
  • 网络central-force field
  1. 相对论粒子在有心力场中的运动轨迹

    Orbit of Relative Particle Motion in Central-force Field

  2. 有心力场具有Runge-lenz矢量守恒的条件

    The Conditions of Conservation in a Centripetal Force Field with Runge-lenz Vector

  3. 本文介绍了偏心率矢量R(也称Runge-lenz矢量)以及利用矢量R导出反平方有心力场中质点运动轨迹方程的方法,并讨论了有关的问题。

    The paper introduces the Runge-Len vector ( R ) and the method to deduce the locus equation of particle movement with R in inverse square centre field > and discusses some related problems .

  4. 以卫星轨道为例,用MATLAB数值求解有心力场中的运动微分方程,作为对理论力学课程的补充和计算物理应用的一个例子。

    The differential equations of motion for object moving in a central force field can 't be solved explicitly . This paper illustrates how to solve it numerically , using the math tool MATLAB , taking the problem of satellite 's orbits as an example .

  5. 在平方反比有心力场中运动的质点,其角动量、机械能及Runge-Lenz矢量守恒。

    Angular momentum , mechanical energy and Runge-Lenz vector are conservation in inverse-square central force field .

  6. 推导平方反比有心力场中质点轨道的一种方法

    The orbit in central force field of inverse & square law

  7. 有心力场轨道稳定性的判据

    A criterion of the orbit stability in a central force field

  8. 有心力场守恒量的动量变量表示

    Representation of conservative constants for the central field in momentum variable

  9. 有心力场中的闭合轨道与动力学对称性

    The Dynamical Symmetry and the Closed Character of Orbits in the Central Forces

  10. 关于有心力场教学中应该强调的四个问题

    Four Problems Emphasized in Teaching the Central Force Field

  11. 用轨道相图分析有心力场轨道及其稳定性

    An Analysis to the Central-Field Orbits and its Stability with the Orbit Phase Diagram

  12. 在有心力场中行星运行轨道稳定性的证明

    Stability of planet orbits in central field

  13. 平方反比有心力场中三守恒量与轨道几何参数的关系

    The Relationship Between Three Conservation Quantities and the Orbital Geometry Parameter in Inverse-Square Central Force Field

  14. 讨论了质点运动轨道的稳定性问题,并给出了轨道稳定性的几个简明而又实用的判据,然后分析了有心力场中质点轨道的稳定性问题。

    The orbit of motion in central force field is discussed and a few decision methods of the orbit stability are given .

  15. 用两种不同的方法来讨论一个自旋为的粒子在有心力场中的运动。

    We discuss the motion of a particle which spin is 1 / 2 in a central force field in two different methods .

  16. 本文用动力系统的线性稳定性分析理论,讨论了有心力场中质点轨道的稳定性问题。

    Linear Stability analysis is introduced in the first section , and a discussion on the stability of orbits in Central force field is given .

  17. 证明了带电粒子在有心力场中运动时有两个守恒矢量。

    In this paper it is shown that there are two vector constants of the motion for a charged particle in the central field of force .

  18. 采用拉格朗日函数与哈密顿量来讨论非惯性系统在有心力场存在时的运动方程。

    In this paper , Lagrange function and a Hami quantity are used to develop the equation of motion for a non-inertial system in the presence of central force field .

  19. 因此本文在有心力场单电子近似下,利用平均原子模型研究了电四极及更高阶跃迁对金元素的高温稠密等离子体辐射不透明度的贡献。

    In this thesis , the contribution of electric quadrupole ( E2 ) and higher pole transitions to the opacity of hot and dense plasmas of element aurum is taken into account by using an average-atom model .

  20. 根据动量定理和角动量定理,通过直角坐标系和平面极坐标系单位矢量的变换,给出了推导平方反比有心力场中轨道的一种新方法。

    Based on the theorems of momentum and angular momentum , a new method for determining the orbit in central force field of inverse & square law is given by the transformation of unit vectors in two coordinate systems .

  21. 近似有心对称力场的原子能量

    Atomic energy of the proximate symmetries central force field

  22. 根据有心力为保守力这一特性,利用变分法给出了有心力场轨道稳定性的判据。

    A criterion of orbit stability in the general central force field is given by calculus of variations .