
àn chǎng
  • dark field;a part in the plot which is merely mentioned in the actor's lines but not acted out on the stage;details in a play which are no acted out but revealed in narration,dialogues,etc.
暗场 [àn chǎng]
  • [details in a play which are no acted out but revealed in narration,dialogues,etc.] 不在舞台上表演,只在台词中交代,使观众会意的戏剧情节

暗场[àn chǎng]
  1. 纳观尺度上的tem明场像和暗场像表明接头界面存在扩散分层现象。

    In nano-scale , the interfacial layered structures were observed on TEM bright field images ( bfi ) and dark field images ( dfi ) .

  2. 采用多束明场及双束暗场技术,测定了位错的Burgers矢量。

    A multi-beam bright field and two beam dark field electron microscope technique were applied to the determination of the Burgers vectors of dislocation .

  3. 此后载入的所有ccd图片将针对此暗场图片做校正。

    A dark frame calibration is automatically applied to all CCD images that are loaded thereafter .

  4. 正像在暗场法中一样,相物体这时就可以看见了。

    Just as in the dark-ground method phase objects are then perceptible .

  5. 为什么这段戏要用暗场的手法来表现呢?

    Why don 't they explicitly act it out ?

  6. 结合AFM成像技术和暗场显微成像技术,研究银纳米颗粒对细菌的影响。

    The effect of silver nanoparticles on bacteria was studied by the combination of AFM and darkfield microscopy .

  7. 用暗场高光谱成像、电子显微、电动模拟等手段将已绑定了等离振子纳米颗粒的EGFR的光学属性与受体的调控状态联系起来。

    Dark-field hyperectral imaging , electron microscopy , and electrodynamic modeling were used to correlate optical properties of EGFR-bound plasmonic nanoparticles with receptor regulation state .

  8. 用TEM暗场法并结合TV图像分析测得了AI粒子的粒径,并导出了粒径和生长时间的经验公式。

    The size of Al particles is measured by dark field technology of electron microscopy in combination with TV image analysis and an empirical formula for the relation between particle size and growth time is derived .

  9. 与未经包覆SiO2的纳米CaCO3的暗场像作对比,可以看出经过SiO2包覆的纳米CaCO3粒子周围有一白色亮环,从而得到SiO2包覆层的暗场照片。

    Compared with the dark field image of the non-cladding nano-CaCO_3 , a white halo could be observed around the SiO_2-cladding nanoCaCO_3 , thus a dark field photo of the SiO_2-cladding layer was obtained .

  10. 应用暗场电镜技术和不同的制样方法研究了几种核酸和牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒(IBRV)的核衣壳,并报导了所取得的初步结果。

    Several kinds of nucleic acids and IBRV nucleocapsids were examined using this technique methods , preliminary results were presented here .

  11. 在透射电子显微镜(TEM)电子衍射模式下,用适当孔径的物镜光阑选择非晶态SiO2的衍射区域,拍摄以溶胶-凝胶法制备的SiO2包覆纳米CaCO3的暗场像。

    Applying the electron-diffractive mode of transmission electron microscope ( TEM ), an objective aperture with a proper diameter was used to select the diffractive area of non-crystal SiO_2 for taking the dark field images of SiO_2-cladding nano-CaCO_3 , produced by the sol-gel method .

  12. 通过UV-vis-NIR消光光谱、暗场散射成像及单颗粒散射光谱研究了形态、尺寸对其表面等离子体共振性质的影响。

    UV-vis-NIR . extinction spectra , dark field light scattering imaging and single particle spectra were used to investigate the dependence of surface plasmon resonance scattering on crystal size and morphology .

  13. 第四章分别介绍液晶电视机白平衡调整系统中三个主要构成硬件彩色分析板,亮暗场信号发生器,I~2C总线接口板或RS232串口。

    Finally putting forward the framework of LCD TV white balance measurement & adjusting system . The forth chapter introduces signal generator , color analyzer board ( colour analyzer CA-210 ), and I ~ 2 C bus interface ( RS232 serial port ) .

  14. 明场和暗场光学对准比较研究

    Comparison of bright - field alignment with dark - field alignment

  15. 弱束暗场技术及其应用

    Weak Beam Dark Field Technique and Its Applications in Material Science

  16. 透射电镜明暗场细胞超微结构的互换观察

    TEM Bright and Dark Field Exchange Observation in the Study of Cellular Ultrastructure

  17. 出于天文测量要求,暗场图和平场图校准是被推荐的。

    For astrometric purposes , dark frame and flat field calibration is recommended .

  18. 光学元件损伤暗场成像检测的算法

    Algorithm of Optics Damage Inspection from Its Dark-Field Image

  19. 多重暗场象和多束象成象技术

    Multiple Dark Field Imaging and Multi-Beam Imaging Techniques

  20. 单个金纳米颗粒和金纳米棒的暗场光谱成像研究

    Single Molecule Spectral Analysis of Gold Nanoparticles and Gold Nanorods Using Dark Field Microscopy

  21. 运用几何光学理论对此现象的形成机理进行了分析;同时确定了环形暗场半径与液体介质折射率之间的定量关系。

    The mechanism of the phenomenon was discussed using the theory of Geometrical Optics .

  22. 环形透镜暗场落射照明系统设计及其焦移特性的研究

    Design of Annular Lens Dark Field Vertical Illumination System and Its Focal Distance Offset Characteristics

  23. 共焦激光扫描显微系统中暗场成像新途径

    A new method to form images with dark - field in confocal scanning laser microscopy system

  24. 在实验中可以用光学暗场法来观察声表面波场的会聚。

    A dark field method was used in experiment to observe the focusing of SAW field optically .

  25. 核酸分子的暗场成象位相物体的暗场成像

    Dark field imaging of nucleic acid molecules the formation of image of phased object in dark field

  26. 发现了细棒润湿效应时弯曲液面上边界反射光场的圆形暗场扩张效应。

    The distensible effect of a circle-shape dark region light reflection from curved liquid surface was discovered .

  27. 监测运动溶体中晶体生长吸附边界层的变化规律&全息及普通暗场显微术

    Monitor Measuring of the Variation Regularities of Absorption Boundary Layer for Growing Crystal with Holographic and Conventional Dark-Field Microphotography

  28. 多重暗场象可以快速揭示衍射花样同明场和暗场象之间的关系。

    Multiple dark field image can readily be used in revealing the relation between dif - fraction pattern and bright-and dark-field images .

  29. 单个量子点的研究主要在荧光显微镜下进行,利用暗场散射成像的方法实现了单个量子点的成像。

    Research of quantum dot is carried out under the fluorescent microscope , this paper achieve single quantum dot imaging by dark-field scattering .

  30. 另外,我们结合一种特殊的暗场扫描机台的特点提出了其用于扫描金属蚀刻后缺陷的方案。

    In addition , we provide a special dark field tool scan metal bridge defect method base on the dark field tool special configuration .