
  1. 有些学者以为变异这一名词的专门意义,是指那种由生活的物理条件所直接引起的变异。

    Some authors use the term " variation " in a technical sense , as implying a modification directly due to the physical conditions of life .

  2. 普适计算是一种全新的计算模式,其致力于将由通信和计算构成的信息空间与人们工作生活的物理空间融为一体,支持用户随时随地并且透明地获取符合其个性化需求的信息服务。

    Pervasive Computing is a new computing mode , the aim of which is to achieve the integration of information space ( consisting of communications and computing ) and physical space where people live and work . In this environment , people can access digital service anytime and anywhere .

  3. 注重与日常生活中的物理现象紧密结合;

    On physics phenomenon in the daily life ;

  4. 基于蒙古族文化生活的中学物理实验资源开发与利用

    Developing and Utilizing Physics Experimental Resources of Middle School Which Based on Mongolian Cultural Life

  5. 紧密联系学生生活的高中物理课堂教学实践研究

    A Practical Research on the High School Physics Teaching Close to the Student 's Life

  6. 其次在重庆市生活垃圾的物理力学参数的确定方面,本文采取现场测试与室内实验相结合的方法。

    Secondly in the paper two means of experiments are done to find the physics parameter and mechanics parameter , one way is field experiment , the other is indoor test .

  7. 家,对于人们而言不再仅仅是生活起居的物理空间,能够提供安全、舒适、便捷、高效的居住环境已经成为人们的普遍需求。

    Home is no longer just for people to daily life in terms of physical space , can provide safe , comfortable , convenient and efficient living environment has become the universal demand .

  8. 电子现金能够很好地模拟现实生活中的物理现金支付,它将是未来全球信息化社会电子支付基础设施中的一个不可或缺的支付手段。

    Since electronic cash ( e-cash ) can be used to play the role of physical cash payment in real life , it will be an indispensable payment means in the electronic payment ( e-payment ) infrastructure of future global information society .

  9. 在今天的游戏中,我们受到与现实生活中同样的物理法则约束

    As gamers we are now living by the same laws of physics

  10. 从现代社会生活的需要看物理教育改革

    On the Physics Education and Modern Social Life

  11. 人们生活的环境中物理因子的影响无处不在,物理因子对人神经系统的影响也是十分的突出。

    The effects of physical gene can exist everywhere , which have also outstanding effects on the human nervous system .

  12. 活动内容从学生兴趣出发,选择富含生活气息的趣味物理实验。内容新颖,生动有趣,以废旧生活材料为实验材料,紧密结合物理学科知识,融合前沿科学技术,讲课与制作并举。

    We choose novel and interesting physical experiments in life style as the content on the basic of interest , take advantage of waste life materials as the experimental material , naturally combine the physical knowledge tightly , add the frontier knowledge of science and technology at the same time .

  13. 湿度是我们日常生活中经常接触的物理量,湿度的检测需要采用湿度传感器来进行。

    Humidity is a physics quantity that is often encountered in our daily life . The humidity measurement is accomplished by the humidity sensor .

  14. 视频资源基于生活中的真实的物理情境,建构主义所描述的学习正是基于真实问题情景下的探索,学习和解决实际问题的过程。

    Video teaching resources base on the real physical scene of life , which is accord with the request of precondition of construction in education , that the exploring , studying and the course of problem solving of construction in education are base on questionable scene .