
  • 网络Reboiler;boiler
  1. 顶端采出率增大,再沸器中HD浓度明显增大;在相同的总板数下,H2/HD和D2/DT两个体系的分离特性明显有差别。

    With the increase of distillation rate the HD concentration in reboiler increases as well , and there are remarkable differences in separation performance between H2 / HD and D2 / DT system .

  2. RMV再沸器装置用于乙酸乙酯蒸发

    Application of RMV reboiler for ethyl acetate evaporation

  3. 使用Visualc++6.0编写了釜式再沸器工艺设计软件的界面。

    ( 3 ) Compile the interface of the software using Visual C + + 6.0 .

  4. PTA装置溶剂回收工段精馏塔再沸器设计探讨

    Discussion on Design of Reboiler of Distillation Tower in Solvent Recovery Section of PTA Plant

  5. 就PTA生产装置中的关键设备&精馏塔再沸器的设计进行探讨。

    Discusses the design of the key equipment i.e.reboiler of distillation tower of PTA plant .

  6. 采用轴向挤压式胀管法修复GV再沸器

    Repair of GV Reboilers Using the Axial Extruding Expanding Tube Method

  7. 随着回流比的增大,再沸器和冷凝器中HD浓度均减小;

    As the reflux ratio increases and the feeding point moves towards the bottom , HD concentrations in condenser and reboiler are decreased .

  8. 同时运用AspenHTFS+换热器设计软件对预热器、冷却器和再沸器进行设计与核算,并对各换热器及其它设备进行选型。

    Using Aspen HTFS + software to design and calculation the preheater , cooler and reboiler and selected the right size models to the heat exchanger and other equiqment .

  9. 模拟结果表明,采用改进工艺后,CO2收率提高5.0~14.3%,再沸器热负荷降低7.5%~8.1%。

    The results of simulation show that the yield of CO2 is increased 5.0 % ~ 14.3 % and reboiler heat duty decreased 7.5 % ~ 8.1 % by adopting the modified process flow compared with the typical process flow .

  10. 应用计算机解q方程计算出a1、a2,根据a1、a2求出再沸器的总传热系数K,通过举例计算获得了满意结果,此方法免去了试差的麻烦,非常简便。

    Based on values d_1 and d_2 , the total heat transfer coefficient k for reboiler is worked out , and a satisfied result is obtained by the calculation of an example . This method is straight forward , avoiding being troubled with trial and error .

  11. 对荆门分公司0.8Mt/aDCC-Ⅱ装置吸收-稳定系统解吸塔采用中间再沸器进行改造的情况进行了介绍。

    The revamping of the desorption tower in absorption-stabilization system of a 0.8 Mt / a DCC-II unit in Jingmen Petrochemical Company was reported .

  12. 计算结果表明,DMF法再沸器和冷凝器能耗分别比ACN法降低33.7%和22.7%,选择DMF法萃取精馏分离丁烷/丁烯效果较好。

    The comparison result shows that the energy consumption of the reboiler and the condenser used in the DMF method is 33.7 % and 22.7 % lower than that of the ACN method . The selection of the DMF method for separating butane and butene by extractive distillation is recommended .

  13. 荆门分公司0.8Mt/年DCC-Ⅱ装置吸收-稳定系统解吸塔采用中间再沸器节能技术改造,以回收稳定汽油余热,降低解吸塔底再沸器热负荷。

    The desorption tower in absorption and stabilization System of 0.8mt/Y DCC unit in Jingmen General Petrochemical Works was revamped with middle reboiler technology . The purpose of revamp was to decrease the quantity of heat of the bottom reboiler and reuse the heat of stabilization gasoline .

  14. 具有中间再沸器和中间冷凝器的多组份精馏系统的热集成

    Heat Integration of Multicomponent Distillation System with Intermediate Reboiler anb Condenser

  15. 物料回收塔再沸器塔段结构安全评价

    Security Evaluation of Cylinder Structure of Reboiling Section in Retrieval Tower

  16. 最后简述了立式降膜式再沸器在工程上的应用。

    Finally , falling film reboiler applications in engineering were summarized .

  17. 外循环式惰气蒸馏再沸器及其模拟计算

    Inert gas distillation reboiler with external loop and its process simulation

  18. 甲醇精馏主塔的再沸器内漏问题探讨

    Discussion on the inside leakage of reboiler of methanol distillation tower

  19. 再沸器泄漏原因分析及改进措施

    The Reason of Leak and the Way of Improvement on Reboiler

  20. 解吸塔中间再沸器节能技术及应用

    The middle reboiler energy-saving technology and its application in desorption tower

  21. 该模型以精馏系统(包括精馏塔塔体、塔顶冷凝器和塔底再沸器)的年总费用为目标函数,采用抛物线法求解。

    The parabola method was used to solve the model .

  22. 再沸器管板内管壁腐蚀原因分析及处理措施

    Reasons analysis and treating measures for tube-plate inner wall corrosion of re-boiler

  23. 中间再沸器在催化裂化装置解吸塔上的应用

    Application of middle reboiler energy saving technology in desorption tower of FCCU

  24. 精苯装置苯塔再沸器泄漏的原因分析

    Analysis on Refining Crude Benzene Recovery System Heat Exchanger Leakage

  25. 钛制再沸器管板接头焊缝腐蚀开裂的原因及改进措施

    Reasons for Tubeplate Joint Welds Corrosion Cracking of Titanium Reboiler and Correction Measures

  26. 釜式再沸器壳侧管束临界热负荷模拟计算

    Simulation calculations on critical heat flux outside tube bundles in a kettle reboiler

  27. E7009塔Ⅱ顶再沸器换热系统设备腐蚀与防护

    Corrosion of Heat Exchanger Systerm of E-7009 Tower ⅱ Overhead Reboiler and Protection

  28. 最好保持再沸器的负荷在一个较高的水平。

    It is good practice to keep reboiler duty on a higher side .

  29. 计算垂直管再沸器传热系数的新方法

    A new method of calculating the heat transfer coefficient for vertical tube Reboiler

  30. 乙二醇再沸器管束振动破坏机理分析

    Analysis of the Vibration Damage Mechanism of the Tube Bundles of a Glycol Re-Boiler