
  • 网络One Person Is Impossible
  1. 他一个人不可能喝那么多酒!

    He can 't possibly have drunk all that on his own !

  2. 一个人不可能把他一无所知的对象作为信仰。

    A person can not put his ignorant object as his faith .

  3. 一个人不可能有3米高。

    It is not possible for a man to be three meters tall .

  4. 一个人不可能单纯出于职业发展的战略意图,便可随意创造出这种热情来。

    No one can manufacture this passion for strategic reasons of career advancement .

  5. 一个人不可能诚实地生活,但却放弃。

    One cannot live faithfully and give up .

  6. 如果另一个人不可能同意您工作您的路线的。

    If another person could not agrees with you in your course of work .

  7. 一个人不可能事事成功,你有得就会有失。

    You can 't win them all , you win some , you lose some .

  8. 应该对自己的命运感到满足,一个人不可能在每件事上都是第一。

    Be content with your lot , since one can 't be first in everything .

  9. 一个人不可能态度客观地经历自身的死亡,而且依然哼着歌。

    It is impossible to experience one 's own death objectively and still carry a tune .

  10. 他很清楚一个人不可能知道自己最终会做什么

    He knew that it 's impossible to be sure about where you might end up in life

  11. 一个人不可能完全离开社会独立生存。

    It is impossible for an individual to live absolutely alone without any relation with the whole human society .

  12. 一个人不可能拥有世间一切,觊觎一切也是有点不可理喻。&江节明译。

    A person can 't have everything in this world ; and it was a little unreasonable of her to expect it .

  13. 根据传统观念,一个人不可能事事走运,如果在牌桌上运气好,在爱情上就会不走运。

    According to tradition , a person cannot be lucky at everything . If he is lucky at cards , he will be unlucky at love .

  14. 一个人不可能只是接受而不付出,只是付出而不回收,却期望能够享有真挚友谊的欢欣和满足。

    One cannot receive all and give nothing , or give all and receive nothing , and expect to experience the joy and fullness of true companionship .

  15. 没有爱,一个人不可能强大。因为爱不是一种毫不相关的情感;它是生活得血液,是分裂的人重新走到一起的力量。

    One cannot be strong without love is not an irrelevant emotion ; it is the blood of life , the power of reuion of the separated .

  16. 因为一个人不可能丧失过去或未来-一个人没有的东西,有什么人能从他夺走呢?

    For a man cannot lose either the past or the future : for what a man has not , how can any one take this from him ?

  17. 你要知道一个人不可能同时微笑,同时生气、悲伤、嫉妒。

    And what you give , comes back to you later . Notice that it 's impossible to sincerely smile and to experience anger , sorrow or jealousy at the same time .

  18. 是的,一个人不可能总会有那么多外力的压迫,很多时候,我们是需要自己对自己加压的,这样我们的潜能才能得到最大限度的发挥。

    Yes , a person can not always be so many external forces of oppression , many times , we need the pressure of their own , so that we can maximize the potential of the play .

  19. 仅凭一个人是不可能把这辆小汽车推上坡道的。

    It is impossible for only one person to propel the car up the ramp .

  20. 我相信,没有节操,一个人是不可能有什么真正的价值的。

    I am sure no character can have true worth without principle .

  21. 我想他会了解,只靠自己一个人是不可能把事情做完的。

    I think he will learn that its impossible to finish something all by oneself .

  22. 一个人永远不可能认识事物自身的本质,因为思想无法超越现象

    One never can see the thing in itself , Because the mind does not transcend phenomena

  23. 无论在任何情况下,眼睛是一个人最不可能随时间变迁而改变的特征。

    The eyes are a feature of a person least likely to vary over time or under different circumstances .

  24. 从生理学的角度看,一个人几乎不可能在穿上鲜艳的红色裤子时仍然心情郁闷。

    It is almost 3 ) physiologically impossible to be in a bad mood when you 're wearing bright red pants .

  25. 她也有劣势。在和同事愉快相处方面,我敢说她不如我,但一个人总不可能十全十美吧。

    On the downside , I daresay she is a less convivial colleague than I am - but then you cannot have everything .

  26. 尽管一个人不太可能仅仅因为发色就举止反常,但如果别人对他们不客气,或者抱有成见,他们有可能行为不当。

    Although it 's unlikely a person will behave differently simply because of their hair colour , they may act out of character if they are being treated badly , or according to a stereotype .

  27. 有趣的是,男性也希望约会对象可以隐藏她们的部分信息,因此最终一个人不太可能在约会时从始至终都是诚实的,毕竟这段潜在的亲密关系才刚开始。

    Interestingly , men also expected their date to be hiding the truth on a few subjects - so ultimately it was unlikely that anybody would have a totally honest full date – which may be understandable at such an early stage of a prospective relationship . '

  28. 老师恼火的重申鲸鱼不能吞下一个人身体是不可能的。

    Irritated , the teacher reiterated2 that a whale could not swallow a human , it was physically impossible .

  29. 一个人不努力绝不可能成功。

    There 's no way one could succeed without hard work .

  30. 很显然,一个人的判断不可能超越作为这种判断基础的信息

    OBviously , a man 's judgment cannot Be Better than the information on which he has Based it