
  • 网络A man and a woman
  1. 我要写的是关于两个人,一个男人和一个女人的故事。

    I would like to write about two people , a man and a woman .

  2. 从前有一个男人和一个女人,他俩一直想要个孩子,可总也得不到。

    There was once a man and a woman , They always wanted a child can not get the total .

  3. 婚姻必须建立在一个男人和一个女人的基础上

    A marriage should be between a man and a woman .

  4. 只有一个男人和一个女人。

    There would be one man and one woman .

  5. 结婚一个男人和一个女人以丈夫和妻子方式的合法结合。

    The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife .

  6. 人们把四吨冰雕刻成两座三米高的雕像&一个男人和一个女人抱着一个孩子。

    Four tons of ice were used to sculpt two three-meter statues of aman and a woman holding a baby .

  7. 如果一个男人和一个女人在做着相同的工作,而却得到不同的薪水,则被视为性别歧视。

    It would be direct sex discrimination if a company paid men more than women who are doing the same work .

  8. 好吧,也许许多人心里早将之定义为一个男人和一个女人的结合,其实这是错误的。

    While many think that this has always been defined as one man and one woman , this is a historically inaccurate misconception .

  9. 一个男人和一个女人刚离了婚出了法院,路上他们双双被一个失控的公共汽车压死了。

    A man and a woman were just divorced , on their way out of the courthouse they are both killed by a runaway bus .

  10. 比利:我知道,不过它们很重要。婚礼标志着一个男人和一个女人从此开始一起生活。

    Billy : I know , but they are important . A wedding marks the beginning of a lifetime together for a man and a woman .

  11. 一个男人和一个女人在散步,人行道通风口的风吹起了她的裙子,露出了她穿着长筒袜的腿。

    A man and woman are walking when the wind , blowing upward through a sidewalk vent , lifts her skirt and exposes her stockinged legs .

  12. 但是在这篇短文的后半部分,当伍尔夫看到一个男人和一个女人走进一辆出租车时,她开始构建雌雄同体理论。

    However , in the latter part of this essay , the sight of a woman and a man getting into a taxicab makes her construct the theory of androgyny .

  13. 在《到灯塔去》中,伍尔夫写道:“所以那就是婚姻,女人腔的男人的想法,一个男人和一个女人看着一个女孩扔一个球。”

    In To the Lighthouse Woolf wrote : " So that is marriage , Lily thought , a man and a woman looking at a girl throwing a ball . "

  14. 一个男人和一个女人的车撞到了一起,撞得很严重,两个人的车都面目全非。令人称奇的是他们两个人竟然都没事。

    A woman and a man were involved in a car accident-it was a bad one . Both of their cars were totally demolished , but amazingly , neither of them were hurt .

  15. 于1996年通过的这项法案规定其为联邦义务,所以我们谈论的是美国政府的目的,婚姻被定义为只有一个男人和一个女人之间的事情。

    It was passed in 1996 and what it says is that for federal purposes , so we 're talking about U.S. government purposes , marriage is defined as only between one man and one woman .

  16. 婚姻有着历史性、宗教性和道德性的含义,这些含义可以追溯到人类的最初,而且我认为婚姻一直只是一个男人和一个女人之间的事情。

    Marriage has got historic , religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time , and I think a marriage is as a marriage always has been , between a man and a woman .

  17. 马西珀法官还不假思索地摒弃了检控方证据的大部分,特别是那些邻居们的证词,他们说在开枪之前,听到了皮斯托瑞斯住所中一个男人和一个女人在争吵。

    Judge Masipa also dismissed out of hand large portions of the prosecution 's evidence , in particular the testimony of neighbors who said they had heard the sounds of a man and woman arguing in Mr. Pistorius 's house before the shots were fired .

  18. 然后我想到了人,我是说一个男人和,一个女人相互吸引,有时候很急剧的吸引,这应该不是你们这个时代的。

    And then I think about people . I mean , a man and a woman , they gravitate to each other , and sometimes dramatically . Well , this is so far before your time .

  19. 我们能看见一个白种男人和一个黑种女人。

    As we can see there is a Caucasian man and a Negro woman .

  20. 曾经有一个完美男人和一个完美女人,它们邂逅于一个完美的聚会。

    There was a perfect man and a perfect woman . They met each other at a perfect party .

  21. 如果一个男人排他性地和一个女人建立关系,他就必须确保他所要“投资”的后代是自己的。

    If a male commits himself to an exclusive relationship with a female , he must be certain that the offspring in whom he is investing are his own .