
  • 网络sensory threshold;VPT;sensation threshold;CPT
  1. 介绍了一种新型的人体电流感觉阈值测试系统。

    It is reported for a novel instrument for human sensory threshold measurement .

  2. 结论:①老年人存在肛门自制力减退、内脏感觉阈值升高和内脏运动神经反射迟钝等改变。

    Conclusions : 1.There were some anorectal functional disturbances in EHS , such as the decreasing of anal resistance , increasing the volume of sensory threshold and the slowness of reflux motion .

  3. 抗焦虑治疗后感觉阈值有所增高(P0.05)。

    The threshold was elevated after anti-anxiety treatment ( P 0.05 ) .

  4. FD患者胃黏膜中αCGRPmRNA的水平与其感觉阈值呈负相关。

    The level of α - CGRP mRNA was negatively related to the perception thresholds of FD patients .

  5. 结论直肠温度和压力刺激可明显降低IBS患者的初始感觉阈值和排便阈值,以腹泻型患者最显著。

    Conclusion Visceral perception thresholds were decreased significantly after rectal thermal-and pressure - stimuli in patients with IBS .

  6. 方法运用电子恒压器测定40例FD患者和15例正常人的胃感觉阈值。

    Methods Gastric sensation threshold was determined using barostat in 40 functional dyspepsia ( FD ) patients and 15 controls .

  7. 有腹部症状的腹泻型IBS患者饮冰水后的症状轻重与内脏感觉阈值呈直线负相关。

    A negative linear correlation was found between the symptoms of diarrhea-predominant IBS patients and the visceral perception threshold after ice water drinking .

  8. 结果和结论:RE组胃近端感觉阈值显著低于正常组。RE组及正常组的最小感觉阈值、较强感觉阈值、最大耐受阈值(ml)分别为:190±123、316±130(P<0.05);

    Results and Conclusion : The gastric proximal end sense threshold ( least , relatively strong and largest )( ml ) in RE group and health group were 190 ± 123,316 ± 130 ( P < 0.05 );

  9. 直肠壶腹部的感觉阈值、最大耐受量等,在IBS腹泻组均显著低于正常对照组(P<0.005~0.0005)。

    The rectal sensitivity , maximum tolerance etc , in Dp-IBS were significantly lower than that in normal subjects ( P < 0 . 005 ~ 0 . 0005 ) .

  10. 目的探讨直肠内温度及压力变化对肠易激综合征(IBS)患者内脏感觉阈值的影响,进一步研究IBS的发病机制。

    Objective To observe the effects of rectal thermal - and pressure - stimuli on visceral perception thresholds in patients with irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) and investigate its pathogenesis .

  11. 电子恒压器测定所有受试者胃机械感觉阈值,根据阈值不同,将FD患者分为胃机械感觉正常组和胃机械感觉过敏组。

    A barostat was used to detect perception thresholds in all the subjects . According to the thresholds , the FD patients were divided into gastric hypersensitivity group and normal sensitivity group .

  12. 震动感觉阈值检查(VPT)用于诊断糖尿病神经病变简便、无创、重复性好、患者顺应性好。

    Vibration perception thresholds test ( VPT ) is a simple , non-invasive and repeatable test , used comprehensively in diagnosing diabetic neuropathy .

  13. 方法采用多导单囊肛门直肠功能测定仪,检测25例UC患者及12例正常人肛门括约肌压力、直肠感觉阈值及肛门直肠抑制反射并进行比较。

    Methods The anorectal sphincteric pressure , the anorectal sensory thresholds and the anorectal inhibitory reflex were examined in 25 UC patients and in 12 normal subjects by means of multichannel and single-balloon anorectal function detector .

  14. 方法通过脐部放置冰袋加直肠球囊内充气(时相性)和直肠球囊内注入冰水,观察46例IBS患者症状变化及直肠初始感觉阈值和排便阈值,并与13例健康人对照。

    Methods Rectal visceral perception thresholds in 46 patients with IBS and 13 normal controls were examined during rectal balloon ( phasic ) distention with air or cold water under cold stimulation on abdomen respectively .

  15. 方法运用饮水负荷试验对50例NUD患者和15例正常健康人胃感觉阈值进行测定,在4min的饮水过程中,初次出现上腹部有感觉(阻塞、膨胀等)时的饮水量表示胃感知阈值;

    Methods The gastric sensation threshold were monitored in 50 NUD patients and 15 healthy people by drinking water load test .

  16. 一种方法是,基于传统心理物理学上的感觉阈值的操作定义,所采用的UDTR规则和强迫选择法结合的阈值检出算法;

    One is determined by the up and down transformed rule ( UDTR ) and forced-choice algorithm , which are based the psychophysical theory .

  17. 青光眼患者眼压与角膜感觉阈值的相关研究

    Correlation study of IOP and corneal sensitivity threshold in patients with glucoma

  18. 主动式人体电流感觉阈值的测量方法研究

    Research of Active Testing Method of Human Current Perception Threshold

  19. 对冷、热温度的感觉阈值异常的低。

    Abnormally lower threshold of sensitivity to heat and cold .

  20. 脾虚患者有直肠感觉阈值的改变。

    The rectal sensation threshold may alter in those with spleen deficiency .

  21. 功能性消化不良患者胃机械感觉阈值和胃液体排空异常

    Abnormality of Sensory Thresholds and Gastric Liquid Emptying in Patients with Functional Dyspepsia

  22. 人体电流感觉阈值客观测试系统的研制

    Objective Measurement System for Human Current Perception Threshold

  23. 快动眼睡眠剥夺可提高模型鼠的内脏疼痛感觉阈值,降低内脏感觉敏感性。

    Rapid eye movement sleep deprivation can modulate visceral hypersensitivity by increasing pain threshold to CRD .

  24. 直肠内温度变化影响肠易激综合征患者内脏感觉阈值

    Effects of rectal thermal-and pressure - stimuli on visceral perception thresholds in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

  25. 磨牙牙髓感觉阈值及昼夜波动大于前牙区。

    The pulp threshold value and the amplitude fluctuation of the rhythm were greater in molars than incisors .

  26. 结果两种实验方法的结果都表明外加电噪声可使得相应的电感觉阈值降低。

    Result The corresponding threshold of electrical sense can be reduced by the effect of external electrical noises .

  27. 本文探讨了一种电流感觉阈值的客观测试方法。

    An objective method to measure human current perception threshold ( CPT ) is discussed in this dissertation .

  28. 研究结果表明,基于脑电事件相关电位的电流感觉阈值检测具有可行性,为进一步临床应用提供了实践基础。

    Study shows that current perception threshold measurement based on electroencephalograph is proven available and is promising for clinical application .

  29. 相对于传统的电流感觉阈值测试方法,新方法更加客观。

    The new method can exclude the subjective factors and is more objective in comparison with conventional quantitative sensory testing methods .

  30. 被试的电流感觉阈值可以定义为无皮肤电流响应时所接受的最大刺激强度和有皮肤电流响应时所接受的最小刺激强度的平均值。

    The average of intensities of the maximum stimulus not causing arousal and the minimum stimulus causing arousal is considered as current perception threshold .