
xiànɡ wèi jiǎo
  • phase angle
  1. 现在我问你们,关于时间的,函数是什么,,what,now,is,x,as,a,function,of,time,包括振幅,包括相位角φ?

    And now I can ask you x A including the amplitude A , including the phase angle phi ?

  2. co(a~1∏~e~3∑~-)混合激发态碰撞传能过程的量子干涉效应&跃迁振幅和相位角的时间特性

    Quantum Interference in Collision-induced Energy Transfer Within CO ( A ~ 1 Π~ e ~ 3 Σ ~ - ) Mixed States & Temporal Behavior of Transition Amplitude and Phase Angle

  3. 每一种颜色对应一个色度信号矢量,它的饱和度用模值Ch表示,色调由相位角θ表示。

    Every color corresponds a chroma signal vector . Model of Ch is its saturation , the angle of θ is hue .

  4. 对基于空间电压矢量的三电平逆变器PWM算法进行了推导,用了一种根据参考电压矢量幅值和相位角的变化,来生成三电平PWM波的工作模式。

    The paper introduces the space voltage vector PWM method for three level inverter to generate PWM pulse on the basis of amplitude and phase angle of reference vector .

  5. 在远离临界转速的高速区,转子的相位角不再增大,而是围绕某一定值波动,此定值为(2n+1)πrad(n为自然数);

    After the rotor passes its resonant zone , the phase angle does not increase any more , and it begins to fluctuate around a constant value ( 2n + 1 )π rad .

  6. SBS聚合物可有效地提高沥青粘合料在高温状态下的动态力学模量,降低相位角,而在低温状态下,SBS可以降低沥青粘合料的复合模量,增加相位角;

    And SBS modification can effectively improve dynamic mechanical moduli and decrease phase angle at high temperatures , as well as reduce complex modulus and increase phase angle at low temperatures .

  7. 在同一个振荡相位角条件下,相分离在早期符合经典的Cahn-Hilliard线性理论。

    At a given phase angle , the early-stage kinetics of phase separation followed the classical Cahn-Hilliard theory .

  8. 在数据计算分析上,利用频率跟踪技术对FFT算法实施改进,能准确地计算录波数据的瞬时值、有效值、相位角、频率以及P、Q、S、功率因数等。

    The FFT algorithm has been further improved by tracing various signal frequencies . There fore , it can calculate precisely the instant and RMS value , phase angle , frequency and P , Q , S powr factors of wave data .

  9. 而电池常相位角元件(CPE)参量及特征频率f与电池SOC之间存在良好的单调依赖关系,可作为MH-Ni电池SOC有效估计的参数。

    While the parameters of constant-phase element ( CPE ) and the eigenfrequency f of the EISs show good monotonous dependency on SOC respectively , are helpful to determine the SOC of Ni-MH battery .

  10. 单片机通过过零检测获取计时基准,比较当前转速反馈与目标反馈,采用脉宽调制PWM方式来控制三端双向可控硅开关器件的导通相位角及导通时间,实现交流PG电机的平稳调速。

    MCU get timing reference by zero-crossing detection . It compare the current speed feedback with the object feedback , and control the conduction phase and time using PWM mode to realize the stable speed-regulating of AC PG-motor .

  11. 伪码捕获采用时域/频域二维N通道捕获的方案,载波恢复采用FLL和PLL相结合的方法,相位角的计算采用旋转坐标数字计算机的方法;

    Frequency / time two dimension N channels acquisition is adopted in PN sequence acquisition , frequency locked loop and phase locked loop are used in carrier recovery , coordinated rotation digital computer is employed in phase computing .

  12. 从含时微扰的一级波恩近似出发,进一步研究了CO(A~e)混合态在以He或HCl为碰撞伴时其跃迁振幅和相位角的时间特性。

    A further study on the temporal behavior of collision-induced transition amplitude and phase angle within CO ( A ~ e ) mixed states is carried out based on the first order Born approximation of time dependent perturbation theory for He or HCl as the collision partners .

  13. 本文推导了SPWM控制下的电流型变流器的有功功率、无功功率和调制比、相位角的关系,设计了电流型超导储能变流器的功率闭环控制。

    This paper deduces the relationship between M , a and active power , reactive power in a current source converte controlled by SPWM . A design of the control loop of the active power and reactive power for this converter is given .

  14. 在详细分析系统功能基础上,提出了基于Cohen-Sutherland编码理论的相位角区域编码数字细分、辨向算法。

    And in the meantime , put forward an algorithm of digital subdivision and identifying direction about phase sector on which based Cohen-Sutherland code theory .

  15. 本文介绍了以单片机为基础的交流电压、电流直接采样的设计与实现并用锁相环CD4046来实现相位角的采样。

    The paper introduced a design and realization of direct sampling of AC Voltage and current based on a single chip micro-computer and used PLL CD4046 to realize phase angle sampling .

  16. 在P131传动轴压装焊接生产中,轴管两端压入部件的相位角有一定要求。

    In production of Spot welding machine of P131 transmission Shaft pressed assembly , there is a high requirement for the angle between two parts pressed in one tube .

  17. 接着分析了交流电压/电流有效值U/I、电压/电流初始相位角θu0/θi0的传统定义法和噪声因素对这些电力参数测试精度的影响。

    Secondly , the traditional method to test the AC voltage / current RMS U / I and initial phase θ u0 / θ i0 , and the impact of noise on the test precision of the AC power characteristic parameters are analyzed .

  18. 模拟放大线路高频相位角的计算

    Calculation for High Frequency Angle of Analog Amplifier Circuits Phase Analysis

  19. 围压对沥青混合料相位角的影响

    Effects of confining pressure on phase angle of asphalt mixtures

  20. 凸轮升程和相位角的检测与评定方法

    Examination and Evaluation Method of Cam Life and Phase Angle

  21. 油泵相位角动态测试的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Test on Oil Pump Phase Angle

  22. 在计算相位角时,用不到多少物理知识。

    There 's not much physics in the phase angle .

  23. 活塞式压缩机扰力和扰力矩相位角的计算

    Calculation of Disturbing Force & Disturbing Moment Phase Angle of Piston Compressor

  24. 基于相位角平衡的有源电力滤波器研究

    The Study on the Phase-angle-balance of Shunt Active Power Filter

  25. 给出了等效平衡矢量与配重小车相位角的关系式。

    A relation between equivalent balancing vector and weight phase angle is given .

  26. 活塞式压缩机基础动力响应相位角的计算

    Calculation of Phase Angle for Response of Foundation Power of Piston Type Compressor

  27. 双转子连续混炼机最佳转子相位角确定

    Optimum Phase Angle for Twin Rotator Continuous Mixer

  28. 基于相位角点检测的特征匹配研究

    Feature Matching Based on Phase Congruency Corner Detection

  29. 它能测量断路器通电时间及断路器断开时的相位角。

    It can measure the phase angles of on-off time of a circuit breaker .

  30. 研究表明,旋转角θ和相位角(?)

    The rotation angle θ and the phase (?)