
  • 网络emotional cultivation
  1. 高中语文诗歌鉴赏中的情感培养

    Emotional Cultivation in the Appreciation of Poem in Chinese Teaching

  2. 然而现代社会家庭结构趋向简单,家人关系和情感培养被忽略。

    But in modern society family structure tends simple , as well as family relationships and emotional cultivation .

  3. 语文教学与审美情感培养

    Chinese Teaching and Fostering the Students ' Feeling to Appreciate Beauty

  4. 审美情感培养是审美教育的核心。

    Esthetic emotion cultivation is the core of esthetic education .

  5. 网络教育环境下学习者的情感培养研究

    The Research of Learners ' Emotion Cultivation in E-learning Environment

  6. 护理实习生的职业情感培养

    Fostering of professional sensibility of nursing probationers

  7. 暴力攻击型未成年犯高级情感培养的团体训练研究

    Study on the Group Training on the Development of Higher Affections of Violent Juvenile Criminals

  8. 道德情感培养的重点&真实性、亲和性、渗透性;

    Emphasis for moral feelings ' cultivation & genuine nature , affectionate nature , permeating nature ;

  9. 个体道德情感培养的途径

    Approach to Fostering Individual Moral Feeling

  10. 怎样在诗歌教学中进行审美情感培养,这是一个理论问题,更是一个复杂的实践问题。

    How to cultivate esthetic emotion in the process of poem teaching is both a theoretical problem and a complicated practical problem .

  11. 网络环境中学习者的认知得到了重视,然而人们却忽视了在网络环境中对学习者的情感培养。

    Cognition of learners in network environment has arrived attention , but people have ignored emotional culture of learners in that environment .

  12. 教学中情感培养的困难很多,主要来自于应试教育。

    And fifth , there 're many difficulties in emotion nurturing of chemical teaching , most of them come from education for exams .

  13. 结果进一步说明了初中化学教学中开展情感培养的必要性和可行性,也为中学化学教师的实践操作提供了可借鉴的案例。

    The results show the necessary and feasibility of emotion nurturing in chemical teaching , and provide reference cases for middle school chemistry teachers .

  14. 同时,在其教育里,没有整齐划一的学生和教育,注重学生的个性发展和情感培养。

    Meanwhile , in their education , there is no uniform for students and education , students focus on character development and emotional training .

  15. 小学教育学段是学生身心发展基础阶段,这时期对学生进行情感培养,形成良好的情感意识和态度,对将来发展极为重要。

    The primary school period is the foundation years and it is critical for the pupils to develop healthy emotion and attitudes through emotional education .

  16. 强化语文教育的情感培养、人生引导作用,实现育人的最终目标。

    Meanwhile , it should also strengthen emotional education and life guide education in its knowledge learning , and finally realize the target of cultivating students .

  17. 希望有助于在数学教学中进行情感培养,促进新课标所提出的数学教学情感目标在实践中的有效实施。

    I hope it will help affectional cultivation in mathematics teaching and promote the effective implementation of mathematical teaching affectional goal proposed by the new curriculum .

  18. 近年来,尽管在音乐教学中,对学生进行情感培养的呼声越来越高,可是,在这方面的研究却显得不足。

    In recent years , more and more people call for emotion cultivation in music education , but the research in this field is still insufficient .

  19. 很多教学理论,如尝试教学法、情境教学等,也很注重学生的情感培养。

    A lot of teaching theory , such as the attempt teaching method , situational teaching , also paid great attention to the cultivation of students ' emotion .

  20. 语文是一门人文性的学科,培养学生人文素养,关注学生情感培养,语文具有得天独厚的优势。

    Chinese is a humanities course , fostering the students ' humane attainments , focusing on students ' affective education , Chinese , this discipline has its unique advantage .

  21. 自然,当我们长大以后,我们也会比那些从小就重视情绪教育和情感培养的孩子们更难懂得和学会“同理心”。

    It 's no surprise , then , that as adults , we have a harder time with empathy than people who grew up in cultures emphasizing lifelong emotional development .

  22. 中等职业学校《法律基础知识》课教学,不仅要重视法律知识传授,还应加强法律情感培养;

    Teaching " Esserctial Law " in vocational high school should not only take a great notice on the knowledge points , but also pay much attention to emotion education .

  23. 而人性究竟何为呢?我们可以从不同的哲学家对于人性的定义和实践中加以总结,人性应是人的一种普遍存在的属性,具有感性经验、情感培养的品质。

    Different philosophers , we can sum up the definition of human nature and practice of human nature should be a common attribute , perceptual experience , the quality of emotional culture .

  24. 本文从美读、美情、美析、美想、美德五个方面剖析了古诗词教学中的审美情感培养的方法。

    This thesis analysies the methods of developing aes-thetic motion in ancient poem teaching from five aspects : aesthetic reading , aesthetic motion , aesthetic analysis , aesthetic association , aesthetic morality .

  25. 第一,要改变思想政治教育的唯理性倾向,把对青少年的情感培养纳入思想政治教育的全过程。

    First , the extremely rationalist inclination of ideological and political education should be altered . The emotional edcation should be included in the full process of juvenile ideological and political education .

  26. 德育的任务应包括:进行人生观和马列主义教育、爱国主义教育、优良道德传统教育、道德行为习惯训练、道德情感培养和提高自我教育能力;

    The tasks are to undertake educations on life outlook , Marxism and Lenin - ism , patriotism , fine moral traditions and behavior and emotion trainings as well as the improvement of self-education .

  27. 要揭示通过诗歌进行审美情感培养的特殊规律,除了运用教学理论,还必须运用审美心理学的观点和方法,以及美学和文艺理论的基本原理。

    To disclose the special law of esthetic emotion education through poem teaching , we must use teaching theory , the view and methods of esthetic psychology as well as the basic principle of esthetic and theory of art .

  28. 目前,我国高中英语教学普遍存在着重认知教育而轻视情感培养的问题,具体表现为:重知识信息的传授而轻情感信息、的交流。

    At present , the state attaching importance to cognitive learning but ignoring affective cultivation exists widely in English teaching of senior high school . And the specific performances are : focusing on cognitive knowledge imparting and neglects the communication of affective information .

  29. 从信仰主体、信仰客体、社会环境的角度入手,提出加强马克思主义理论教育:提高个人认识水平,注重情感培养,进行心理引导、发挥自我教育的作用,发展和实践马克思主义;

    Start with the angle that believe in subject , believe in the object , social environment , propose strengthening the theory education of Marxism , improve the personal level of understanding ; Pay attention to the emotion to train ; Guide the psychology ;

  30. 论任务型语言教学中学生情感的培养

    On the Development of Students ' Affect in Task-Based Language Teaching