
  • 网络A Separation
  1. 2012年凭借《一次别离》(ASeparation)获得奥斯卡奖的导演阿斯加尔·法尔哈迪(AsgharFarhadi)难以接受这个噩耗。

    The director Asghar Farhadi , who in 2012 won an Oscar for his film " A Separation , " had difficulty grasping what had happened .

  2. 他们这样一起走了开头几丹麦里路,于是乌鸦也说了声再会——这要算最难过的一次别离。

    Thus passed the first miles ; and then the Raven bade her farewell , and this was the most painful separation of all .

  3. 2011年伊朗电影《一次别离》席卷了国际电影市场并获得了一连串的褒奖,它也使得很多中国影迷为之神魂颠倒。

    When the 2011 Iranian film A Separation swept across the international cinema land scape winning a string of major kudos , it also swept many Chinese cinephiles off their feet .

  4. 大家都知道,最后一次的别离就是死亡。

    We all know that the last time the parting is dead .

  5. 爱是没有远见的,所以对死亡的恐惧远超过一次一年的别离,可一个月的时间却好像又那么的模糊而遥远。

    Love is so improvident that a parting a year away is no more feared than death , and a month 's end seems dim and distant .