流程改造

    The transformation on reproductive resins with acid in soft-water treatment

  4. 再生树脂除雪用沙子箱

    Reclaimed synthetic resins made for snow removing sand box

  5. 影响体外再生混床树脂分离因素试验及分析

    Influencing Factors of Resin Separation about Mix Bed with External Regeneration

  6. 用4倍树脂体积10%的硫酸再生阳树脂,效果较好;

    The regeneration of cation resion with 10 % sulphuric acid solution of 4 times resin volume has better effect .

  7. 按新方法再生的树脂比常规法再生和生产中使用的树脂吸附率分别提高10%和20%。

    The used resin which was regenerated by an improved method gave 10 %  ̄ 20 % higher adsorption rate than the resin by routine treatment .

  8. EDI过程中水电离产生的H+和OH-离子可以自再生离子交换树脂。

    The H + and OH-ions producing by water dissociation may self-regenerate ion-exchange resins .

  9. 双极膜电再生离子交换树脂的试验研究

    Experimental study on electro-regeneration of ion exchange resins with bipolar membrane

  10. 采用高纯碱再生阴离子交换树脂

    The Use of High-Purity Alkali for Regeneration of Anion Resin

  11. 硝酸溶液再生阳离子交换树脂回收镍

    Recovering Nickel with Weak Acid Cation-Exchange Resins by the Nitric Acid Regenerant

  12. 电渗析稀汁脱钙及钙盐废水再生糖用树脂的研究

    Study on Decalcification by Electrodialysis and Regenerate Resin in Sugar Industry Wastewater Regeneration

  13. 主要研究应用微波辐射再生高聚物吸附树脂。

    This paper is mainly concerned with regeneration of adsorption polymeric resin by microwave .

  14. 硫酸再生阳离子交换树脂的实践

    Regeneration of cation exchange resin with sulphuric acid

  15. 电吸引再生离子交换树脂中性电极的研究

    Study on regeneration of ion-exchange-resin by electrolysis

  16. 采用机械气流冲击式旧砂再生系统的树脂砂铸造生产线

    Resin Bonded Sand Casting Line with Sand Reclamation System of Type of Mechanics and Air Impact

  17. 对干法再生出来的树脂再生砂进行制芯的工艺实验,实验标准按照生产上的要求来实行。

    The technological experiment of reclaimed resin bounded sand produced through dry reclamation is made , the way of which is standard .

  18. 作者通过对大量树脂的筛选,寻找到了性能优良的脱色树脂D268,详细研究了D268树脂的脱色性能和不同再生剂对树脂的再生性能。

    The authors investigated in detail the capacity of decolorization , the selective decolorization property for colorants as well as the efficiency of regeneration of D-268 resin .

  19. 对低温加热+干法再生出来的树脂再生砂进行制芯的工艺实验,实验结果表明,再生砂也只能以部分加入用于制芯;

    The technological experiment of reclaimed resin bounded sand produced through low thermal + dry reclamation is made , and the results indicate that reclaimed sand can be only used partly to make cores too .

  20. 在目前制药工业生产过程中,均采用树脂提取头孢菌素C。提取阶段的工艺通常为树脂吸附、解吸,然后用异丙醇辅以碱液再生来达到活化树脂的目的。

    In the process of industrial production of Cephalosporin C , at present , the resin has been widely used to extract Cephalosporin C. The procedure of the extraction usually is resin-adsorption and resin-desorption , and the resin can be regenerated by isopropanol together with the base to achieve activation .

  21. 球状再生纤维素偕胺肟螯合树脂的制备及其性能研究

    Preparation and Study of Spherical Regenerated Cellulose Chelate Resin Containing Amidoxime Groups

  22. 通过再生,镧型树脂可使用8个以上除氟周期。

    The model-La cation exchange resin could be used for defluoridation for 8 times .

  23. 球状再生纤维素及丹宁树脂的热分解动力学

    Kinetic studies on thermal degradation of the spherical regenerated cellulose matrix and the spherical cellulose tannin resin

  24. 所述的轻质填充物(2)由再生棉纤和树脂胶混合而成。

    The light filler ( 2 ) is formed by the mixing of regenerated cotton fiber and resin adhesive .

  25. 根据离子交换原理,利用纺丝去酸水代替食盐、芒硝再生钠离子交换树脂,可以去除硬水中的钙离子和镁离子。

    Based on the principle of ion exchange , fibre spinning acid washing water is applied to replace salt and mirabilite , so as to regenerate sodium ion exchange resin . The calcium ion and magnesium ion can be removed from hard water .

  26. 实验结果还表明,对氢氧化钠、氨水、氢氧化钠和氯化钠混合液三种再生溶液比较,用6%的氢氧化钠溶液进行树脂再生效果最好,树脂再生后交换能力得到恢复。

    Experiment results still shew that the solution of sodium hydroxide of 6 % had the best resin regenerative effect by compared with sodium hydroxide , ammonia water and the mixture of sodium and common salt , and exchange ability gets recovery when resin revives .

  27. 以不同方法对724树脂进行再生处理,在同样的提取工艺条件下,分析了不同方法再生的树脂对蛋清溶菌酶提取活力及产量的影响。

    The 724 resin was regenerated with different methods . The activities and production of lysozyme prepared from egg white with resin regenerated by different methods were analyzed .

  28. 本着清洁生产和再生液持续利用的思想,本文探索了用新生氢氧化铝胶体来再生弱碱性树脂的弱碱性树脂胶体再生新工艺。

    According to the principle of cleaner production and sustainable usage of regenerator , this paper has probed novel technology of the colloid regeneration of the weakly basic resin .

  29. 实验表明,作者所提出的树脂电再生技术在技术上可行,可取得与酸、碱化学再生相媲美的树脂再生效果。

    The experiment indicated that the electro-regeneration for ion exchange resin technology , invented by the author is engineering feasible , and the degree of regeneration for ion exchange resin obtained by electricity is as same as by acid-alkali .