
  • 网络Sexual Fantasy;Fantasizing;sex fantasy
  1. 这里你的一切性幻想都将成真。

    Where your every fantasy will be fulfilled .

  2. 想象中的人物埃内斯托·佩雷斯·马松(ErnestoPérezMasón)努力创作他的中篇小说,称之为“一出性幻想,也是激烈的反美狂想,主角是艾森豪威尔将军与巴顿将军”;

    The imaginary Ernesto P é rez Mas ó n , who pounds away at his novella that is " an erotic and fiercely anti-U.S.A. fantasy , whose protagonists were General Eisenhower and General Patton " ;

  3. 他们可能像安娜斯塔西娅(Anastasia)一样知道性爱即将来临,但他们没料到会有“红房间”(redroom)——一间黑暗的房间,在嚼爆米花声和吸健怡可乐声中,这里上演着离奇的性幻想。

    They may , like Anastasia , have worked out that sex was in the air , but they did not anticipate the " red room " - a darkened chamber where deviant fantasies are played out to the soundtrack of munched popcorn and the slurping of Diet Coke .

  4. 两性意识的成长最简单的途径是通过性幻想。

    The growth of sexual awareness can be most easily attained through erotic fantasies .

  5. 因为通常他们都具有性幻想。

    Because they 're sexual fantasies .

  6. 从来不会对一个卡通人物或是电子游戏的女主人公作性幻想。

    We 've never lusted after a cartoon character or the central female figure in a computer game .

  7. 他看上去如此正派体面,但她忍不住想知道他私下里有些什么性幻想。

    He looked so respectable , but she couldn 't help wondering what his private sexual fantasies might be .

  8. 伽林的姑妈,脾气暴躁,伽林的表妹,到了该结婚的年纪,她们俩经常出没伽林还有他妈的生活,当然了还有伽林的性幻想里。

    Galen 's crusty aunt and nubile teenage cousin drift in and out of their lives and Galen 's fantasies .

  9. 罗斯和瑞秋谈论彼此的性幻想。后来瑞秋把罗斯对莉亚公主的幻想告诉了菲比和莫妮卡。

    Ross and Rachel talk about their fantasies ; Rachel then tells Phoebe and Monica about Ross 's Princess Leia fantasy .

  10. 认知涉及把注意力集中于动情刺激、性幻想及性的暗示。

    Acknowledge involves an attention to be centered at the suggestion of illusion of become enamoured stimulation , sex and sex .

  11. 她觉得,和娜塔莉波特曼演发生性幻想和与别人争论《星迹迷航》各系列的评分一样轻松。

    She 's clearly as comfortable arguing about the hierarch of Star Trek spin-offs as she is mind-fucking Natalie Portman in Black Swan .

  12. 认为这些生活经历可能会引起攻击行为和性幻想,使犯罪人从中恢复控制感。

    They think that these life experiences may lead to aggressive behavior and sexual fantasies , so that crime control people recover from flu .

  13. 根据佛洛依德心理防御机制理论关于“升华”的描述,在这里主人公看到这样一种诱惑,自然而然产生性幻想。

    According to Freud psychological defense mechanisms on " sublimation of " theory , here to see such a heroine , naturally produces sexual fantasies .

  14. 聃:我们其实就是想谈谈怎么扭曲他的内心性幻想、把它撕得七零八碎、扔出窗外、坠落在冰冷的雪地上告终。

    Dan : Perhaps its the conversation about the twisting and tearing off and throwing out the window into the ice-cold snow of his sexual inner life .

  15. 男性在谈论自己的性幻想时更加坦白,他们幻想过护士、女佣(44%)和空姐(40%)。

    Men , who were more comfortable confessing to sexual fantasies , dreamed about nurses , maids ( 44 percent ), and air hostesses ( 40 percent ) .

  16. 排在消防员之后的最佳性幻想对象是士兵,他们出现在了28%的女性的梦中。接下来依次是商人(27%)、医生(26%)和足球运动员(20%)。

    Firemen are followed by soldiers , populating the dreams of28 percent of women , businessmen ( 27 percent ), doctors ( 26 percent ), and footballers ( 20 percent ) .

  17. 有理论提出梦展现了我们在白天不会想的事情,例如性幻想。但许多近代科学家并不认同此理论。

    Some theories suggest that dreams are a manifestation of things we 'd rather not think about during the day , like sexual fantasies , though many modern scientists don 't agree with that .

  18. 然而,弗洛伊德的潜意识指活动强烈的幽闭区域,充满了压抑的记忆和对自己父母不适当的性幻想,不同于这点的是,现代潜意识指一种能进行超快速的数据处理、

    However , unlike Freud 's unconscious ( a hot , claustrophobic place full of repressed memories and inappropriate sexual fantasies about one 's parents ) the modern unconscious is a place of super-fast data processing ,

  19. 方法该文以SCL-90量表和艾森克现实性&幻想性测验为工具,测查了边疆民族地区355名少数民族大学生。

    Methods To use SCL-90 and Eysenck 's reality-illusion test as the tool to investigate 355 ethnic university-students in the frontier minority area .

  20. 游戏精神在儿童文学中更多地体现自由性和幻想性。

    Spirit of games in literature for children shows more freedom and fantasy .

  21. 科学性和幻想性是科幻小说的基本美学特性。

    The spirit of science and the spirit of fiction are the two basic aesthetic features of science fiction .

  22. 直觉型个体主要表现为高恃强性、幻想性、独立性,而感觉型个体表现出新环境中高成功能力;

    N type showed high assertiveness , imaginativeness and sense of independence while S type showed a capacity to succeed in new environment .

  23. 论述了《绝望中诞生》不仅是一篇军事题材小说,更是一篇优秀的科幻小说,具有鲜明的科学性和幻想性。

    Bear in Despair is not only a military novel , but also an excellent science fiction , possessing obvious science and prominent fantasy .

  24. 发烧是一个奇怪的状态,思维在高温下很难有逻辑性,幻想一些平时不可能幻想的事。

    Fever is a strange state of thinking in the heat of a difficult logic , and fantasy can not imagine the number of times .

  25. 在人格类型测验中,除聪慧性、幻想性、实验性外,其余各因素均达显著水平(P<0.05);

    In the test of personality type , except of intelligence , illusion and experimentation , the other factors are all attain the remarkable level ( P < 0.05 );

  26. 结果表明:优秀科技人员共同具有的人格特征是稳定性、有恒性、怀疑性、幻想性、独立性和自律性,其中,最为突出的是稳定性、有恒性、独立性和自律性;

    The result shows that excellent technical personnel possess the same personal characteristics , namely : stability 、 perseverance 、 suspect 、 imagination 、 independence and self-discipline , and among them , stability 、 perseverance 、 independence and self-discipline are the most obvious .

  27. 其中主要的就是强调个人的抒情性,偏重幻想和夸张的手法。

    The main lyric is to emphasize the individual nature of fantasy and exaggerated emphasis on tactics .

  28. 在情爱故事的叙述中,叙述者既表达了一种公平交易的权利诉求,也表达了一种超越性的爱情幻想;

    In their love stories , the narrators either expressed a right consciousness of righteous exchang , or expressed a transcending love imagination ;

  29. 我对由人建立的货币体系和金融监管的限制性并不抱有任何幻想,也不奢望有哪位imf总裁能获得主权国家的授权,可以在税收、货币和监管问题上做出关键决定。

    I have no illusions about the limits of human-built currency systems and financial regulations . Nor do I imagine any IMF Managing Director will be empowered by sovereign states to make crucial decisions over tax , currency and regulation .

  30. 通过结合深入访谈,团体聚焦,以及“text-in-action”(Wood,2005)我发现快乐是来自“mediatexts”的多种原因,其中包括真实性,嘲笑,幻想,讽刺和伤势。

    Through a combination of in-depth interviews , focus groups , and text-in-action ( Wood , 2005 ), I discovered that pleasure is derived from media texts for a multitude of reasons , including authenticity , derision , fantasy , irony , and superiority .