
  • effective thickness;【地】net pay thickness
  1. 3μm2,有效厚度小于1m的油层及表外储层。

    3 μ m2 , the effective thickness is less than 1m .

  2. 应用BIOT理论预测储层有效厚度

    Predict reservoir effective thickness based on Biot theory

  3. 然后在此基础上,通过运用BP神经网络和模糊聚类分析方法进行岩性识别,再结合储层参数,综合进行储层有效厚度下限值的确定。

    On this basis , then , by identifying lithology with BP neural networks and fuzzy cluster analysis methods and combining with reservoir parameters , this thesis integrated to determine the lower limit of the effective thickness of the reservoir .

  4. 同时考虑油层中有效厚度大于1m单砂层储量的比例,建立了聚合物驱采收率提高值评估模型。

    At the same time , considering the reserve ratio of single sand layers with net thickness over one meter , the paper has also established a polymer flooding EOR value evaluation model .

  5. 构造对煤层气藏的形成和破坏主要表现在地质发展史、褶皱、断裂三个方面,其中上覆地层有效厚度小于200m的地区不具备勘探价值。

    Effect of structure on CBM formation and destruction reflects in three aspects : geological developing history , fold and fracture . Region where valid depth is smaller than 200m has no exploration value .

  6. 应用容积法时应注意准确掌握SEC标准与中国现行储量计算标准的差异,重点审查储量计算的主要参数如含油面积和有效厚度的确定方法。

    When volumetric method being applied , the major focuses exactly grasp the differences between SEC criteria and Chinese active reserve calculation criteria , and especially examine the methods that are used to determine main parameters of reserve calculation including oilbearing area and net pay thickness .

  7. 对于同一种折射率,如nx(ny或nz或),随着注入剂量的增加样品表面的折射率逐渐减小,波导层的有效厚度逐渐减小。

    During the dose increasing , the surface refractive index and the effective thickness of waveguide layer decreases gradually in a same kind of refractive index , such as in nx ( or ny or nz ) .

  8. 通过对油砂体分布及砂地比的综合研究,确定在主力油层集中发育、有效厚度大于4m及砂地比大于0.4的区域部署开发。

    Based on the distribution and oil-bearing sand body rather than the comprehensive research of the major reservoirs , determine the centralized development , effective thickness is greater than 4m and sandstone thickness and stratum thickness ratio more than 0.4 areas deployment .

  9. 应用连续CO2激光器对铜基、铁基粉末压坯(有效厚度≤10mm)施行整体辐射烧结,然后对其显微组织、孔隙度、硬度、冲击韧性、拉伸性能及耐磨性进行观测与分析。

    A CO2 continuous laser was used to sinter copper and iron based powder sreen compacts ( with an effective thickness of ≤ 10mm ) by bulk radiation , followed by the survey and analysis of their microstructure porosity , hardness , impact toughness , tensile stength and wear resistence .

  10. 模型将电极极化阻抗、电极有效厚度和电极内有效三相线(TPB)长度表示为氧离子电阻率、TPB电阻率、电极组成成分、孔隙率、粒子尺寸和电极厚度的函数。

    The parameters such as interfacial polarization resistance , three-phase boundary ( TPB ) length , and effective electrode thickness are formulated as a function of effective TPB resistivity , ionic resistivity , electrode composition , porosity , particle size , and electrode thickness .

  11. 根据北二东东块动、静态特征,利用Petrel软件,对渗透率、孔隙度、有效厚度采用相控插值技术,建立了北二东东块精细地质模型。

    According to the dynamic and static characteristics of north-two-east eastern block , the fine geological model was established by using the Petrel software , and the permeability , the porosity and the effective thickness were calculated by using the phased interpolation .

  12. 旧沥青路面面层有效厚度模型研究

    Research on Effective Thickness Model of Existing Asphalt Pavement Surface Course

  13. 地浸采铀中有效厚度的计算

    A Calculating Method of Effective Thickness in In-situ Leaching of Uranium

  14. 在此基础上对冻土墙的设计方法进行了探讨,提出了冻土墙厚度设计的变形约束条件和冻土墙有效厚度的概念。

    The design method for frozen soil wall is also discussed .

  15. 油藏有效厚度统计参数的特征与应用

    Parameter characteristic and its application of statistical effective thickness of reservoir

  16. 储集层的有效厚度是决定储集层产能的重要因素之一,储集层有效厚度为储集层气显示厚度。

    The reservoir effective thickness was the reservoir gas showing thickness .

  17. 特低渗透油层有效厚度确定方法研究

    Determination of effective thickness for oil reservoirs with extra-low permeability

  18. 泥浆对储层有效厚度划分影响的实验机理研究

    The experimental mechanism of mud effect on effective thickness division of reservoirs

  19. 确定裂缝&孔隙型碳酸盐岩储层有效厚度

    Determination of Net Pay Thickness in Carbonate Fractured-Porous Reservoirs

  20. 利用灰色油层判别方法划分地层有效厚度

    Division of Formation Effective Thickness With Grey Reservoir Identification

  21. 一种特低渗透油层有效厚度标准研究

    Study on effective thickness standard for ultra-low permeable reservoir

  22. 10项参数分别是①储层有效厚度;

    The parameters are : ① reservoir effective thickness ;

  23. 一种测量体光栅调制度和有效厚度的新方法

    A Novel Method for Measuring Modulation Depth and Effective Thickness of Volume Gratings

  24. 准噶尔盆地稠油油藏有效厚度下限研究

    Study on Cut-Off Net Pay Thickness of Heavy Oil Reservoirs in Junggar Basin

  25. 电化学方法估算Au/硫醇/卵磷脂双层膜的表观有效厚度

    Assessing the apparent effective thickness of the supported hybrid bilayer membranes by electrochemical methods

  26. 应用电阻率&自然电位交会法划分油层有效厚度

    Application of resistivity & spontaneous potential crossplot to dividing effective thickness in oil reservoir

  27. 砂砾岩储层有效厚度研究

    Study on the effective thickness of glutenite reservoir

  28. 制定了储层和有效厚度识别的标准图版。

    The standard plate of reservoir bed and net thickness had been set down .

  29. 综合上述情况,制定有效厚度划分标准。

    Establishing partition standard of effective thickness on the basis of these study data .

  30. 一种实用的有效厚度电性解释标准转换方法

    One practical conversion method for electric property interpretation