
  • 网络relative strength;RSI
  1. 只是这种供电作用,在溶液中,由于溶剂化作用,其相对强弱遵循BakerNathan顺序;而在气相或溶剂化作用很小的溶液中则遵循反BakerNathan顺序。

    However , the relative strength of these electron donors follows the Baker-Nathan order by solvation effects in solution , and the Baker-Nathan anti-order in gas phase .

  2. 选取相对强弱指标RSI,收集交易数据进行实证分析,得出了若干条有用的数值型关联规则,为技术分析的实际应用和投资操作实践提供了指导。

    The paper chooses the Relative Strength Index ( RSI ), collects trade data to do demonstration analysis and mines out several useful quantitative association rules which can guide technical analysis application and actual operation in investment .

  3. 现有许多种关于股票投资的技术分析方法,如移动平均线,PE值,相对强弱指数等等。

    There are many technical analysis methods for investment on stock market , such as Moving Average , PE value , RSI etc.

  4. 对数据预处理后得到的数据进行挖掘,将股市中广泛使用的技术指标如KD指标、指数平滑异同移动平均线MACD、相对强弱指标RSI等引入模型。

    After building the data pre-processing set before data mining , lots of widely used stock market technical indicators such as the KD indicators , similarities and differences between exponential smoothing moving average MACD , Relative Strength Index RSI , will be introduced into the model .

  5. 测定了苯氧乙酸类化合物的酸离解常数,并对其酸性的相对强弱规律做出解释。

    The acidic dissociation constants of the synthesized reagents are determined .

  6. 相对强弱指数的最佳参数组合


  7. 两种弛豫相对强弱的不同也会直接影响能级移动的色散性和饱和性。

    Relative intensity of two relaxation courses can influence directly the dispersion property and saturation property .

  8. 酸性硫酸盐土的酸害影响是上述四个过程相对强弱与综合作用的结果。

    The actual acidity occurring in ASS is determined by the relative intensity and comprehensive result of the four processes .

  9. 时间平均场(气候场)与时间偏差(异常)场集的相对强弱在二者相似与否中起到重要作用。

    The relative intensity of the time averaged ( climatic ) field and temporal anomalies field set plays an important role in their similarity .

  10. 为了验证这一假设是否成立,本文提出了跨文化适应能力指数和离职倾向指数两个全新的概念,旨在通过数量来反映跨文化适应能力和离职倾向的相对强弱。

    This thesis defined two brand-new concepts , intercultural adaptability index and the turnover intention index , and we can use a number to reflect their relative degree .

  11. 在岩石圈演化历史上,上述不同性质力源的相对强弱和作用方式,决定了岩石圈运动的性质及其驱动机制。

    In evolution history of he lithosphere , the relative strength and acting way of the above forces determine the characteristics and driving mechanism of the lithosphere movement .

  12. 对北京市密云沙厂地区变质矿物形变的比较,提出同一环境下矿物变形相对强弱划分的方法。

    The deformation of some metamorphic minerals in Miyun area , Beijing , China was compared . Then a method for division of deformation intensity under same environment is proposed in this paper .

  13. 研究结果表明:4种秸秆外表面的润湿性都较差,接触角可在一定程度上反映其胶合性能的相对强弱,使用异氰酸酯胶可获得良好的胶合效果。

    The results showed that the wetting capabilities of outer surfaces of these crops stalks were all low , the contact angle could reflect relative bond performance in a certain extent , and the use of methane diisocyanate could realize perfect bond effect .

  14. 接着,文章结合所收集的数据,构建了建设大连东北亚国际航运中心促进辽宁省对外贸易发展的时间序列模型,并深入分析不同促进效应的相对强弱及其变化趋势。

    Then , combined with the data collected , the article constructs the time series model about building Dalian into an international shipping center to develop the foreign trade in Liaoning Province , and in-depth analyzes the relative strength and developing trends of different promoting effects .