
  • 网络principle of similarity;resemblance;Proximity Principle;law of similarity
  1. 谓词性词语修饰动词时的位置是有规律的:在时间顺序相似性原则的制约下,表示后现情状的谓词性词语后置;

    The position of predicate-phrases as verb modifiers is rule-governed : In accordance with the time sequence proximity principle , the predicate-phrases denoting post-occurrences are usually post-positioned .

  2. 相似性存在于客观世界万物之中,人们为了真实地反映客观世界,必然依据相似性原则进行范畴化,而得到的任何范畴不可避免地具有家族相似性;

    Similarity exists in everything in the objective world . In order to reflect the objective world in truth , people have to make categorization on the principle of similarity , so that any category inevitably possesses family - resemblance , including language category .

  3. 根据华北暴雨日降水量落区的相似性原则,通过K-means聚类方法,可将华北暴雨分成3类。

    ( 4 ) Heavy rainfall can be categorized into three types according to the similar distribution of its daily rainfall amount by means of K-means clustering algorithms .

  4. 本文根据Campbell的研究提出了6种语篇连贯的模式,分别是相似性原则、相近性原则、强化原则、冲突原则、密度原则、大小对称原则。

    We propose six models of text coherence on the basis of Campbell 's study ( Campbell , 1995 ): the principles of similarity , proximity , reinforcement , conflict , density and size and symmetry .

  5. 大气边界层中起尘、降尘过程的模拟实验的相似性原则

    Similarity Principles of Modeling Dust Emission and Deposition in Atmospheric Boundary Layer

  6. 用数学构造思想方法解题应遵循熟悉化原则、直观性原则、和谐性原则及相似性原则;

    Applying structural thought method to solving mathematical problem will follow the familiar , intuitional , harmonious and similar principle .

  7. 多义词的各项词义围绕一项典型词义构成了一个范畴,各项词义之间遵循家族相似性原则。

    The meanings of a polysemic word compose a category in which the meanings distribute around a prototype and share family resemblance .

  8. 按综合性和相似性原则,用数学方法对山西省的经济级从粗、次粗、中、细几个角度进行了划分。

    By means of mathematical method , the paper divides economic grade into several types from the angles of rough , medium and minute respects .

  9. 并将语境的发生转换机制概括为一个激活扩散聚焦的模型,聚焦遵循最大相似性原则。

    We think that the occurrence conversion mechanism of the context is a model of " activate proliferation focus " , focusing to follow the biggest analogical principle .

  10. 原始思维认识世界、组织世界的方式是依据相似性原则展开的,它所构建的文化世界既存在着一定的秩序,同时又满含着诗意。

    How these thoughts cognize and organize the world is expanded by principles of comparability , hence the culture constructed not only includes order but also is full of flavor of poetry .

  11. 本文通过对这一记号进行分析,对围绕着这个记号、支点以相似性原则对与之匹配的整个世界进行图表式的勾勒。

    In this thesis , the symbol of bodies is analyzed , a concise abstractive outline of the world which is surrounding this pivot and matches it by principles of comparability is drew .

  12. 作者提出了油气资源评价的基本原则:成因原则、黑箱原则、相似性原则、最弱因素法则、测不准原理、地质虑波理论、无限逼近原则以及系统原则等。

    The authors put forward the fundamental principles for hydrocarbon resource assessment . They are respectively the rules of genesis , dark box , resembling , feeblest factors , uncertainty , geological filtering , infinite approach and systematic analysis .

  13. 这些原则被分成三个角度,即:修辞角度的相似性原则和通感原则;交际方法角度的语境原则;认知角度的反转原则、突显原则和适中原则。

    And the principles are classified into three approaches , they are : the Similarity Principle and the Synaesthesia Principle of the rhetorical approach ; the Context Principle of the communicative approach ; and the Reversal Principle , the Prominence Principle , the Moderate principle of the cognitive approach .

  14. 在相似性分析原则的实施中,文章应用了如Welch方法,数字滤波和参数拟合等多种信号处理和分析方法。

    Some other signal processing methods , such as Welch Method , digital filter and parameter fit are also discussed .

  15. 为了能够自适应的抽取镜头内的抽样帧,采用的抽取策略是镜头内全局变化相似性最小原则,生成的视频摘要能够达到较为令人满意的结果。

    In order to adaptively extract sampling frame within a shot , the extraction strategy adopted is the least similarity of the global changes in the shots .

  16. 以相似性最大为原则,均值偏移算法在后续帧中迭代地搜索出目标的真实位置。

    In the subsequent frames , the true place are searched iteratively by mean shft algorithm based on maximum similarity function .

  17. 在陈述了中文标语英译的重要意义之后,提出了标语和口号的翻译要遵循可读性,以译文接受者为中心,相似性三条原则。

    Following the significance of translating Chinese slogans , three principles for general guidance are put forward : understandability , receptors centered , and similarity .

  18. 本文给出了一种类比匹配原理及其计算模型,并在此基础上实现了类比匹配器AME.其中类比匹配原理包括一致性、谓词相似和支持性原则;

    This paper presents a theory and a computational model of analogical match , and an implementation of this model , named AME . The theory includes consistency , predicate similarity and support principles .

  19. 但是,目前学术界还没有给出一个如何构造相似矩阵的指导性原则。此外,文本预处理作为文本聚类最重要的基础,常常采取向量空间模型。

    But there are no current academic guiding principles to indirect how to construct a similarity matrix . Additionally , text preprocessing , as the most critical step for text clustering , Vector Space Model ( VSM ) is often adopted .