
  • 网络inductive coupling;inductance coupling
  1. 计算结果表明,仅从感性耦合的屏蔽效果考虑,则金属管道和屏蔽线对地下通信电缆屏蔽保护效果基本相同;

    The calculation results shows that only considering by shielding inductive coupling , electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of the pipeline and the mitigation line is similar on the whole ;

  2. 该补偿方法有效地解决了上海磁悬浮列车系统中通信线路与电力线路的感性耦合问题。

    Problem of inductance coupling of110kV power cables and communication lines in TRANSRAPID Shanghai is also effectively solved .

  3. 射频感性耦合等离子体中基片调谐自偏压的数值研究

    Numerical Studies on Tuned Substrate Self-bias in a Radio-frequency Inductively Coupled Plasma

  4. 电负性气体射频感性耦合放电不稳定性研究

    The Studies on Instabilities in Electronegative Gas Inductively Coupled Plasma

  5. 在实际的射频感性耦合放电中总是寄生着射频容性耦合。

    The radio-frequency capacitive-coupling is always concurring with inductive-coupling inradio-frequency inductively coupled discharge .

  6. 温度对表面等离子体振荡传感器的作用射频感性耦合等离子体中的受迫振荡研究

    Effect of Temperature on Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor The study of driven oscillation in inductively coupled plasma

  7. 在标签天线的设计部分,本文重点研究了感性耦合环阻抗匹配法,利用变压器原理得到了这种形式的标签天线的等效电路,推导出了天线阻抗的理论计算公式。

    In this paper , the equivalent circuit and theoretical impedance formula of antenna designed using inductively coupled loop method are obtained using transformer theory .

  8. 在平行长度较大时,带金属保护套的电力电缆对通信线路的干扰主要取决于感性耦合。

    Inductance coupling is the most important from power cable with metallic shield to communication lines when they are parallel with in a long length .

  9. 为分析电力线路附近地下金属管网对通信线路的电磁屏蔽作用,给出了同时考虑电力线路与金属管网的感性耦合和阻性耦合作用时地下金属管网电磁屏蔽计算的通用模型。

    A universal model is presented to evaluate the shielding effect of underground metallic pipeline networks to communication lines , which considers both inductive and resistive coupling between the power lines and the pipelines .

  10. 系统的重点是进行感性耦合影响、阻性耦合影响的分析与计算,并提出了详细的防护措施。

    The main purpose of this system is to provide a method for analysis and a set of soft for calculation for resistive coupling influence and inductive coupling influence , and provides some protection measures .

  11. 结果表明:随着线圈电流的增加,由容性耦合模式主导的放电转变为由感性耦合模式主导的放电,且等离子体密度和吸收功率陡然增加。

    The results show that the discharge transfers from E mode dominated to H mode dominated , when increasing the coil current . At the certain value of current , the density and power increase suddenly .

  12. 在分析中,未对窗孔的几何形状加任何限制,所得计算公式及计算机软件适宜于分析矩形波导内各类感性耦合窗、容性耦合窗、谐振窗以及其他开有任意形状窗孔的波导膜片。

    Since no restriction is made on the shape of coupling windows in the analysis , the theoretical formulation and corresponding computer software obtained are applicable not only for analysis of various inductive or capacitive windows but also for analysis of arbitrarily-shaped windows in a rectangular waveguide as well .

  13. 建立了一种考虑感性耦合与阻性耦合影响时,铠装电缆套加装金属管道后电磁屏蔽计算的通用模型。

    A universal model of telecommunication cable surrounded by the buried metal pipeline for calculating their current distribution and shielding effects is presented , which takes the inductive coupling and resistive coupling with each other in the presence of a uniform half space conductive medium ( earth ) into account .

  14. 然后,提出了一个简化的2-PI等效电路模型,它综合考虑了趋肤效应、邻近效应、线间寄生电容、容性衬底耦合、感性衬底耦合等等高频寄生效应。

    Then a simplified 2-PI model of planar spiral inductor is presented , which include the effects of Skin effect , Proximity effect , line-line parasitic capacitance , capacitive substrate coupling , inductive substrate coupling , and so on .