
yǒnɡ pān ɡāo fēnɡ
  • be bold in scaling heights
  1. 意大利版《Vogue》与意大利时尚商会(CameradellaModa)也在想方设法帮助年轻设计师勇攀高峰,他们与意大利规模最大的银行集团裕信银行(UniCredit)签署协议,对年轻设计师的生存技能进行商业培训。

    Vogue Italia and Camera della Moda , the Italian fashion industry 's lobby , are also looking for ways to help young designers into the big time and have struck a deal with Italy 's biggest bank , UniCredit , to give designers the business training they need to even survive .

  2. 美国的历史绝不是懦夫知难而退的败绩,而是全民锐意进取、勇攀高峰的凯歌。

    The story of America isn 't about people who quit when things got tough .

  3. 在你们即将离开这所美丽的学校追逐自身梦想并在所选各行各业中勇攀高峰的今天

    So as you leave this beautiful campus to follow your dreams and scale great heights in whatever profession you choose

  4. 展现了全体师生积极进取、顽强拼搏、奋发向上、勇攀高峰的旺盛斗志。

    Have displayed exuberant be eager to make progress actively , indomitable go all out , rise in great vigor , brave in clambering entire teacher and student peak fighting spirit .

  5. 如果说奥运主题曲的作用本应是激励赛手勇攀体育高峰的话,那么由英国摇滚乐队缪斯带来的这首《Survival》并不能以身作则。

    If an Olympic-themed song is supposed to inspire competitors to new athletic heights , Survival , the official Olympics song from British rock band Muse , is hardly a good example .

  6. 我们的作风理念:稳固基业,勇攀行业高峰!

    Our style philosophy : a solid foundation , and climb the peak industry !

  7. 如果你能坚持发扬自己的优点,充分发挥自己的潜能,你将成为勇攀学业高峰的强者。

    If you can carry forward its own merits , and give full play to their potential , you will become a Pan-yong of the strong academic peak .

  8. 勇攀世界科技高峰的中国仿真技术

    Chinese Simulation Technology Scaling Bravely World 's Heights in Science and Technology