
yǒu jìn
  • strong;zestful
  • interesting;amusing
有劲 [yǒu jìn]
  • (1) [be tough]∶力气大

  • 男人大都比女人有劲

  • (2) [fascinated]∶有兴趣

  • 他正玩得有劲

  1. 你以为你很有劲吗?

    B : Do you think you are strong enough ?

  2. 我的手指很有劲。

    My fingers are very strong .

  3. 她自髋关节手术以后活得更有劲了。

    Since her hip operation she 's had a new lease of life .

  4. 锻炼奇怪的地方在于它会越活动越有劲。

    The paradox of exercise is that while using a lot of energy it seems to generate more

  5. 怀曼看毛虫乱蹦乱踢,正看得有劲。

    Wyman was absorbed in the convulsions of the insect .

  6. 老爸:“爸爸很累啦,你夸我两句吧,你夸我两句我就又有劲了。”

    Father : " I 'm so tired , if you praise1 me , I 'll Be fresh2 . "

  7. 你一参加聚会和讨论就觉得更加有劲了。

    You had a gayer time with your parties and discussions .

  8. 他越干越有劲。

    The more he worked , the more energetic he became .

  9. 手要有劲,因为球很沉重。

    Hands should be powerful , because the ball is heavy .

  10. 不过演猩猩到底多有劲呢?

    But how fun was it really to play an ape ?

  11. 而他却跳得更有劲了,最后竟然跳了。

    He jumped even harder and finally made it out .

  12. 许多外国人都觉得,我们的咖啡太有劲了。

    Most foreigners find our coffee to be too potent .

  13. 这一回啊,要是我们是带着路易十六出奔,那该多有劲。

    I wish WE 'D a had the handling of Louis XVI .

  14. 走了那么多路后,我的腿好像有劲起来。

    My legs seem to have toned up with all that walking .

  15. 虽然那不像你们的梦想那么有劲魄力。

    Although it 's not as aggressive as your dream .

  16. 风小了,可是利飕有劲,使人颤抖。

    The wind was dropping , but its soughing made men shiver .

  17. 第一次用英文写日记,蛮有劲的。

    I was quite energetic the first time writing a journal in English .

  18. 他就自己的话题越讲越有劲。

    The more he spoke , the more he warmed to his subject .

  19. 抱歉,夥计们,我没想到我这麽有劲。

    Sorry , guys , I guess I don 't know my own strength .

  20. 那天,春末夏初的和风吹得正有劲,摇晃着悬铃木的梢头。

    A brisk May breeze was blowing , which swayed the crests of the plaintain-trees .

  21. 少校说,这几个字说得铿锵有劲。

    Said the major , half aloud .

  22. 她手术复元以后活得更有劲了。

    Since recovering from her operation , she 's had a new lease of life .

  23. 请记住在大学活动中,熨烫衣服是一件很累,而且并不那么有劲的事情。

    Remember that ironing can become tiring and is not the most exciting college activity .

  24. 汤姆拿起一把没人用的锹,就干了起来,而且干得很有劲。

    Tom , picking up a spare spade , fell to and worked with a will .

  25. 中国的网络词汇,含义是酷、很棒或者有劲,字面意思是给予力量。

    Chinese Internet buzzword which means cool , awesome or exciting . Literally , giving power .

  26. 我很有劲的。我会证明给你们看的。

    ROCK : Yeah , like , I 'm highly motivated . I 'll show ya !

  27. 他们蹦得多有劲啊!&仿佛每只大脚都是一大团弹簧。

    And what jumps they made ! as if each big foot were a mass of springs .

  28. 发笑鬣狗的双颌特别有劲,使它能够啃大骨头。

    The laughing hyena has tremendous power in its jaws , enabling it to crack large bones .

  29. 任何微小的进步都会激励和促进积极情绪,而那会让你的高效工作更有劲。

    Any trivial progress can motivate and boost positive emotions that will help build a productive momentum .

  30. 那儿的水土只认识有劲的胳膊,大碗的白酒和爽朗的大笑。

    The land there knows only strong arms , big bowls of strong liquor and unbridled laughter .