
  1. 6岁的人,辅助轮是给小宝宝用的,就勇敢一点吧。

    Dear six-year-old , training wheels are for babies . Just let go already .

  2. 勇敢一点,因为你没错(you'regood)。

    Because -- get ready for a breakthrough -- you are good .

  3. tellthetruth:说实话那只是借口勇敢一点实话实说。

    Just be brave and tell the truth .

  4. 他们必须更勇敢一点。

    If they have got anything about them , they should .

  5. 在谋生的时候你应该勇敢一点。

    You should be daring when trying to make a living .

  6. 其实命运是掌握在你自己手中的,勇敢一点啊。

    If you 're brave enough you can control your fate .

  7. 所以,更勇敢一点,坐到方向盘前面。

    So , more bravely , sit down at the steering wheel .

  8. 从眼泪中开始学会勇敢一点。

    From the tears begin to learn to be brave .

  9. 好了,让我们勇敢一点。

    Well , let 's be really brave here .

  10. 勇敢一点,别放弃你的爱。

    Be brave and don 't lose your love .

  11. 你需要勇敢一点,带这个女孩去跳舞。

    You need to come out your shell and take the girl to dance .

  12. 那只是借口,勇敢一点实话实说。

    That 's just a cop-out . Just be brave and tell the truth .

  13. 勇敢一点,冒冒险。

    Be bold , risk it all .

  14. 我很明白你正在经受的一切,但你要勇敢一点,好吗?

    I know exactly what you 're going through . But you 're gonna be brave , okay ?

  15. 勇敢一点,并且大量使用空白区域,或者如专家所称的负空间。

    Be brave and use lots of white space or , how the pros call it , negative space .

  16. 随文配图一大瓶苹果醋,她写道:“勇敢一点,第一件事就是空腹来两勺!”

    Accompanying a picture of a large bottle of the liquid she captioned it : " Be brave ! Two tbsp first thing on an empty tummy ! x "

  17. 如果你只是坐着想像的话所有的事情永远只是一个梦,但如果你勇敢一点去实施的话有可能明天你就梦想成真了。

    If you just imagine sitting , then everything is just a dream forever , but if you have a little courage to implement if possible tomorrow , you had a dream come true .

  18. 如果有人真正想诊治自己的毛病的话,我劝他把这副对子记下来;或者再勇敢一点,把它贴在自己房子里的墙壁上。

    If anyone really wishes to cure himself of his malady , I advise him to commit this couplet to memory or to show still more courage and paste it on the wall of his room .

  19. 一点是关于尼摩船长的无比勇敢,另一点是关于他对人类、对于逃到海底下去的这一种族的一个代表的牺牲精神。

    One concerned Captain Nemo 's matchless bravery , the other his devotion to a human being , a representative of that race from which he had fled beneath the seas .

  20. 明白心中勇敢又多了一点。

    Knowing there is more brave in my heart .

  21. 凯特:人们都觉得我很勇敢,可是我一点也不勇敢。

    Kate : People might think I 'm brave , but I 'm not .