
  1. 所以依然有很多执着的人们,无论遭遇了多少的悲伤,无论为爱掉过多少眼泪,却仍然想要为了爱情勇敢一次呢。

    So there are plenty of strong – minded people who are brave enough to fight for love once more time , no matter what they met before or how heart-broken they were .

  2. 你想勇敢一次吗?那就冒险一次。

    You wanna be brave ? Take a risk .

  3. 如果你知道她每天固定时期收听的电台节目,勇敢一次,给她收听的当地电台打电话,这会对她更有吸引力。

    If you know she listens to the radio at a certain time everyday , making a dedication will work charms with her . Call your local FM radio station , one you know she will be tuning into .

  4. 他非常勇敢,在一次作战中因为抢救战友而牺牲了。

    He was very courageous and died in battle while rescuing another soldier .