
  • 网络The Big Brother;Yat goh;SF1
  1. 不管怎样,Prime已经成为亚马逊招揽顾客的一个重要工具,助推亚马逊成为电商领域的一哥,也让它成为所有零售商的头号威胁。

    Whatever the case , Prime has turned out to be a crucial tool for acquiring customers for Amazon , helping it become the dominant e-commerce company it is now and a threat to all retailers .

  2. Weight:145�原名:张学友原名:张学友英文名字:Jacky花名:七仔出生日期:1961-7-10星座:巨蟹座生肖:牛身高:1.76m体重:145磅学历:预科婚姻状况:已婚家庭成员:爸妈、一哥、一妹、

    Name : Cheung Hok Yau English Name : Jacky D.O.B. : 1961-7-10 Horoscope : Cancer Height : 1.76m Education Level : F.7 Marriage : Married Family Member : Dad , Mum , 1 Brother , 1 sister , Wife ,

  3. 在23分钟内,一哥正负值为+30。

    Andre Iguodala was + 30 . In just 23 minutes .

  4. 这正是我们在季后赛需要的那个一哥。

    That 's the Iggy we need in the playoffs .

  5. 人类接过恐龙的班成为地球的“一哥”是地球的一大灾难。

    It is a catastrophe that human being becomes the king of the earth .

  6. 但要美国农人把全球谷物贸易一哥地位就此拱手让人,倒也不容易。

    But American farmers are not giving up their leading role in the grain trade easily .

  7. 我相信我能成为一哥,我还有好多招没使呢。

    I am sure I can do it and have so much more to give in this sport .

  8. 维拉队聘任他当经理此事毫不奇怪,因为霍一哥是一个顶级的教练!

    It has been no surprise to me that Villa have been interested in him because he is a top manager .

  9. 其实,从另一角度而言,难道不由「一哥」出面,由副警务处长甚或助理警务处长代表警队向市民道歉,警队就会更有面子?

    Would the force have lost less face if a deputy or assistant commissioner had apologised to the public on behalf of it ?

  10. 罗纳尔多发誓要在米兰打工到底,重新成为“一哥”,拉小罗入伙以及和莫拉蒂一起掰面包。

    Ronaldo pledges to end his career at Milan and become " Number One " again , bring Ronaldinho and break bread with Massimo Moratti .

  11. 迈向二十世纪,欧洲七大强国为争夺“一哥”盟主宝座,陷于错综复杂的争斗中。

    At the turn of the20th century , prior to World War I , the seven Great European Powers engage in an intricate struggle for supremacy .

  12. 黄老板不仅是歌坛一哥,多才多艺的他已经客串不少角色,《单身日记:好孕来袭》、《权力的游戏》、《聚散离合》里都有他的身影。

    Alongside his recording career , multi-talented Ed has managed to cram in cameos in Bridget Jones 's Baby , Game Of Thrones and Home And Away .

  13. 这对率先踏入大门的小夫妻,欣然接受了与众多好莱坞一哥一姐的“偶遇”与“造访”:握手拥抱、录像拍照,妥妥的一个环节都没少!

    The couple were first through the doors and fully embraced their impromptu meet and greet with Hollywood 's A-list , shaking hands , hugging and taking pictures and video .

  14. 韩国射箭项目的一名官员日前称,在北京奥运会上双双夺金的韩国射箭队“一哥”“一姐”可谓双喜临门,他们在奥运结束后宣布了结婚计划。

    South Korea 's top male and female archers capped gold medal performances at the Beijing Olympics by announcing wedding plans just as the games ended , an archery official said on Tuesday .

  15. 库里打无球的时候,组织者溢出的勇士队(一哥、格林和李玟)就能在库里无球发挥超巨影响力的同时组织进攻。

    Playing without the ball allows his team full of playmakers ( Dray / Iggy / Livingston ) to create offense while Steph Curry is still able to get his and have superstar impact .

  16. 尽管“老兵”新浪和“一哥”腾讯的全年业绩尚未出炉,但投资者们早已在昂首期盼。

    Although " veteran " sina and " one elder brother " the annual outstanding achievement of Tecent has not give heat , but investor people be in already hold one 's head high expect .

  17. 他不仅仅一扫四年前雅典奥运会上首轮即遭新加坡选手苏西洛淘汰的阴霾,同一时间也向人们证明了他才是世界羽坛“一哥”。

    Not only did he erase his first-round loss in Athens four years ago to Singapore 's Ronald Susilo , but he also made sure there will be no arguments as to who is the best male shuttler in the world .