
  • 网络Contact binary;w uma
  1. 相接双星金牛座AH

    The Contact Binary System AH Tau

  2. WUMa型相接双星RZCom的CCD测光研究

    A CCD study of W UMa contact binary RZ Com

  3. 半相接双星室女座UW轨道周期变化的物理机制研究

    The Investigation of Physical Mechanisms for Orbital Period Changes of the Semidetached Binary UW Vir

  4. 收集了近相接双星BFVir的光极小时刻,并对其轨道周期进行分析。

    All the published moments of light minima of the near contact binary BF Vir have been compiled and the changes of orbital period have been analyzed .

  5. 由于考虑了恒星自转,我们得到的理论模型在WUMa型相接双星的观测周期-颜色图上的位置非常接近观测得到的上边界。

    Since the stellar rotation is taken into account , our model is located very near to the upper boundary of period-color diagram which is obtained from observations of W UMa type systems .

  6. 通过对WUMa型相接双星ABAnd、AMLeo、AKHer和APLeo的轨道周期研究,我们得到它们的物质转移率约为10~(-8)M⊙/yr。

    We obtain their mass transfer rate to be about 10-8 M o / yr by studying period variations of W UMa type systems AB And , AM Leo , AK Her , and AP Leo .

  7. 结合模型计算结果,对已知29个NCS系统作了统计研究,结果表明NCS系统与相接双星在演化上有很密切的联系。

    Compared with the computations , a statistical study of 29 known NCS systems was made . Two future evolution traces were shown for NCS systems : one will evolve into contact ; and the other will get in detached and or semi-detached state .

  8. 不相接双星的相互照射吸收和子星表面温度的变化

    Mutual Irradiation and Absorption in Detached Binary Systems and Surface Temperature Variation

  9. 两颗相似的不相接双星:AT和AZCam

    Two Similar Detached Binary System : AT and AZ Cam

  10. 它们是研究和计算相接双星中各种物理过程的理论基础。

    They are the fundamental principles for studying and calculating various physical processes in contact binaries .

  11. 对16颗旋转周期增加的半相接双星的质量交换速率进行了研究。

    In this paper , 16 semi-detached binaries of increasing orbital period were chosen to be to investigated of the mass exchange rate .

  12. 本文在分析了相接双星中的各种物理过程和现有的演化模型的基础上,深入研究了相接双星中的一系列基本问题。

    By analyzing these complicated physical processes and present models of contact binaries , we study a series of basic problems in this thesis .

  13. 此外,这两个相接双星的轨道周期还表现出了周期性的变化成分。和变化的黑子一样,轨道周期的这种变化,也可能是由磁活动引起的。

    Moreover , the orbital periods of the two contact binaries show cyclical oscillations , which may arise from magnetic activities just as the dark spots do . 4 .

  14. 现今已知的许多激变双星,如新星、X-射线双星、Ia型超新星等等都是由相接双星演化而成。

    Many well known cataclysmic binaries are the products which are left over from the contact binaries , e.g. , cataclysmic variables , novae , X-ray binaries , type-la supernovae .

  15. 在双星中有一类特殊的双星称为相接双星,他们的特点是两颗子星都充满洛希瓣,双星间可以发生双向的物质和能量交换,并形成公共包层。

    One special kind of binaries is called contact binaries , which arc characterized by the components filling the Roche lobes . Thus , the exchanges of mass and energy can journey to and fro between the components and a common envelope is formed .

  16. 并对已知的15个A-K型近相接不接双星的统计性质作了讨论。

    15A-K type near-contact detached binary systems are collected and a discussion about the statistical characteristics of them is also presented .