
  1. 甚至感觉不到你的存在。

    He doesn 't even know you 're there .

  2. 不,妈妈,我感觉不到你的教会小组为我祈祷平安。

    No , Mother , I cannot feel your church group praying for my safety .

  3. 如果你总是感觉不到你所取得的成就,就会导致你的挫折感。

    This can lead to frustration if you feel like you have not progressed sufficiently .

  4. 当你正确地、清楚地理解腹部上下运动的真实本质,你就感觉不到你身体或腹部的形状。

    When you rightly understand the true nature of the rising or falling movement very clearly , you are not aware of the form of your body or abdomen .

  5. 或许你的精神感觉不到,但你的身体感觉得到。

    Maybe your mind hasn 't felt it , but your flesh has .

  6. 你在下半生如果感觉不到疼痛,你会做什么?

    If you could never feel pain for the rest of your life , what would you do ?

  7. 你现在可能感觉不到,但明天你就能感到这种运动的影响了。

    You might not feel it now but these exercises will really begin to tell on you tomorrow .

  8. 如果你以前并没有感觉身体寒冷,但你突然发现自己一点也感觉不到温暖,也许你是患上糖尿病了。

    If you have not previously felt cold all the time but you suddenly find that you just cannot get warm at all you may be developing diabetes .