
yī dī shuǐ
  • drop of water
  1. 又一滴水嘀嗒一声落下。

    Another drop of water fell with a soft plop .

  2. 一滴水是渺小的,渺小到脆弱的小草也能轻松地托住下坠的露珠。

    Drop of water is small and insignificant to the fragile grass can easily fall to hold the dew .

  3. 在非洲沙漠地区,他们根本找不到一滴水。

    They can 't get water at all in that desert area of africa .

  4. 从龙头滴下一滴水。

    A drip of water fell from the tap .

  5. 这是我在沙漠上出了事故的第八天。我听着有关这个商人的故事,喝完了我所备用的最后一滴水。

    It was now the eighth day since I had had my accident in the desert , and I had listened to the story of the merchant as I was drinking the last drop of my water supply .

  6. 在显微镜下看一滴水,我们会发现“H”是“O”的两倍。

    In looking at a drop of water under a microscope , we find there are twice as many H 's as O 's.

  7. 一滴水文化在管理创新中的放大效应

    The Scale-up Effect ofa Drop of WaterCulture in the Management Innovation

  8. 你把杯子完全倒过来了,却没有洒一滴水。

    You swung the glass completely around without spilling a drop .

  9. 想想我们干涸的大西北,请珍惜每一滴水。

    Think of dry northwest of China , please save water .

  10. 一滴水就会使你的植物再活过来。

    A drop of water will soon revive your plant .

  11. 每天节约一滴水,难时拥有太平洋。

    Every drop of water conservation , in trouble have the Pacific .

  12. 其实是从一滴水里开始这个游戏的,

    And you actually start this game in a drop of water ,

  13. 我们应该学会节约每一滴水。

    We should learn to save every drop of water .

  14. 让杯子满溢的总是最后一滴水,爱情也是如此。

    The last makes the cup run over , love is too .

  15. 我是神性的海洋中的一滴水。

    Into this aperture a droplet of mercury was poured .

  16. 一口气、一滴水就足以致他死命了。

    A vapor , a drop of water suffices to kill him .

  17. 水…那儿一滴水也没有!

    Water there is not a drop of water there !

  18. 一滴水是由亿万个分子组成的。

    A drop of water is composed of thousands of millions of molecules .

  19. 最有一滴水,能使杯满溢。

    The last drop makes the cup run over .

  20. 我走了五天没喝过一滴水

    I walked for five days with no water .

  21. 一滴水自他的脊背留下让他打了个寒战。

    A trickle of moisture ran down his spine and made him shudder .

  22. 话音刚落,我的头上也滴到了一滴水。

    Voice faded , my head is also a drop of water dripping .

  23. 而且,我发誓!我再也不浪费一滴水

    AND , I PROMISE not to waste water anymore

  24. 通过显微镜能看到一滴水里充满了各种生物。

    A drop of water seen through microscope is filled with living things .

  25. 我们必须节约每一滴水。

    We must save every drop of water .

  26. 现在手上落一滴水。

    Now , let 's say a drop of water falls on your hand .

  27. 玄武岩,到处都是玄武岩,视野中没有一滴水。

    Basalt , basalt everywhere , and not a drop of water in sight .

  28. 不加一滴水,营养又美味!

    No added water , delicious and nutritious !

  29. 为未来的地球,节约每一滴水。

    Save water for future of our earth .

  30. 像针尖上一滴水滴在大海里,

    Like a drop of water falling off a needle point into the ocean ,